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  1. Frequency of Timeless Snatches

    Hi all, I'm still working through PT, so I'm not ready to resume my snatch practice. My current plan is still to come back to Speed Metal. I like that program, and it seems to still hit a lot of the criteria of A+A/AXE. Honestly, though, my goal is to pass the SFG snatch test, so that I can...
  2. Denys Carthusian

    Kettlebell Suggestions for Asymmetrical Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

    Preface: I have just purchased Brett Jones's Mind The Gaps and have access to Original Strength programming. After much hard work with a variety of therapists, I still seem to have a lingering issue on my upper left side which flares on a regular basis. I am just starting Brett's video series...
  3. Kettlebell S&S Timing Mod

    If you were unable to do S&S every day, what would you do differently?
  4. Other/Mixed Mixing PTP and S&S

    I looked before in the forum and found some similar questions, but none really answered what a i wanted to know, so I decided to create this new thread. Let's cut to the chase: My schedule for the last six weeks (I'm in my seventh) has been this: M, T, T, F - PTP W, S, S - S&S I mentioned a...
  5. S&S Supplemental Training

    Hello all, I'm looking for a definitive answer on supplementing the S&S program. I've read that it should not be done with anything else, but it can also be done in conjunction with sports specific training, etc. This seem contradictory... I would like to target other muscle groups (wrists...
  6. wexford

    Kettlebell My S&S two year anniversary

    I posted about my 1 year anniversary last November so I figured why not add another year update. This year was definitely a tough one and progress was slower. Additionally, I turned 50 late February. I began my 2nd year with the following status: * Warmups using 20kg * 2H swings am using 24kg...
  7. Kettlebell Form Check

    Can someone critique my form here? Much appreciated. Eric
  8. Off-Topic Proof of concept/ Great thank you to Strongfirst

    Quick thanks to everyone in the Strongfirst community and of course Pavel! I am currently going through a rigorous course in the military where every day has some type of maximal effort test. Last week we had an exercise involving carrying a 60kg load all day on top of whatever sadistic tests...
  9. cwheeler33

    Kettlebell advice for S&S progression to 48kg

    I will be re-dedicated the next 12-18 months to S&S consecutively. Previous experience was to achieve a timeless 40kg (18 minutes for swings rest 3 min 10 minutes for TGU). The goal is a 48kg timeless with roughly the same or better times. Current KB's I have are 16,20,24,28,32,40 kg... When...
  10. Barbell Combining barbell russian countdown with swings

    Hi all, I just attended the Barbell 201 : Stand Strong workshop. I'd be happy to go into the Russian Countdown program (Zercher squat and military press 3x/week). I'm also very interested in keeping swinging a KB. I reached Simple last year and I feel like I need some kind of conditioning as...
  11. wexford

    Kettlebell My S&S one year anniversary

    I had a 12kg bell sitting unused for quite a while before I bought the S&S book last year. I began to experiment a little while reading the book with the different movements, from the warmup to the prying goblet squat. When I came to the Turkish Get Up, I found that 12kg was too heavy as I could...
  12. Not_JonB

    Other/Mixed S&S and one day Deadlifts post two back surgery

    Squad, I hope all is well! Little background, I'm 6'4, 240 lbs, 32 years of experience in life. I've had two back surgeries in the last 18 months. First back surgery was in April 2021, Right side L4/L5/S1 discectomy. My 2nd back surgery was in Jan 2022, Left side L4/L5/S1 discectomy. I feel...
  13. Other/Mixed George Hackenschmidt's workout

    I recently finished "The Way To Live" and man, what a read! If you haven't read it, I highly recommend you pick it up. One thing I don't really grasp yet is the workouts prescribed in there, though. In the book he outlines the "best training method", prescribes daily, twice a day, for all...
  14. Anna C

    Kettlebell Congratulations, Sinister Pavel Macek!

    Anyone who follows the training log of @Pavel Macek knows that he has been on the Sinister path for many years. Ultimate patience. Ultimate faith in the journey. Persistent work. Generous sharing of knowledge found along the way. I am happy to share that he has arrived. Sinister Mission...
  15. Kettlebell S&S + C&J + Snatch ?

    Hello everyone, I do the S&S program 5 days a week, I started with 16 kg kettlebell now I train with 24 kg, one-arm Swing and TGU. I want to fit into C&J and Snatch workouts, what is the best way to do it in order to have time to recover? and in what quantities? split by week heavy, light, medium?
  16. mikhael

    Kettlebell S&S - A+A - Q&D - Repeat

    Hi, StrongFirst Family! I was thinking about A+A and Q&D, and rotating those programs with my currently following S&S. When it comes to S&S I'm using 40 kg bell in One-Arm Swing and Tactical Get up, but to follow A+A I will have to switch to @32 bell. What do you think about changing S&S to...
  17. Other/Mixed Picking the right Martial Art

    @Pavel Macek I need your help. I am 34 years old, started kettlebell last year and StrongFirst became part of my life since then. I am following S&S and now just introduced 32kg to reach Simple milestone. I was always interested in practicing a martial art, and was torn between Karaté, Judo...
  18. Other/Mixed S&S, running and Judo

    I'm looking for a way to incorporate these 3 things in my training schedule. I don't have any particular running plan and only do LSD, I primarily do it for the mental clarity it gives me plus my body really likes it. I can casually run for 30min no problem and eventually aim at 60min but I'm in...
  19. Kettlebell S&S Advice

    Hi, I am a fan of Pavel Tsatoulines S&S workout. I have purchased the book. I have a question in regards to splitting up the workout. My idea is to do the kettlebell swings in the morning and the get ups in the night. Essentially splitting up the workout. Could you please advise if it will...
  20. Orestis F

    Kettlebell S&S: Introducing the One-hand swing

    Hello Everybody Happy & healthy 2022! It took me around one year to recover from an AC-joint injury and reach the level of the S&S progress I had before the injury. Meaning 10x10 two-hand swings and 10 TGUs both in 10min with a 24kg Kettlebell and training 3-4 times per week. After that, the...
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