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Other/Mixed George Hackenschmidt's workout

Other strength modalities (e.g., Clubs), mixed strength modalities (e.g., combined kettlebell and barbell), other goals (flexibility)
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Level 4 Valued Member
I recently finished "The Way To Live" and man, what a read! If you haven't read it, I highly recommend you pick it up.

One thing I don't really grasp yet is the workouts prescribed in there, though.
In the book he outlines the "best training method", prescribes daily, twice a day, for all muscles, followed by exercise series for the neck, shoulders, chest, back, arms and legs.
The series go from 3-6 exercises and he advises to do 5 reps with your 10RM weight, increasing by 1 weekly. When you reach 10 reps, increase the weight as described and start afresh from 5.
He doesn't mention any set numbers so I guess it's just one set at a time? Doing the whole workout for 1 Set takes me about 20 minutes.

Now to my question: is this the correct way to follow this training style or am I missing something? 1-2 sets, 3-6 days a week?
bonus question: if the above answer is yes, could you pair it with something like S&S? say MO, WED, FRI S&S and TUE, THU, SAT Hackenschmidt's training?

Whenever I read the old timey guys, I feel like what they describe is more directional than proscriptive.

And they seemed to intuitively have a sense of auto-regulation -- do more when you're feeling up to it, do less when not.
They dont have the www to tell them to do different things that they allready did.
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