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Simple and beyond

1h swing 28. 8 reps*10 sets.
2h swing 48. 3 reps* 3 sets.
2h swing 40. 8 reps.

Goblet squat. 28. 6*3.
Push Ups with red iron Woody band.
Stationary bike 27 minutes. Resistance level 4,5 and 6. 10,2 kilometers. A fun workout.

Then: suitcase walk: 40 kilo. 30 seconds. (in each hand).
Suitcase walk 28 kilo: 45 seconds. ( in each hand)
Suitcase walk 48 kilo. 25 seconds. ( in each hand)
Visited a commercial gym. Did deadlifts and benchpress. I liked the exercises, although I did not like the commercial gym.
Deadlift: 5,5,5. 40 kg, 50 kg and 60 kg.
Bench press: 5,5,5. 30, 40, 50.

I also tried the exercise full body twist with 5 kilo.

12 minutes of rowing. Resistance level 10. 2300 meters.
Backward lunges: 5 kilo. 27 reps.
10 kilo. 20 reps
20 kilo. 10 reps.

My glutes and upper hamstrings started cramping so I stopped.
I also tried benchpress in a machine to be more careful with my shoulders.
14 minutes. 28 sets. 3 reps one arm clean. I dont like this exercise. The exercise lacks power. And it bruces my forearms.

Three sets of goblet squat. 32 kilo. 5 reps.
20 minutes. Double jerk 20+20. 3 reps. Quite Heavy. 7,5.
Deadlift with 40 kg kettlebell. Too easy.
2 sets of rows with Blue band from iron Woody. Easy. Probably a bit too easy.
Rowing on a Maschine (concept 2). 19 minutes. Resistance level 10. 3700 meters. This is a new record.
Bench press in a Maschine.
Rowing in a Maschine.
Back squat: (40 kilo).

My goal now is to improve at minimum in one exercise pr. week and maximum in two exercises.
Rowing on a concept 2 rowing machine.
Intervals. 12 seconds rowing, a little break and then four push-ups. 6 rounds.

Forward lunges. 8 kilo. 34 reps.
Some goals to achieve:

50 push-ups.
25 neutral grip pull-ups.
40 kilo military press.
Snatch test.
Solid timed.
48 kilo bent over rows with one hand.
1 hour rowing on a concept 2 rowing machine.
3 clean and jerk with one hand 32 kilo. Every 30 second for 30 minutes.
3 jerks 28+28 emom. 30 minutes.
200 kilo deadlift.
10 minutes crawl.
My records hitherto in life:

2 minutes leopard crawl.
Timeless simple.
Snatch test with 20 kilo.
100 reps snatch. 24 kilo. 10 minutes and 40 seconds.
36 kilo military press right side.
CJJ 28 kilo 26 minutes. Every 30 seconds.
3jerks. 20+20. Emom. 20 minutes.
Alternating lunges 8 kilo. 34 reps.
Concept 2 rowing resistance level 10. 20 minutes.
65 minutes on a stationary Bike.
48 kilo 2h swing. 5 reps*7 sets.
22 minutes. kettlebell bonding 16 kilo.
Kettlebell bonding 20 kilo. 23 minutes.
40 kilo 2 H swing. 7reps*10 sets.
26 push-ups.
2h 36 kilo swing. 10 reps*6 sets.
Push press: 20+20: 10 reps.
Snatch plan 060. 16 kilo. 40 minutes. Phase one.
Front squat: 36+40 3 reps.
9 neutral pull-ups.
5 goblet squat 48 kilo.
48 kilo suitcase walk 50 seconds.
110 kilo deadlift
100 kilo bench press
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Suitcase walk 48 kilo: 1 minute and 10 seconds. This was a level for hardship of 10.
I also did some suitcase walk with 32 kilo.
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