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Simple and beyond

16 minutes epileptic machine resistance level 8 to 12. Felt not very maskuline. But was fun.

A couple of short sprints in a skiing mascine ( for the arms). Resistance level 3.

Incline dumbell press: 12,5 kilo and 15 kilo.

Cable Rowing: 22 to 42 kilo.

Body Twist with a barbell: barbell + 5 to 15 kilo.
1h swing. 24 kilo. 10 reps. 6 sets.
28 kilo. 10 reps. 4 sets.
Windmills with 20 kilo.
Goblet squat with 24 and 28.

Band rows with iron Woody bands: Blue and green bands.
Deadlift: 60,70,80. 80 kilo and 7 reps.
Incline dumbell press: 20 kilo and 7 reps.
Machine rows: 57 kilo. 7 reps.
35 minutes of bicycling slow and steady training.
Incline dumbbell press. The heaviest set was 7 reps with 20 kilo.
Leg press: Yellow level. Third heaviest.
Rowing in a rowing machine: Red level. Second easiest.

The gym only has dumbells up til 30 kilo. That is too easy I thought. But then I thought: 10 reps*3 sets with 30 kilo. Maybe that is strong enough ?
Kettlebell bonding 16 kilo. 12 minutes and 40 seconds.
Kettlebell bonding 24 kilo. 2 minutes and 20 seconds.

Some kettlebell holds (suitcase and rack). 32 kilo. 2 minutes and 30 seconds.
2 jerk. 19 minutes. Emom. 24+24 kilo.
3 minutes of Goodwin's vore/posture training.
Walters walk 24 and 40 kilo.
Glycolytic training: 3 rounds.

1 round: 50 seconds stationary resistance level 7/8 or 8/8.
7-8 push Ups with purple band
Kettlebell deadlift 10 reps. 48 kilo.
Bent over band-rows: Blue band. 8+8 reps.

Around 10-15 seconds rest between exercise and between rounds.
Tired, sleeping little and worked a lot today. Thus I chose an easy work-out.

15 minutes cycling on a stationary bike. LISS + one minute of zone 4-zone 5.
Incline dumbbell press: The top set was with 20 kilo. 8 reps.
Leg press. Don't remember the weight.
Rowing in a cable macine. Don't remember the weights.
Jerk. 16+16 kilo. 3 reps.emom. 17 minutes.
3 sets of 9. Alternating backward lunges 25 kilo.
Yesterday: five rounds. One round:
10 reps alternating jumping lunges.
Crawling. 15 meters forward and 15 meters backward.
Band rows 6 reps. Blue + purple band ( iron Woody).
6 push ups ( purple band from iron Woody).
Repeat training. A bit for power and condition.
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22,5 minutes with kettlebell bonding with no kettlebell, only bodyweight and bands. Quite interesting wirk-out. I did it in a hotell room
Bulgaria lunges. Without weight: 8,8. With double purple band:6.
Push-ups with double blue band: 6,6,6.

Band rows with double blue and red band: 6,6,5.
Hip lift on one foot: 5,5,4,4 (pr.feet).

Crawling 25 seconds. 3 sets.
Standing Goodman posture training: 4 reps and 3 sets.

Some training of posterior deltoids.

Double means one band laid double, so each hand is holding to bands.
Yesterday: five rounds. One round:
10 reps alternating jumping lunges.
Crawling. 15 meters forward and 15 meters backward.
Band rows 7 reps. Blue + purple band ( iron Woody).
7 push ups ( purple band from iron Woody).
Repeat training. A bit for power and condition.

I also did some repeat training in the swimming pool.
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