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Boris Bachmann

Level 8 Valued Member
For 2023, I'm going to be doing a (presumably barbell) "Squat Big Plates For Reps Challenge". Like I said last year, if it's just me in my garage, that's cool, but the more the merrier.

Categories are 135lb, 225lb, 315lb, 405lb, 495lb, 585lb, etc. and the goal is to squat as many reps as you can in a single set with the weight. Obviously, be safe and smart and don't hurt yourself.

Squatting can be done high bar, low bar, overhead, Zercher, goblet, pistol, supportive equipment or raw, monolift or walk out the weight, natural or not, a#@ to grass or not - up to you!

The only "guidelines" are:
*squatting depth is preferably (though not necessarily) at least something close to parallel or below
*lifts should be done between 1/1/2023 (12:00am) and 12/31/2023 (11:59:59pm)

Video is nice, but not necessary. This is a friendly and informal affair.

I might make a sub reddit group or something for this if there are enough people interested to warrant one. Let me know what you think. I'll try to make a video sometime soon and post it.
That looked brutal Jeff. Nicely done.
that it was sir. The lockout was brutal, really had to drive the hips through.
here is my old man doing some Zerchers in over a year. He'll be 68 year old soon. He has only been doing machine work full body once per week while riding his airdyne throughout the week for quite awhile now. He nearly had 300lbs.

here is my old man doing some Zerchers in over a year. He'll be 68 year old soon. He has only been doing machine work full body once per week while riding his airdyne throughout the week for quite awhile now. He nearly had 300lbs.
Awesome! Strong and super tough elbows, too. I would figure someone would have to work up to having 275, 300 lbs in the elbows like that (I'm not sure I've ever had more than 100 lbs in a zercher hold myself).... but I guess not if you're just that tough!
This guy I follow on Insta, Alex Blenis, just did 225x50. And stopped because he started getting a headache.

This guy I follow on Insta, Alex Blenis, just did 225x50. And stopped because he started getting a headache.

I did bdwt x my age (ahem... around 50 reps) and yeah, bad headache around 30 reps iirc.

I have a rough idea of how that felt: A couple of years ago I did 405lbs Zercher from the floor - pick it up, lay it across the knees, pull myself in the hole, then stand. But, it doesn't count cause I don't have it on video. ;-) (Only my training partner witnessed it.)
its a hoss cat for sure. I like the arms method better. The harness moves the weight out in front of you a bit more and to me it makes harder. I'll use the harness to build my regular zercher strength and power up.
For 2023, I'm going to be doing a (presumably barbell) "Squat Big Plates For Reps Challenge". Like I said last year, if it's just me in my garage, that's cool, but the more the merrier.

Categories are 135lb, 225lb, 315lb, 405lb, 495lb, 585lb, etc. and the goal is to squat as many reps as you can in a single set with the weight. Obviously, be safe and smart and don't hurt yourself.

Squatting can be done high bar, low bar, overhead, Zercher, goblet, pistol, supportive equipment or raw, monolift or walk out the weight, natural or not, a#@ to grass or not - up to you!

The only "guidelines" are:
*squatting depth is preferably (though not necessarily) at least something close to parallel or below
*lifts should be done between 1/1/2023 (12:00am) and 12/31/2023 (11:59:59pm)

Video is nice, but not necessary. This is a friendly and informal affair.

I might make a sub reddit group or something for this if there are enough people interested to warrant one. Let me know what you think. I'll try to make a video sometime soon and post it.

No front squats?

Because those and my OHSQ are what I need to work on most for the next few months.
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