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Training Log (Public) Purposeful Primitive

Day 3 Of Delorme

Load: Light
Volume: Low

Today was a very easy workout. I wonder if such a load/volume causes any sort of structural change, but alas, it does allow for more frequency and a bit more volume and as the load climbs in the upcoming weeks, I will see more of it's purpose coming to fruition. 5 sets of 5 @ 50% of your 10 rep max ain't exactly a killer. It's probably roughly 40 % of a 1RM or so. Nonetheless, I completed the workout. I aimed to focus on proper technique and also practicing as though the weights were heavy, although they still moved very easily.

Here's the breakdown

Floor Press 95lbs x5x5
Snatch Grip Deadlifts 95 lbs x 5 x 5

Total Tonnage
Floor Press: 2,375 lbs
Snatch Grip Deadlifts: 2,375 lbs
About 1/5 of Mondays Load

It is odd because I am often use to being exhausted post training and sometimes on non-training days as well, so I'm happy that that's not the case on this program, and I'm sure that won't change too much because there's only the one heavy day a week. Even the medium load represents a very modest amount of weight and volume, but it will set me up for the hard Monday.
Yes, the videos work now.

I too wonder about the light days on the DeLorme program. It just seems to be so little that it's hard for me to grasp how it would be of use. I can maybe understand that novice lifters can use the technique practice or such, or that it helps recovery, but for both I find it odd as it's only the three days a week with the same two lifts. But you'll likely know how it works after doing the program.

When do you have the meet coming up?
Yes, the videos work now.

I too wonder about the light days on the DeLorme program. It just seems to be so little that it's hard for me to grasp how it would be of use. I can maybe understand that novice lifters can use the technique practice or such, or that it helps recovery, but for both I find it odd as it's only the three days a week with the same two lifts. But you'll likely know how it works after doing the program.

When do you have the meet coming up?

Yes the weights are really indeed light, and I honestly did not feel overly taxed/ sore from day 1 which is good I suppose, but again the weights will be climbing next week, and sinc3 I haven't reached high fatigue with the Heavy day, I'll probably add weight again the following week. . So it may come in handy when Day 1 is grueling.

I haven't signed up for one yet, looking for one around February of next year. I like to lift USPA and I did the North Coast open 2 years ago on February 3rdso hopefully there's a meet around there sometime. RN, just focusing on building a little more muscle before starting a strength peak phase.
Day 5 of DeLorme

Medium Volume and Intensity

Floor Press
95x5,135x5 (5 series)

Snatch Grip Deadlift
95x5,135x5 (5 series)

A nice moderate workout to build back up again to Monday heavy day. Nice and easy, however the second set felt heavier than I thought it would! Still pretty easy, but I think my lax approach to the lifts made it feel a bit heavier than expected.

Total Tonnage
Bench press: 5750
Snatch Grip Dl: 5750

In the evening, I did note myself looking...noticeably thiccer? One thing I've noticed so far is, I always feel hungry since starting this program. Looking forward to next Monday's workout where I'll do a weigh in beforehand to track weight gain.
week 2 Weigh In

Almost 2 lbs over last week, and I didn't have the full weekend rest. Due to work schedule this next week, I decided to do Day 1 of week 2 today, on Sunday instead of Monday. It is hot in Sacramento, but I have my makeshift, unfinished platfrom (unfinished because I left my screws on the cart at Home Depot! =(. Nonetheless, did Day 1 of week 2!
Day 1 Week 2 Breakdown

Floor Press 95x5, 145x5, 190 x5 (4 series)
Snatch Grip DL 95x5, 145x5, 195x5 (5 series)

Floor Press Total Tonnage: 8,600
DL Total Tonnage: 10,875

The new platform really helped move along the speed of the workout! It was much smoother. I only managed 4 series with the floor press, but I felt I terminated the sets at the right point. I could've done another series, but it would've been grindy and caused accumulative fatigue, plus a lack of confidence with the next weight jump. The tonnage was lower then last week, but that is okay. Cycling and waviness are the name of the game. The Deadlift went strong, however I am now content that I started light on this exercise! The series were strong but definitely tiring! I feel it'll break away from the floor press. I must remind myself as well. This is a hypertrophy program. While in the past I've sacrificed health, energy, time, mental state, relationship status to pursue load, the whole key to this program is to get as much work while staying as fresh as possible. I must nudge my progress along instead of running myself into the ground! I believe I achieved that so far. Stay the Path and prosper!

Here's a video of my rep performance on the floor press. Rest is very little, and focus on making perfect reps. This was done on my third series and the pause is starting to get shorter. I was going to film my DL performance as well, but my battery was drained.

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Day 2 Week 2

Definitely have started noticing slight physique changes. I feel I'm looking more dense here!!! While I feel I could do the heavy Monday 3 days a week, It's so hard to do the light workout because I'm so pumped and excited for the heavy day! Nonetheless, on my light day, I focus on squeezing very hard ala PTTP style techniques. The weight is very light, so I do my reps very slowly and tightly, paying attention to all the little details that will help make Mondays workout stronger and continuously progressing.


Floor Press 95x5 (4 sets)
Tonnage: 1900 lbs

Snatch Grip deadlift: 95x5 (5 series)
Tonnage: 2375 lbs
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Day 3 Week 2


Floor Press: 95 x 5, 145 x 5 (4 series)
Workout Tonnage: 4800 lbs
Weekly Tonnage: 15,300 lbs

Snatch DL: 95 x 5, 145 x 5 ( 5 series)
Workout Tonnage: 6000 lbs
Weekly Tonnage: 19, 250 lbs

It's funny how this medium day always feels harder than the hard day. Maybe because it's not approached as seriously or it's the 3rd day of the week? I can't be sure. But it goes to show that waving and cycling the load is a sound strategy. Hopefully Day 1 I will be able to complete all 5 series on the FP. The DL will move up another 10lbs

Next week Day 1
Floor Press 95 x 5, 145 x 5, 190 x 5 (as many series as possible)
Snatch DL 100 x5 , 155 x 5, 205 x 5 (as many series as possible)
Day 1 Week 3

First day of week 3. Woke up for some reason feeling a little groggy, which is odd because Igot a good amount of sleep. Sadly, my weight was the EXACT same as it was the previous week, 172.2. This slightly discouraged me momentarily. Negative thoughts flooded like "Well, this has been a waste of time and energy" or "what's the point of continuing if the program isn't work". Stuff of the like. It did not set me up for success. So I had to re-analyze it. What had I done wrong? Well, it came to my mind quickly that I had an "extra" deadlift workout. Aha! Could it be the culprit? I was bored after one of my easy workouts and decided to pull in my power stance to see where I was...unwise. I worked up to 90 % and was like okay, not bad. However, I have no doubt that that simple act impeded progress. Have we learned our lesson yet? I changed my thoughts. I was thankful this actually hadn't had worse consequences...i.e. negative progress or worse, injury. I also took other things in consideration...My total tonnage for week 2 was less than week 1 for the floor press. Although, I used more weight, I managed less series. So perhaps my body didn't need to adapt more. That changed this week, as I finished all 5 series! So waviness is good. Alas, progress is not always straight forward. Waviness not only applies to weights used, but also in mass/strength gains. Again, not so bad. Also, was I eating enough, resting enough? I had one day of the week where I only slept 4 hours. I had a shift at 4 AM, so perhaps this also had an effect. After all the rationalizing, I realized that I wanted to better control what I could. That means 1) Not straying from the program and 2) Getting better sleep and recovery! After I decided this, I decided I'd win this training session. And I did.
Day 1 Week 3 Breakdown.

Floor Press- 95x5, 145 x 5, 190 x 5 (5 series completed! Add 5lbs to top working set and adjust %s)
Total Tonnage: 10, 750 lbs

Snatch DL- 105 x 5, 155x5, 205 x 5 (5 series completed! Add 10 lbs to to working set and adjust %s)
Total Tonnage: 11,625 lbs

The 1st set of Floor Press is actually hardest. This is because the only warm-up done are the 2 first sets. I am used to doing many warmup sets before a heavy weight, while this one just comes out of nowhere and smacks you awake! I was pretty tired before the Deads. Changing plates and going is hard for sure! Nonetheless, I smoked the sets. I definitely felt the effects of my poor decision to randomly deadlift earlier last week. My back was a little fatigued, but I gritted and pulled! The grip is getting harder on the snatch deadlifts. However, I believe i'll be able to hold on for the remainder of the program. I felt accomplished after the workout. Not good because I was hugging the ground afterwards, but definitely successful! Now, to not break from the program again and eat and sleep adequately. I expect I'll be back on the weight-gain train in no time!

A series of the Snatch Deadlift from today. Noticed my hips start starting a little higher as the set gets heavier. This lift has always been hard, as the bar is so far and my legs are so long! Nonetheless...

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There are many factors with hypertrophy. The right training stimulus, adequate rest and recovery, avoidance of other exercise, eating the right way. I've never had to battle with it as I put on weight easily. But who knows, maybe the weight gets on because I do the right things instead of just being naturally inclined towards it. Likely it is a combination of the two.

I think it's too soon for you to think too far of the program. More time is needed. However, if it turns out the program isn't for you, there are plenty of good ones left. Maybe have a look at McCallum's hypertrophy program or John's Mass Made Simple. Though both of those programs have the back squat as the core of the program, but then again, that is only sensible. To my understanding Pavel agrees with them, and sees value in a couple of six week bulking cycles of back squats a year. But was it that you had some knee problems?

When it comes to McCallum, his book The Complete Keys To Progress is a great read in general.
Thanks for the words of wisdom Antti. Hypertrophy has always been harder for me than other training adaptations such as strength, endurance or technique. I was once an extremely active fellow, fidgety and runnin around everywhere with high energy. My regular weight is probably 150 and rn I sit at 170 which is really the highest I've ever been. While it's been my goal to gain size and I have, I've definitely noticed a shift in my energy from speedy to pretty mellow paced. You're right. I haven't discounted the program at all. In fact, I think as I go through it, I'll gain pretty well in BW. I also belief that belief makes it so. I actually considered John's mass program, but the back squat has become a void option for right now, due to my knee issues, which is why the DeLorme fit so well. And I always like a new book, and am familiar with a few of Mccallum's writings in the online blog "Tight tan Slacks of Dezso Ban". So yes, I will continue the DeLorme and am happy I've progressed in weight. I'm also adjusting my diet to acquire a bit more calories. All in all, I think it will turn out well. I plan to also run the Bear prior to starting a PTTP strength phase to add any additional hypertrophy I seek. My Goal is 180 lbs, so if I don't make it on DeLorme, the Bear will be next! P
Week 3 Day 2


Floor Press 95 x 5 (5 series)
Total Tonnage: 2,375 lbs
Snatch DL 105x 5 ( 5 series)
Total Tonnage: 2,625 lbs

The "easy" workout of the week. Actually, I took the mindset of PTTP for this light day. Since it's a light day, it's easy to take the session lackadaisically and just burn through the reps and series. I decided it would be a good idea to work on perfect practice and really squeeze the weights hard! This actually makes it very difficult as holding your body under so much tension is pretty tiring! I figure it's a more productive way of training. It gives this day more meaning to the cycle.
Day 3/week 3


Floor Press
95x5, 145 x 5 (5 series)

Session Tonnage: 6000 lbs
Weekly Tonnage: 19,125 lbs

Snatch Deadlift

105x 5, 155 x 5 (5 series)

Session Tonnage: 6500 lbs
Weekly Tonnage: 20,750 lbs
Last day of week 3 actually felt very productive. I continued the same style of performance on day 2 of the week. A high focus on squeezing hard (all muscles) and trying to incorporate as much muscle in both lift. Pavel recommends a medium/slow pace for lift performance. I've accentuated this and have noticed I feel more of my body working. High tension and fatigue build muscle as Pavel states. I accomplish both of these today and feel maybe I've neglected it a tad and the prior workouts. I definitely felt a little more involved in the session and that I activated more of my body's hardware. Tight and slow= pretty tiring. Thus the medium day is pretty difficult actually. On day 1, I don't focus too much on this as it's more of a performance, whereas the light and medium days are practice! Felt solid today and am now Hungry!
IMG_1666.JPG Week 4 Weigh in

Major Growth Spurt occurred!!!! I actually could tell before my weigh in that I had indeed put on a bit of mass. My arms are looking bigger, T-shirts are getting tighter and I've felt I just take up more space in general! All my weigh ins are done before eating, so I know it's not a meal taking up space. I believe there are several things that finally pushed me. I've taken diet and the two lighter workouts more seriously, and I think my body has finally caught up with adaptation. Pavel talks about delayed adaptation in BB and how it takes the body a few weeks to catch on to what it's adapting too. All the sudden, I made the biggest gains in muscular bodyweight I've had all program!
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