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Training Log (Public) Purposeful Primitive

3 rounds of
Planche lean push-ups x 3
One arm lockoffs- (alternating twice) x 2
Single Leg DL - 2 x 26 kgs x 3 per leg

Tuck planche, FL holds (band assisted)
Band work (Palloff presses, biceps, upper back)

Planche lean are great. My hands end up below the waist at bottom. DL done off bench for ROM with plates resting on ground each rep for dead stop. Still too light though. FL holds felt longer today and planche hold reps are starting from dip position on parler bars to holds with a long hold last rep. Best done slowly.

Band work for joints, as elbows take a beating. Curls make them feel great though.
Monday session got rained out at Jardin Lux

3 Rounds
OAC Eccentrics w/ band 1R/1L
OAP - w/ 20 kgs x 3R/3L
Airborn Lunge - 20 kg x 5R/5L

3 rounds
Tuck Planche holds w band
FL holds w band

Band work

Going to try and get around to all my old friends’ logs this week, as I’m behind on catching up with y’all. It’s been a busy November:Had to move, lot of events and presentations.

I tried a band assisted OAC and can’t even move out of the bottom. The shoulder socket setting is quite hard. The negatives felt solid, however. Im think I need to pick up a dip belt and throw weighted chins back in the mix. I can move a little upwards when the elbow’s already slightly bent but dead hang is like…whoa

OAP are done more wide stance, elbow out ie loose.

Here are


Tuck planche

3 Rounds
A1) One arm Press - 26 kgs x 3
A2) Vertical Jump x 3

Pistol - x 2, 26 kgs x 1,2
Planche Lean PU - 26 kgs x 3,3,3
FL Hold w/ band x max x 3

Pullups - 12 kgs x 6,6,6
Inc PU - 25 x 2 sets

Human Flag, abs

I find the power exercises are good primers. Should do more mobility. I seem to feel better when doing more variety, ie rep work, dynamic work in addition to strength work ie Conjugate

3 rounds of
Swing (band resisted) - 26 kgs x 3
Plyo Push-up (band resisted) x 3

Chin-ups - 26 kgs x 5, 40 kgs x 3,3, 26 kgs x 10
Dips - 26 kgs x 5, 40 kgs x 3,3, 26 kgs x 10

Pistols x 3 x 2 sets w/12 kgs (left leg)
OLDL x 5 x 2 sets w/ 26 kgs (right leg)

Snapped my band already on the last set of swings. Oh hwell…I purchased a dip belt so yay! Only worked the imbalances of my lower body today but some heavy upper body work.


DE - 3 rounds

OA swing (outside legs) - 26 kgs x 3L/3R
OA Push Press - 26 kgs x 3L/3R

Grinds -3 rounds
Pullups - 25 kgs x 3
Tuck planche
Deep lunge (left leg)

Waiter walks - 26 kgs x 20 m each arm
Band flies, rows, pull throughs

Shoulders been a bug lately. Don’t feel much during these movements and I’ve eased off pressing exercises for holds and upper back work.

Pullups we’re easy today. More power than grinds. Nice and slow on going from neutral dip or lsit position to planche to be aware of shoulder.

Took it easy on lower body. Sprints and squats scorched most my muscles yesterday.


DE - 3 rounds
Plyo Push-up x 3
Vertical jump x 3

OAC (band assisted) x 1R/1L
OA. Hollow body press - 26 kgs x 3
Single leg DL - 2 x 26 kgs x 5R/5L

Weak limb patterns, band work,hangs

Really milk the OAC reps. This move is so tough. While I can chin with a lot of extra weight, the one arm is a different animal. Hollow press is just floor press in a hollow position - also very tough. You have to fight the urge to flatten the back and maintain high abdominal tension. A rounded shoulder press. Great for the core as well.

DE -
3 rounds

HLR x 3
Pullover - 26 kgs x 3

3 rounds

A1) Zercher squats w plates - 25 kgs x 1, 40 kgs x 1, 50 kgs x 3
A2) Hand walkouts x 3
A3) FL lowers x 3

Chins (baseball grip) - 26 kgs x 3R/3L x 3 sets
CG push-up - 26 kgs x 6 x 3 sets
Belt squats - 52 kgs x 25 x 2 sets
Last edited:

3 rounds

A1) Swing - 2 x 26 kgs x 3
A2) Plyo Push-up - x 3

3 rounds

B1) Box Pistol x 3R/3L, 26 kgs x 2, 3
B2) Chins - 26 kgs x 5
B3) Lsit to Tuck Planche x 3


C1) BW tri ext x 12 x 3 sets
C2) Australian curls x 25 x 2 sets

3 rounds

A1) Explosive Pull-up x 3
A2) Crunch to OH press - 26 kgs x 3

B1) OAC (band assisted) x 1,2,3,12,2
B2) Dips - 26 kgs x 6 x 3 sets
B3)Bench Pistol

C1) Skull crusher - 26 kgs x 10 x 3 sets
C2) Cyrl rows - 10 x 3 sets

3 rounds

A1) vertical jump x 3
A2) OA ridge Press x 26 kgs x 3

3 rounds

B1) FL Tuck Pulls x 5
B2) OA Z-Press - 26 kgs x 3
B3) Step up -26 kgs x 3

C1) Push-up (CG) - 26 kgs x 6 x 3 sets
C2) OA Row - 26 kgs x 25 x 2 sets
Sunday/Monday OFF


3 rounds
A1) Swings x 2 x 26 kgs plates x 3
A2) Plyo Push-up x 3

3 Rounds
B1) OA Chin Eccentric - x 2R/2L
B2) Box pistol x 12 kgs x 3L/3R
B3) Planche tuck holds x 3

C1) CG Push-up (feet elevated) - 12 kgs x 8 x 3 sets
C2) Aussie curls - 25 x 2 sets

3 rounds

A1) Lunge jump x 3L/3R
A2) OA Push Press - 26 kgs x 3R/3L

B1) Airborne Lunge (eccentric) - 2 x 26 kgs x 1
B2) Dip - 15 kgs x 5, 26 kgs x 5, 41 kgs x 5
B3) FL tucks x 3

C1) OA Australian curls x 4,4
C2) BW Tri Ext x 10,10


3 rounds
A1) Bounding
A2) Single Arm Bridge press - 26 kgs x 3


3 round
B1) OA Chins (eccentrics) 1R/1L x 6 sets each
B2) Tuck planche Push-up x 3
B3) Airborne lunge - 15 kgs x 5 L/5R

Skullcrushers, biceps row
Hello @Philippe Geoffrion

I saw you have tackled the OAC ! It reminds me when it was a goal of mine as well !

If I may chime in, here are a few things (feel free not to use them of course !)
- A good "raw" strength benchmark is 4-5 solid reps with 75% bdw added (if you weigh 60, you can do 5 reps with 40kg of additional weight). Then, that's a matter of technique
- Working on strength to weight ratio is interesting (even if it can sound like cheating). Back then, I tried to lean out a few kg
- Once you're comfortable with 5 reps @70% additional, you can work with a resistance band to both assist you and drilling the technique.

Otherwise, if you want to work without "weighted calisthenics", you can use a counter weight and pulley system (that way, you drill the technique and reduce the counter weight mass as you progress). Eccentrics are also very helpful, especially with paused reps at sticking point (between strength arm and arm @90°).

In both cases, do not hesitate to add a few sets of regular chin ups / pull ups to work on your joints as well.

Hope that helps,

Kind regards,

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