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The 2024 Squat Big Plates For Reps Challenge!

Don't have the money or I would. :(
If the rack is the problem, people have made them from 2x4s etc. Of course, you still need the weights... Back when I was in high school, all I could afford where the plates. So I built myself a "rack" in my parent's garage with adjustable straps and ceiling mounts, and used a cold-rolled steel bar from the hardware store as a barbell. Worked ok, even though I had to start every rep at the bottom (I didn't have a squat stand at the time). In all seriousness, I've seen worse setups in commercial gyms.
A Facebook friend suggested that, in the next zine, contributors talk about their squat goals and training plans. It's a great idea, so, if have some squat-specific goals, please share them and your plan to achieve them here!
500 lbs. That's the goal. Highest I ever got (in my early 30s) was 490. Then I got injured. I hit a relatively easy 475 about a month ago so think I'm on the right track. I've been doing a modified 5-3-1 program and in a month or two I'll probably max again. Would love to hit 485-490, then after that go for the 500 the next time I max a couple months later.
If the rack is the problem, people have made them from 2x4s etc. Of course, you still need the weights... Back when I was in high school, all I could afford where the plates. So I built myself a "rack" in my parent's garage with adjustable straps and ceiling mounts, and used a cold-rolled steel bar from the hardware store as a barbell. Worked ok, even though I had to start every rep at the bottom (I didn't have a squat stand at the time). In all seriousness, I've seen worse setups in commercial gyms.
My first “rack” was a pair of steel sawhorses. Everything was started from the bottom too, and all my presses had to be cleaned.
Obviously, be safe and smart and don't hurt yourself.
Please adhere to this. Don’t get excited, don’t get carried away. Last years challenge motivated me to get back under the bar again. It was awesome, I kettlebelled & body weighted through the week & weekends were dedicated to putting a bar on my back & squatting plus a few other big movements if I had the gas left.
I would look forward to to the weekend all week. Broke a couple of my old squat records, put on some weight & felt crazy strong….
Then I got greedy
Because of a past back injury I was very strict & conservative with my jumps in weight or reps.
My back held up beautifully which both surprised me & shot my confidence through the roof. That confidence caused me to break from my strict protocol & do something I hadn’t done in a set before. Bang hernia. Not huge, not devastating or debilitating but irritating.
Let me be clear. ITS 100% MY FAULT. @Boris Bachmann made the statement a number of times this is a fun thing, be careful don’t hurt yourself, you’re competing against yourself.
I’m prone to getting carried away when I’m competing against myself and doing well & I know for a fact some of you are reading this with a nod of familiarity.
In saying that, as soon as I’m healed up & get the all clear, I’m under the bar again with the goal of beating 2023’s numbers. Highly recommend participating. Up to the hernia I was having one of my best strength years ever. The challenge gave me the motivation to push a bit harder rather then cruising.
If you get injured it’s your fault, you were warned.
Good lifting people. Looking forward to watching all your numbers.
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Please adhere to this. Don’t get excited, don’t get carried away. Last years challenge motivated me to get back under the bar again. It was awesome, I kettlebelled & body weighted through the week & weekends were dedicated to putting a bar on my back & squatting plus a few other big movements if I had the gas left.
I would look forward to to the weekend all week. Broke a couple of my old squat records, put on some weight & felt crazy strong….
Then I got greedy
Because of a past back injury I was very strict & conservative with my jumps in weight or reps.
My back held up beautifully which both surprised me & shot my confidence through the roof. That confidence caused me to break from my strict protocol & do something I hadn’t done in a set before. Bang hernia. Not huge, not devastating or debilitating but irritating.
Let me be clear. ITS 100% MY FAULT. @Boris Bachmann made the statement a number of times this is a fun thing, be careful don’t hurt yourself, you’re competing against yourself.
I’m prone to getting carried away when I’m competing against myself and doing well & I know for a fact some of you are reading this with a nod of familiarity.
In saying that, as soon as I’m healed up & get the all clear, I’m under the bar again with the goal of beating 2023’s numbers. Highly recommend participating. Up to the hernia I was having one of my best strength years ever. The challenge gave me the motivation to push a bit harder rather then cruising.
If you get injured it’s your fault, you were warned.
Good lifting people. Looking forward to watching all your numbers.

Hernias are common, especially as we age. You could have got it on the toilet, be happy it happened while lifting, makes for a better story.

Good training to you this year, I'm sure you'll beat last years ifts!
At this point I'm probably not going to try to hit 315 this month since I've lost a whole week of training. At least the power's back I guess. Back to work (the gym) Monday to try to recover my losses.
Glad you got your power back - that's roooooouuuughh.

Call it a taper and see how it goes - I had an unplanned 10 days off in December and the body was probably happy for it (I wasn't, but the body was).
Glad you got your power back - that's roooooouuuughh.

Call it a taper and see how it goes - I had an unplanned 10 days off in December and the body was probably happy for it (I wasn't, but the body was).
Aye, although I think my back was actually feeling worse from just sitting around. Something was grinding and popping pretty good the other day. lol I'm pretty sure if I had a scan it'd show a bit of wear and tear on the old spinal but I just live with it and try to not make things worse at this point.
John K5 (1/1), 10 (1/9)
Boris B3 (1/6), 15 (1/13)2 (1/6), 5 (1/10)1 (1/6)
silveraw3 (1/8)
Jeff Roark10 (1/9)4 (1/9)5 (1/9)2 (1/9)
Hung5 (1/10)
AnnaC12 (1/12)
William BB4 (1/14)4 (1/14)
JonS1 (1/14)
TM6 (1/20)
I almost matched my 12 reps at 135+ (68 kg / 150 lbs) yesterday. Got 11 reps at 72 kg / 158 lbs. My e1RM says that translates to a 1RM of 215 lbs. So I'm not too far off from my goal of 1RM of 2 big plates.

My coach has me doing a 5/3/1-ish program for squat strength among the weightlifting training, so the AMRAP sets follow that guidance.
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