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The Simple Road Begins

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March 11

Warm up: Stretching & Foam rolling
Halos - 3 sets 10 x 12 kg
Goblet Squats - 3 sets 5 x 12 kg

Two-handed swings - 10 sets of 10 x 24 kg
TGU - 5 sets of 2 x 16 kg

A day off really recharged me, apparently. 5 second holds really put me under tension when I grip the handle like I am holding on for dear life. My forearms & shoulders are tired after that. It was hard holding the kettlebell like that, and trying to pull my shoulder blades into my pockets. However, I did enough to put the muscles between my shoulder blades under tension to induce fatigue again today.
March 12

Warm up: Stretching & Foam rolling
Halos - 3 sets 10 x 12 kg
Goblet Squats - 3 sets 5 x 12 kg

Two-handed swings - 10 sets of 10 x 24 kg
TGU - 5 sets of 2 x 16 kg

Same routine today, swings with one minute between sets, and they felt sharp. Pulling my shoulder blades down & back really seemed to tighten up my partial get ups. My shoulders were not as tired after today's workout. Fatigue is not as present between my shoulder blades as before, but it is still noticeable.
Not a great day today, no energy & stiff & sore all over. So, tonight was all about stretching, and mobility. 45 minutes of gentle stretching, and movement drills really made a difference from how I felt when I got home from work. While I still have no energy, I feel better over all.
Well, a minor set back on the road to achieving Simple. I have to wait another week before I can start back doing full get ups. I had to have my A1C blood levels tested before they would remove my nail. Being a diabetic, I understand the need for safety first, but I wish they would have checked my medical records first, and scheduled this blood exam last week........Oh well....the rolling up to my hand only has shown me a few weak spots that I have been able to address and work towards strengthening up, so this has not been a total waste....
March 14

Warm up: Stretching & Foam rolling
Halos - 3 sets 10 x 12 kg
Goblet Squats - 3 sets 5 x 12 kg

Two-handed swings - 10 sets of 10 x 24 kg
TGU - 5 sets of 2 x 16 kg

The stretching last night really made a difference, as I was no where near as stiff this morning as I was yesterday evening. My workout this evening was great, from start to finish.
March 15

Warm up: Stretching & Foam rolling
Halos - 3 sets 10 x 12 kg
Goblet Squats - 3 sets 5 x 12 kg

Two-handed swings - 10 sets of 10 x 24 kg
TGU - 5 sets of 2 x 16 kg

Strong session tonight. 1 minute rest periods between my swings & my partial get-ups. I am a little gassed afterwards, but not too bad. My HR is coming down pretty quickly, and my breathing is easing up as well. Great feeling session, looking forward to dinner now, and a good night's sleep later. I am looking forward to my next session.
March 16

Warm up: Stretching & Foam rolling
Halos - 3 sets 10 x 12 kg
Goblet Squats - 3 sets 5 x 12 kg

Two-handed swings - 10 sets of 10 x 24 kg
TGU - 5 sets of 2 x 16 kg

Good session tonight, no complaints & no real tweaks to my form. I was happy with my form from the first halo to the last partial get up. Everything felt smooth and crisp. I was very happy with my workout tonight. Time for a medium rare rib eye, a sweet potato with a dollop of sour cream, and a scotch or three.....after at least a quart of water.
March 17

Warm up: Stretching & Foam rolling
Halos - 3 sets 10 x 12 kg
Goblet Squats - 3 sets 5 x 12 kg

Two-handed swings - 10 sets of 10 x 24 kg
TGU - 5 sets of 2 x 16 kg

Good session again this evening. I was happy with my form from start to finish. Everything felt smooth and crisp. I was very happy with my workout again tonight.

Time for a Guinness & a Jameson. Happy St. Patrick's Day to all.
Day off today, stretching will be the order of the day. I was aiming for 4 days a week of training, and I have hit 5 days, so I will stretch this morning, and walk for my exercise.
March 19

Warm up: Stretching & Foam rolling
Halos - 3 sets 10 x 12 kg
Goblet Squats - 3 sets 5 x 12 kg

Two-handed swings - 10 sets of 10 x 24 kg
TGU - 4 sets of 2 x 16 kg, 1 set of 2 x 20 kg.

Good session today. I was feeling strong today, so I added one set with the 20 kg kettlebell in my partial get ups, and it felt great. While I was not going to move up in weight, I was just feeling it today. I will stick with the 16 kg kettlebell going forward. Sometimes, you have to test yourself, and feed your desire to be challenged.

Have a strong day today.
March 20

Warm up: Stretching & Foam rolling
Halos - 3 sets 10 x 12 kg
Goblet Squats - 3 sets 5 x 12 kg

Two-handed swings - 10 sets of 10 x 24 kg
TGU - 4 sets of 2 x 16 kg, 1 set of 2 x 20 kg.

I was feeling strong again today, I guess I am recovering better now that I have been patient. Yes, I added one set again with the 20 kg kettlebell in my partial get ups, and it felt great. A few more days of partial get ups should be all that I have left, then I can get back to full get ups.
Ingrown nail removed in an outpatient procedure, so a day off is mandatory as I allow my toe to heal. Partial get ups will be the norm for another week in my schedule. At least I will be able to get back to it tomorrow.
March 22

Warm up: Stretching & Foam rolling
Halos - 3 sets 10 x 12 kg
Goblet Squats - 3 sets 5 x 12 kg

Two-handed swings - 10 sets of 10 x 24 kg
TGU - 4 sets of 2 x 16 kg, 1 set of 2 x 20 kg.

Tonight felt great as I got back into my routine. No pain in my toe, which is even better. Next week I meet with my doctor to determine how much longer I have to wait until I can perform full get ups. Still, it felt great to workout tonight. I am happy to continue performing partial get ups until I am cleared. Some work is better than none at all.
March 23

Warm up: Stretching & Foam rolling
Halos - 3 sets 10 x 12 kg
Goblet Squats - 3 sets 5 x 12 kg

Two-handed swings - 10 sets of 10 x 24 kg
TGU - 5 sets of 2 x 16 kg

I went back to 5 sets of partial get ups with the 16 kg kettlebell, I didn't want to get used to the 20 kg kettlebell in my routine. I did curls at the bottom of each squat, for some additional work. I have to admit that I am seeing results with them, as I am more limber now than I have been for some time.
March 26

Warm up: Stretching & Foam rolling
Halos - 3 sets 10 x 12 kg
Goblet Squats - 3 sets 5 x 12 kg

Two-handed swings - 10 sets of 10 x 24 kg
TGU - 5 sets of 2 x 16 kg

Took a couple days off, and today's workout was tough. The swings were great, but the get ups were awful. I truly struggled to keep my leg on the ground when rolling over to my elbow. What makes it worse, is that it happened on both sides in almost every rep. I may drop back down to the 12 kg kettlebell if this happens again tomorrow night.
March 28

Warm up: Stretching
Halos - 3 sets 10 x 12 kg
Goblet Squats - 3 sets 5 x 12 kg

Two-handed swings - 10 sets of 10 x 24 kg
TGU - 5 sets of 2 x 16 kg

Monday was a day off, as I wasn't feeling all that great. Today's workout felt good. I found that by making a fist and rolling a little more under control, that my leg wasn't coming off the ground so much. I believe that once I start on the full get ups, that it should stay down. If not, back to the 12 kg kettlebell and more focus on technique.
March 29

Warm up: Stretching
Halos - 3 sets 10 x 12 kg
Goblet Squats - 3 sets 5 x 12 kg

Two-handed swings - 10 sets of 10 x 24 kg
TGU - 2 sets of 2 x 16 kg, 3 sets of 2 x 12 kg

I put on my Vibram Five Finger shoes & actually performed my get ups tonight. It felt good to be able to do them again. They were shaky, so I dropped down to the 12 kg kettlebell, and they were much better. So, VFF's and full get ups are back.
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