Sheila Hamilton

profilephoto01-001370000076TsDAAUSheila is a personal trainer and founder of her new company: Sheila Hamilton Movement Garden. Offering virtual private and group training sessions .

Sheila owned and operated it's time! Fitness Results, a training facility located in North Vancouver, B.C. Canada for 8 years before closing in August 2020 due to issues related to the Covid pandemic.

Sheila is dedicated to changing the way we age and Strongfirst principles are a significant part of this practice she lives and breathes.

Sheila worked as a registered nurse in B.C. for 10 years at Vancouver General Hospital. Her passion for maintaining current fitness knowledge and her background as a registered nurse provide the foundation for fitness programs that achieve results.
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Accepting new students. Training offered online.
Contact: Click to contact


Stephanie Lowe
Once I knew I wanted to be Strong First trained I began my journey to find the perfect coach. When I saw Sheila’s listing I have to admit I was a little leery of online coaching but figured I should try it. What can I say? 6 months later and I’m still working weekly with Sheila. I am also stronger and more confident while also being injury free. Sheila is a thoughtful coach who knows when to push and when to ease up. Her cast experience and oh so current knowledge make every session beneficial to me. Most importantly she is my true partner in my journey to be “bulletproof” into my 80’s. I can’t recommend Sheila enough.

Louise Nicholson
Is it too much to say Sheila has changed my life? I was referred to her through my chiropractor as I suffered recurrent back injuries due to a weak core. I was feeling like an old lady and I was only 50! Through Sheila's patient and safe approach, I have gained strength and muscle mass and haven't suffered a back injury for the past six years. I'm strong, healthy, and confident in my movement patterns now and I plan on remaining that way. I do kettlebell workouts with Sheila three days a week and her enthusiasm for teaching and learning is still 100%. Thank you Sheila!

Vern Douglas
I have been training with Sheila for a number of years. She is a very special trainer who is very intuitive and caring. She truly takes into account my needs and has carefully brought me back from an injury that took me out of the kettlebell game for a while to a point where I can do all of the lifts again safely and properly. There have also been a couple times I have turned up to (Zoom) training with a sore neck and back and she has modified the session completely on the fly to accommodate which has saved me some Chiropractor visits and taught me how to treat myself when these pains come up.

My weekly sessions with Sheila are a highlight of my week, full of lifting and laughing so I cannot recommend her enough!

Eleanor Boyle
Sheila Hamilton is awesome -- an extremely knowlegeable trainer for strength and for all-round fitness. She's very personable and client-oriented, and has a loyal following. For me, her expertise has been a life-saver. After several serious and painful disc-related incidents, I heard about her 'backstrong' classes, and started working with her (online, during COVID). Sheila completely understood my physical limitations and potentials, and has nurtured my fitness safely, so that after a few months I'm much stronger and less vulnerable to back problems. Based on a StrongFirst model, she has put me on a long-term course of strength and fitness, and I recommend her highly.

For your blog.

Initially, we connected through a broken ankle injury that
I had but via your recovery process I learned more than I expected.

You always bring an abundance of energy and genuine excitement to every session - every movement (Lock It OUT).

Your knowledge of the human body movement, physical (and mental) rehabilitation, strength program planning for all ages and abilities, and willingness to always explore new ideas make work outs so enjoyable.

I want to put in your programs because you put the effort for my overall health.

Keep pushing my limits Sheila.



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