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Kettlebell How do you warm up ?

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Level 3 Valued Member
What's your "go to " warm up routine ?:) please share :)
Mine - "fast"

segmental rolling x 9
neck nods x 10
rocking x 10 reps
3 min crawling
3 x 1 armbar + tgu + windmill (stolen!)
halo 5:5 per side

For most lifting, I do zero warm up. If I am working up to a challenging weight, I will ramp up to it, but no general warm up at the beginning of a session.

I do most of my lifting by doing sets of KBs or OS moves throughout the day in my office, or at home (where I also have a power rack and lifting platform) during timeouts while watching sports on television, so most of those sets are relatively cold. Any OS/stretching/mobility work, I treat as its own work set, not as warm up for something else.

For basketball, I have a very specific warm up routine that includes some OS and dynamic mobility moves, but is mostly basketball-specific skill drills.

BTW, I'm 51 and have had a lot of injuries and wear and tear from playing sports, but almost never from training. The only training injuries I can recall are some sciatica from dumping a squat forward on the rack pins when I was very young, and some elbow tendinitis.

Edit: I remember one other time I got hurt lifting a kettlebell. I once strained my QL while carelessly picking up a KB after my wife yelled at me to move it. Guess I should have told her I couldn't because I wasn't properly warmed up ;-).
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Prying goblets, bear crawls, suitcase carries, single leg deadlifts. I'm big into a long slower warm up that ramps up the weights.
Im on S & S so its the Goblet Squats,Halos and bridges ...but I also add some lower back stretching and touch toes in order to ensure that my back is ready for the swings.
So Rope Bent Presses are always the last to be included as they get my back going and my head in the game,just before the swings

This has improved my time and form on the swings.

Do what works for you
A bit of foam rolling and Ground Force Method leads me into a get-up with arm bar typically.
TGU+Windmill I do often, but adding in the arm bar is awesome. You are getting a roll in and the shoulder to body connection in one combo. I do arm bars all the time. Why didn't I think of that?
@taedoju Thankyou for the tip. I love combos and complexes.
S&S warm-up, 3 minutes of OS Resets, a couple of naked TGUs, a few 2 handed swings to practice generating ab tension and then a couple of light reps of the exercise I'm going to work on first (especially if it is a shoulder exercise)
@Brett Jones I am a believer in preworkout foam rolling, I had been doing it for years on the advice of a great Sports Therapist I worked with.

For a few months now I have switched out 1 min each SMR, for 3 min each of OS Resets. In the interest of time, I feel I had to chose one or the other. I have been using my Rumble Roller in the evening while watching TV, and it does not seem as effective.

I find both boring, but not sure yet which has more value for me. Mabey a combination of both after another month of testing preworkout OS Resets.
Foam rolling for me is a 3-5 minute "check in" with my body just to see if anything needs some attention.

Especially after travel I may need a little extra attention on the anterior chain of the lower body etc...

then I go into my GFM work and on to the workout
@Brett Jones I had been spending 8-10 min on rolling, about 10 passes all over. I have an extra 3-5 min. to spend on my trouble spots. I like the "Check In" to see what the tissue quality is like, and see what area of the body needs extra attention. I am a bit of a masacist, I kind of enjoy breathing through the pain of working out a tight knot. A real test of mental fortitude.

Thank you for your advice
If it's S and S it's OS with light TGU, if it's another program it's OS and work through TGU from 16-24-28-32 always lights up the body for double KB work...
Long warm ups bore me to death. So my go-to routine for S&S is jumping jacks (x100) to get shoulders loosened up, then prying goblet squats (3x5) and light haloes.
I just love the fact that people naked get ups (even though I don't do them myself)

Even if S&S recommends to go with the TGUs to at least 32kg, there are some respectable coaches who perceive the TGU as a corrective exercise, and as such, prefer to have them done with little or no weight at all.

I prefer doing them with some weight, but they can easily get ugly with more weight. While I rarely do naked get ups, I do recommend testing oneself with the shoe drill from S&S and practising accordingly.
Sometimes I do the OS Daily Reset from whatever the most recent OS book is (I can't remember the title).

Sometimes I do about five get-ups per side. Two with 24kg, three with 32kg.

If I'm starting with squats, I'll just work up to my starting weight without doing anything else. 10 overheard squats with an empty bar, 3-5 at 95 lbs, 1 at 135 lbs., then just working up to my starting weight with sets of three. If I'm having trouble generating tension during the warm-up lifts or feel loosey goosey, I'll do some pull-ups between sets.

On my clean and jerk day, I'll do the OS Daily as per above, followed by the Burgener warm-up, overhead squats as per above, and a snatch or two before working in a few clean and jerks to start loosening my wrists. I'll rub my tricep along the bar between things as if I'm foam rolling it. It sounds like a lot, but it's only 10 minutes or so, and then my joints are loose and my proprioception's pretty heightened.

I like the idea of doing the OS Daily or get-ups before squatting or lifting, but the gym only has one rack and bar. If it's open, I get anxious if I don't pounce on it.
usually start off with quick foam roll "check in" (put perfectly @Brett Jones )
Then some quick mobility for my shoulder as they are my trouble spots (T-spine arm sweep, quadruped reaches)
Hip openers, (Spiderman stretches, hip rocks, prying goblet sqts)
maybe so dowel work for some additional shoulder warm up if I'm practicing Long Cycle that day.
Bottoms up TGUs and swings and some crawling.
written out it sounds like a lot, but it usually takes me 10 mins and I'm feeling warm, loose and mentally dialed in.
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