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Less is More

Up 5:00, train 6:45 am

10 x 10
24, 24, 32, 24, 24
Focused on keeping KB handle glued to lower palm - extreme forearm & back recruitment.


5 x 1
24, 24, 24, 24, 32
Did 32k last today to test my wrists. Good results.

There is no wrist.
Up 5:30, train 7:15

Brettzels + Downward Facing Dog

16k, 10 x 10
- Volume control

16k, 5 x 1, with 5 second pause on sets 2 & 5
With vf kettleshields
- Precision

Took an 'off-day' today; my wrists were quite sore. Not hurting, just good fatigue. Lets me know I'm on the right path.
Up 5:00, train 10:00am
Got distracted and trained later than normal.
Experimented with eating 1/4 of a 68% fat dark chocolate bar (100 cals).
Had more focus, no belly growling during training.

10 x 10
24, 24, 32, 24, 24


5 x 1
24, 24, 32, 24, 24

OHS Focus: get the most stimulus out of the least weight. Powerful movement with intense contractions at the right spots (glute/ab CRAMP TIGHT!), keeping the bell glued to the lower palm. I was out of breath afterward.
TGU Focus: Keeping the bell 'in the lat' by keeping the loaded arm perpendicular to the deck

OHS and TGU: There is no wrist.

This practice was great. Getting bored with just one set of 32k. Which is perfect. I'll keep it until I'm bored to tears.
"What an opportunity to become an ultimate technician, just like an old-time strongman!"

Form has improved dramatically since moving back to one set of 32k. Nagging ouchies have been reduced to zero.
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Up 5:00, train 7:00.

10 x 10
24, 24, 32, 24, 24


5 x 1
24, 24, 32, 24, 24

OHS and TGU: Since there is no wrist, I was able to utilize the lats far more effectively.

OHS: Noticed that my chest was getting a big pump, while the lats were only feeling moderately used in comparison.
Learned that if I continuously thought 'anti-shrug' (like with the gob sq) it made a massive difference in lat recruitment.
TGU: Again, noticed I was carrying the bell forward and as a result, in the chest more.
Learned that If I kept the bell 'on the back' it made a massive difference in lat recruitment.
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Up 5:00, train 6:50.

10 x 10
24, 24, 32, 24, 24

Noticed discomfort in left hand, but did not think anything of it. Then on last set of left hand swings, popped a blood blister!
Really need to figure out callous care...pumice stone does not take enough skin off. Might have to razor off the caps, and then use the stone for smoothing?

All stop, no TGUs.

Sometimes the mind is willing, but the body says f*** you :)
Do you like the Kettlesheilds? I just bought a similar product, the BellGuard from Bells of Steel. I like them. I sometimes used cheap tennis wrist bands, but for heavy bells the extra protection helps. It's no excuse for developing the Kettlebell callous, but they are great to help focus on the lift not the discomfort.
@Geoff Chafe, the Kettleshields are a great training tool. I use them infrequently, to drill the fundamental wrist/bell immobility in the TGU. They actually make the lift harder because the bell wants to slide all over; that's where they help you to learn wrist/bell immobility. I do not think the Kettleshields would hold up for long under frequent usage. Every time I put them on, they leave bits of the cloth on my arms.

Looks like the BellGuard may have a wider insert. Let me know how they hold up!
Up 5:00

No KB's, just brettzels and downward facing dog stretches.

Giving the blistered callous another easy day to heal. Tomorrow should be able to hit two hand swings.
Up 6:00, Train 8:00

Interval: 1:20
24, 24, 32, 32, 32

Interval: 4:00
24, 24, 32, 32, 32

Exciting session! Incredibly grateful to get 3 set-pairs of 32k work in both movements.
Callous healed up enough. I razor'd off the 'pinched-up' caps in between sets of OHS. Felt far better by the end. The pumice stone just doesn't cut enough for my tough, manly skin.

Including this again, as I need to be reminded of it continually.
I was being too aggressive with my rest periods. Today I remembered this quote from S&S:
"Rest long enough between sets to assure no drop-off in technical proficiency, get-up strength and swing power."


More relevant excerpts from S&S:
  • "Once you are doing all the sets with a heavy weight, work on dominating it. Then slowly compress the rest periods."
  • 'Remember Dr. Hatfield’s “cardio” training instructions to a power athlete: “an all-out effort... maximum contracture against submaximal resistance."'
Trained at hour 24 of 24 hour fast
Planned day off, but wanted to train.
Took my BCAAs at fast hour 24 and I was off to the races.

Up 6:00, Train 11:00

Interval: 0:45

Interval: 2:00

Satisfying extra session. Nothing fancy, just good ole training.
THSS: Focus was on the anti-shrug and connecting the lats to the hips with a tall, strong spine.
TGU: Focus was on the downward 'to elbow'; Learned I was sitting back too much and needed more twist. So...applying what I've learned on the upward 'to elbow' in other words.
Something I forgot to note:
I've actually gained 1.2 pounds November 9th...but my waist size has stayed exactly the same.
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