SFB Bodyweight Certification Requirements

The Instructor candidates must pass four tests:

  1. Teaching safely and effectively.
  2. Pushup Strength test.
  3. Pistol test (completed with the strength test).
  4. Pullup test (completed on day one).

The teaching test is administered at the end of the Certification.

Candidates have a choice of taking the strength test during the Certification or submitting a video up to 6 months after the end of the Certification.

THE PUSHUP STRENGTH TEST (one side is tested)

  • Women—one-arm pushup with feet no wider than two shoulder widths apart; one side is tested.
  • Women Masters (50 years and over)—6-8” elevated one-arm pushup with feet no wider than two shoulder widths apart.
  • Men—one-arm/one-leg pushup; one side is tested.
  • Men Masters (50 years and over)—one-arm pushup with feet no wider than two shoulder widths apart.

One-arm Pushup

The student will assume the one-arm plank and lower the torso under control on one arm until the tip of the elbow of the working arm is above the top of the shoulder and press back up. The student is barefoot.

One-arm Pushup Standard

  • The feet must be no wider than two shoulder widths apart.
  • The sides of the feet may not touch the deck at any time.
  • The body must be motionless for one second before and after the pushup to demonstrate control.
  • The shoulders stay parallel or almost parallel to the deck for the duration.
  • There is a distinct pause on the bottom of the pushup.
  • The hips and the shoulders descend and ascend at the same rate.

One-arm/One-leg Pushup

The student will assume the one-arm/one-leg plank and lower his torso under control on one arm and one leg until the tip of the elbow of the working arm is above the top of the shoulder and press back up. The student is barefoot.

One-arm/One-leg Pushup Standard

  • The body must be motionless for one second before and after the pushup to demonstrate control.
  • The side of the base foot may not touch the deck at any time.
  • The foot of the free leg may not touch the ground.
  • The shoulders stay parallel or almost parallel to the deck for the duration.
  • There is a distinct pause on the bottom of the pushup.
  • The hips and the shoulders descend and ascend at the same rate.

THE PISTOL TEST (one side is tested)

  • Women and Men—below parallel pistol on one leg.
  • Women and Men Masters (50 years and over)—box pistol to below parallel on one leg.


To perform a pistol, stand on one foot while holding the other leg out in front and lower to at least parallel and return to the starting position under control. A counterbalance may be used. 

Pistol Standard

  • The student must be barefoot.
  • If a counterbalance is used the student may pick up the kettlebell and hold it in front with two hands by the horns (a weight plate or dumbbell is also acceptable). The student may also hold the foot of the free leg as a counterbalance.
  • The student shall raise one leg in front. From that moment on, the foot (heel to big toe) of the working leg must stay planted.
  • The airborne leg has to stay in front for the duration of the attempt. It does not have to be straight. It may not touch the ground or the working leg.
  • The student shall pause motionless long enough to demonstrate balance, then lower to at least to parallel: “the crease of the hip joint lower than the top of the knee.” People with no restrictions are encouraged to pistol rock bottom until the hamstring rests on the calf.
  • Neither the kettlebell nor the arms may touch the working leg at any time.
  • Balance must be maintained and a pause in the bottom position is not required but is recommended.
  • The student shall stand up until the knee of the working leg is locked and the hip is extended.
  • The pelvis may not rise faster than the shoulders or the kettlebell.
  • The student shall stand on one foot at the finish of the repetition exhibiting control until the instructor’s “Down!” command.


  • Women—1 pullup/chin-up or a 45-second flexed-arm hang.
  • Women Masters (50 years and over)—30-second flexed-arm hang (chin-up grip).
  • Men—5 dead hang pullups.
  • Men Masters (50 years and over)—1 pullup.

Flexed-arm Hang

Use assistance the student will get into the starting position with a palms up/chin-up grip and the jawline above the bar with the body motionless and hold that position for the required time. The instructor will indicate when the required time has been achieved and the student may safely come down from the bar.

Flexed-arm Hang Standard

  • Assistance may be used to achieve the start position such as: using a box to step/jump up to the bar, being lifted up to the bar by a spotter, or jumping up from the ground.
  • The bar will be grasped with a palms up/chin-up grip. There is no restriction on grip width.
  • The correct starting position begins when the student’s arms are flexed at the elbow, the jawline is held above the bar and not touching it, and the body is motionless.
  • At no time during the execution of this event can a student rest her chin on the bar.
  • The clock stops as soon as the student’s jawline is no longer above the bar.

Tactical Pullup

With a palms-forward thumbless grip the student will pull up from a straight elbow position until his or her jawline clears the bar, or the upper chest touches the bar for the required number of repetitions. For each successful rep, the instructor will issue a count indicating a successful rep has been completed.

Tactical Pullup Standard

  • The student will grip the bar with an overhand thumbless grip. There is no restriction on the grip width.
  • A chin-up grip (palms facing the student) is not allowed for the men but is for women.
  • The student shall pause motionless in a dead hang, with the elbows locked, before each pullup and await the Judges command to begin the attempt. The knees and hips may be flexed.
  • The elbows must be straight before each repetition with the bicep in line with the ear. (If a mobility issue limits the elbows straightening, the student must notify the instructor prior to the set.)
  • The student shall pull up without kipping or swinging.
  • The neck (as defined by clearing the jawline not the underside of the chin) must clear the bar or the upper chest must touch the bar on the top of the pullup. The body should maintain a near vertical orientation.

Videos of the new tests will be posted shortly.

Testing exemptions

In rare cases a highly accomplished, national, or international-level coach or athlete may be exempt from the strength or technique tests due to chronic injury. The same exemption is available for veteran military, law enforcement, and first responders. These exemptions will be approved on a case-by-case basis. Requests for a testing exemption can be sent here.