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Other/Mixed EASY MUSCLE (Geoff Neupert)

Other strength modalities (e.g., Clubs), mixed strength modalities (e.g., combined kettlebell and barbell), other goals (flexibility)
After three sessions I was working with the "You Bring About What You Think About" technique on hamstrings. The first two sessions required a LOT of mental effort and I wasn't sure I was feeling the hamstrings well during the workout. When I was done with the session I was shocked to feel my CALVES feeling more worked. The gastroc technically does some of the flexion work of the hamstrings, but after reading a mind-muscle connection article and applying it to the hamstrings, I would have expected a sense of extra hamstring soreness, tension, or just awareness.

Speed was not as fast as when I just focus on exploding at the lowest range and then exploding again when bracing for the standing plank. When I think about how I feel when I do everything necessary for maximum clean speed it seems like the abdomen gets more attention but also like the whole leg is being used on all sides fairly evenly. Perhaps that is the best way to go.
That is a fantastic deal. I'm currently working on my first run through but if it gets the results everyone claims it is worth buying at ten times that price. Welcome to the Easy Muscle thread.
Im sure this has been asked, im going to do pullups rather than Chinups, i can do 8 reps at the moment, should i alter the rep scheme at all?
My pullup and dip rep maxes were under 10 when I did Schedule C.

As you work through Easy Muscle you'll find that you'll never be asked to do 10 reps per set. That said when the prescribed reps got high enough to be difficult for me, I used my feet to assist - I was working with rings and suspension trainer so height adjustment was easy. Mentioned that here and it seemed fine. At the end of the 8 weeks I still got measurable results.
Im sure this has been asked, im going to do pullups rather than Chinups, i can do 8 reps at the moment, should i alter the rep scheme at all?
Gary, I am quoting this from the email Easy Muscle FAQ (not the one from Strong and Fit, but an email):

“What happens if I can’t do 10 Pull Ups? I can only do X.”
Great question.
Use this handy formula:
Your Pull Up RM x 0.40 = _____
Your Pull Up RM x 0.50 = _____
Your Pull Up RM x 0.60 = _____
Then plug those numbers into the chart.
Retest your RM every 4 weeks until you get to 10.

Of course you also have the options suggested in previous posts as well. Do what works best for you. The most important thing is actually to do it.
Hello All,
I just wanted to chime in and say that I ran Easy Muscle A & B cycles after rehabbing my shoulder and need to build back up. I utilized 16 KG KB (35 lbs.) . LOVED IT! Shoulder strength improved, endurance improved, body comp improved. I incorporated Barbell squats one day, deadlifts the second day and chin ups the third day AFTER my C & P's. Excellent blend of KB/BB and Bodyweight. Also, not sure if this was a factor, but my LDL (BAD) Cholesterol went from 114 to 94 and total Cholesterol from 179 to 160. I basically cut out a lot of carbs and sugar but that was it for diet. Ate at least three eggs for breakfast daily. This program might have helped with this. Also, Geoff Neupert should put a warning label on the product because Clean and Presses are ADDICTING! Love 'em! The only drawback is I was developing callouses on my wrists from pressing so much. It was not from my cleans as they are smooth and no banging. I felt the pressure on my wrists when pressing, even using wrist bands for cushioning. Could be my old crappy chipped KB's or possibly too much wrist flexion , while pressing, Overall, I love this program and would recommend to anyone. My banged up shoulders feel great!
Thank you Geoff!
Hey everyone! I’m excited to share that my 10RM is now legit 2x16 kg! When I started it was definitely 2x12kg.

So should I run schedule A again (adding in a day each of FSQ, chin-ups and dips) or move to schedule 2. I’m torn because maybe I should do schedule A until I plateau? But don’t want to overtrain. Any thoughts?

Also I’m 5’6” and 50 years old busy dad of 3 daughters who play a ton of sports. I play in a competitive softball league also and EM fits my life well. That said, I could do a different program 3 days a week. Also, I’m 160 lbs now with about 15% BF per my home scale. I know it’s inaccurate but I weight first thing in the morning and it should at least be consistent for the trend overtime. My goal is to get leaner and keep my muscle of course so will be in slight caloric deficit for this next program.

I will answer my own question. I want to run schedule A again with 2x16s. Why mess with progress. Plus I only have one 18 kg bell which I think would be my 5RM. I’m going to run A again and then switch to B using my two 20s. It’s okay to press and then push press right? In case I’m not able to get 20s as my 10 RM after running A again with 16s. I want to stick with doubles. They are my favorite.
(I'm Not Geoff Neupert), but I'd run it again with the 2x 16kg. If you enjoy your training then you are more likely to keep doing it.

Do KBFS with your 2x20kgs after your session each day, you could even clean between each squat on day 2 (heavy day). In my mind at least, getting comfortable with the heavier weight in the rack will help when you move up to the 20kgs for C+P.

My 2c, I thoroughly enjoyed EM A with the 2x16kgs as well.
Wednesday today was tougher but got 9 sets so total of 54 reps with 2x16 kg. I then did 3 sets of 4 reps for chin ups (my max is 5 reps with good form and going slow). I’m definitely getting stronger. I think my quads are getting bigger too. Everything seems a little bigger. My weight is the same at 160. Probably eating around maintenance but want to cut.

I’m hungrier for sure and not cooking my own meals. My middle daughter has been at cooking camp and bringing home a lot of food so maybe I start cutting next week lol.

I also have a 108 day streak of 10,000+ steps. Often I take a brisk mindful walk (no phone) for 10-20 minutes 1-2 times a day. I think this has been great low intensity cardio for me and good to connect with nature and my inner self. Mind/body.
Another question. I’m getting the work done in 20 minutes and trying to get another set every week. So next week is week 4 and I should be up to 10 sets. If this starts to feel like a metcon workout do I rest longer and do 10 sets in more than 20 minutes? Or better to try and push for 10 in 20 for the progressive overload to work.
Maybe the time working out doesn’t matter as much because adding a set is progressive overload either way? More important to recover between sets and use good form
Another question. I’m getting the work done in 20 minutes and trying to get another set every week. So next week is week 4 and I should be up to 10 sets. If this starts to feel like a metcon workout do I rest longer and do 10 sets in more than 20 minutes? Or better to try and push for 10 in 20 for the progressive overload to work.
I'd focus on the programmed RPE and not the number of sets.
To help, I used matchsticks in a bowl to count and did my best to not to track set count mentally as well.
The set counting is more akin to The Giant.
When running the Giant which has autoregulated sets (which is sounds like Easy Muscle uses as well), I tried to resist the urge to do another set after the time limit unless I started it naturally before the limit hit. So for example if I felt truly ready to do another at like 19:45, I would knock out one more but if I didn't I would just call the session.

In the long run, your number of sets will increase. In the short term you may not always increase every session due to life stress, recovery, poor sleep, etc.
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