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Best of Both Worlds


42min treadmill run/walk 3.1m
- 25min jog
- Strides 8.5x6
Pushups W2D2 x12,12,10
HLR 3x5

WGS sequence
Burpees 20x2
Pullups 20x1 (between burpee sets)
KB1HS 10x10 32,40,32,40,32

Ran out of time, had to bail on TGUs. Shoulders have been a little sore this week, time for a little break from KB presses. So, welcome back burpees.

Easy walk
Mobility & balance practice

Wheel rebuilding


Agile 8
90min outdoor jog 7.0m
- Ave HR 141, max 153
Pushups W2D3 x12,12,10
HLR 3x5

Beautiful day, ~55 F and a nice cloud cover. Slow pace, but good consistent HR. Feels like the gas tank is getting bigger... need a few more horses under the hood at some point.


Hard court volleyball

Mild knee twinge at one point, probably a result of the long run the day before. But doesn't seem to be any lingering affects.
Vacation days always seem to disrupt my logging, but still been workin'.


Took the morning off because I was expecting to play a double-header at volleyball in the evening... which ended up falling through.

Sand volleyball
Went 1-2 against a pretty good team. Last game went to sudden death, good stuff.


42min treadmill run/walk 3.1m
- 25min jog
- Strides 8.6x6
Pushups W3D2 x17,10,7
HLR 3x5
Mobility & balance practice

Turkey & cocktail lifts, AMRAP (Happy Thanksgiving)


Easy walk
Mobility & balance practice

Wheel rebuild


75min treadmill run/walk 5.4m
- 36min jog, 15min jog
Pushups W3D3 x15,12,7
HLR 3x5
Mobility & balance practice

Terrible run... mostly because, after 3 miles, nature called... and she was not to let it go to voicemail. Some knee pain started after I resumed, so had to cut it a bit short.


Hard court volleyball

42min treadmill run/walk 3.1m
- 25min jog
- Strides 8.6x6

WGS sequence
DL 285# x 5, 325# x 5, 370# x 7
OP 110# x 5, 125# x 5, 140# x 7
Pullups W3D1 (repeat) 30# 2x2, BW 4x3
KB snatch 10x10 24
Mobility & balance practice

DL felt heavy today, maybe some residual of whatever fatigue was bothering me on Saturday's run.

Changing up plan a little bit; dropping KB press for a while to try to let the rotator cuff irritation die down, try to pick up the squat and bench press again (if the bench doesn't bother the rotator cuff). PT wants me to do some patellar tendon strengthening, squat's a good way to do it.

Easy walk

Agile 8
63min treadmill run/walk 5.0m
- 50min jog
- Strides 8.6x6
Pushups W4D1 x19,10,5
HLR 3x5

Much better run than Saturday... it's really feeling like the wheel rebuilding work takes too much out of the legs. Plan to reduce pace for this Saturday's run.

Took the morning off due to lazy.

Sand volleyball

Weird night. We went 1-2... we really could have won all 3, but for whatever reason in the first two games we spotted them 10-point leads before we decided to start playing, then we made it close at the end. In the 3rd game, we actually started playing right away, and sure enough we walloped them. I'd blame it on us being older... but in this case, the other team had a older lady (maybe late 50s) who played amazing defense (dug a couple of my best hits) and could put the ball on the court just about anywhere she wanted to. Crafty player.


42min treadmill run/walk 3.1m
- 25min jog
- Strides 8.6x6
Pushups x19,15
HLR 3x5
Mobility & balance practice

WGS sequence
SQT 210#x5, 245#x5, 275#x8
BP 145#x5, 170#x5, 190#x8
Pullups W3D2 16 2x1, BW 4,3,3,2
KB1HS 10x10 32

First time with the squat and bench press in a few month. Kept the weight light on both to try to ease in... but my hamstrings were barking at me pretty soon afterwards. Far higher RPE on pullups than Monday, not sure what that's about.

Easy walk

Wheel rebuild


76min treadmill run/walk 5.5m
- 70min jog (very slow)
Pushups W4D3 x19,15
HLR 3x5
Mobility & balance practice

I am amazed how much DOMS I was still feeling on Saturday from the squats. I know I haven't squatted in a while, but it's not like I've been doing nothing - had sort of hoped that conditioning would translate into the legs being able to cope with squats easily... wishful thinking, apparently.


Hard-court volleyball

42min treadmill run/walk 3.1m
- 25min jog
- Strides 8.6x3,8.7x3

WGS sequence
DL 305#x3, 350#x3, 390#x6
OP 115#x3, 130#x3, 150#x4
Pullups W4D1 30# 3x2, BW 4,4,2,2
KB snatch 24 10x10

Good day on the deadlift. Wasn't sure initially if I had that 6th rep in the tank at 390#, but feels good sometimes to go after a rep you aren't sure you'll make. Press was a little tough - crossed a rounding boundary on that last set where the jump was 20# instead of 15#, and I definitely felt it. Didn't feel safe to try for a 5th rep today... something to look forward to next time. RPE on BW pullups was still high... it feels like there's some kind of fatigue boundary where a 4th rep just take a lot more out of me than the first 3.

Slept in, no morning session... the alarm went off, and my body said "no way"

Agile 8
63min treadmill run/walk 5.0m
- 50min jog
- Strides 8.6x3, 8.7x3
Pushups W5D1 x22,7,5
HLR 3x5

Another mental battle run; mile 1 felt good, in mile 2 my calves/shins started to grumble and I thought there was no way I would be able to finish the run. Kind of hit cruising altitude during mile 3, finally. Despite the bad RPE, saw a good drop in my average HR vs the same run last week (140 vs 147).

Was a good "easy-ish" set of 22 on pushups, seeing some progress there.

Circuit x3
- 3min jog
- Deconstructed muscle-up:
-- 1 pullup
-- 1 horizontal BW row
-- 1 dip
- 1min heavy bag
- 1min KB suitcase carry 24
Mobility & balance practice

Opted for something a little more vigorous than a morning walk. All done at recovery pace/intensity.

Sand volleyball; went 2-1. No reason we should have lost to this team at all... but we seemed to forget how to return a serve during the 3rd game.

42min treadmill run/walk 3.1m
- 25min jog
- Strides 8.7x6
Pushups W5D2 x22,12
HLR 3x5

For a couple weeks, these morning shorter runs had actually been kind of pleasant... not so much the last couple. I think my legs are grumpy that I'm trying to reintroduce loaded squats along with the running.

WGS sequence
SQT 230#x3, 260#x3, 295#x6
BP 160#x3, 180#x3, 205#x6
Pullups W4D2 16 1x1, BW 5,4,2,1
KB1HS 32 10x10

Easy walk
Mobility & balance practice

Wheel rebuild


Agile 8
86min treadmill run/walk 6.1m
- 75min jog
Pushups x22,12
HLR 3x5 +1 plank hold
Mobility & balance practice

Not a bad run - HR stayed reasonably flat for the first 50 minutes, despite some grumbling from the shins and ankles.


Hard-court volleyball

Last one of these for while, next season starts in February. Thinking about trying to add some low-impact cardio on Sundays.

42min treadmill run/walk 3.2m
- 25min jog
- Strides 8.7x6
Mobility work

WGS sequence
DL 325#x5, 370#x3, 415#x4
OP 125#x5, 140#x3, 155#x4
Pullups 30# 4x2, BW x4,3,2
KB snatch 24 10x10

Good day all around, though taxing. It's amazing how much grip affects deadlift; I did the first rep at 415 double overhand, and it felt like I was off the optimal bar path. Went to mixed grip for the other reps, and it just felt cleaner all around. Since I had kind of a meh day pressing last week, decided to get after it today - focused on crushing the bar to get some irradiation. That 4th rep at 155 was definitely the last one, there was nothing left in the tank. The volume on weighted pullups today left me wiped out for the BW finishers - missed reps on both the first two sets, so I just gave up and didn't try for the last rep on the 3rd set. I increased the pace on the morning run (5 -> 5.2 mph), and that seemed to show up in more fatigue during snatches - though the heavy work might have had something to do with it too.

Easy walk

Agile 8
56min treadmill run/walk 4.3m
- 45min jog, 5.1mph
Pushups x24
HLR 3x5 + 1 plank

Tough run with the slight increase in pace - cut it off a little early because HR was too high. RPE definitely isn't "linear" with pace (i.e. 2% faster feels a lot more than 2% harder).

Took the morning off, just dead sleepy

Sand volleyball
The league is over for the year, but we gathered up a few random folks my wife found on facebook - most of whom were much better than us - and played some pickup games. Good time.


42min treadmill run/walk 3.2m
- 25min jog 5.2mph
- Strides 8.7x6
Pushups W1D1 x11,11,8,8
HLR 3x5 + 1 plank
Mobility & balance practice

WGS sequence
SQT 245#x5, 275#x3, 310#x4
BP 170#x5, 190#x3, 215#x4
Pullups W5D2 30# 4x2, BW 4,3,3,2
KB1HS 32 10x10

Felt some general soreness during the bench - maybe fatigue from morning pushups.

Easy walk
Mobility & balance practice

Wheel rebuild


Agile 8
86min treadmill run/walk 6.2m
- 75min jog 4.6mph
Pushups W1D2 x11,11,11,5
HLR 3x5
Mobility & balance practice

Started off rough, lots of barking from the shins & ankles. Things finally settled down in mile 3. Would be really nice if I didn't have to go through that every dang time... I still suspect it's fatigue from the wheel rebuild stuff, Monday & Thursday runs generally don't go through this initial pain cycle.


28min row 5k

Lots of false starts in that 28 minutes due to technical issues... was probably rowing for about 25min total. I have been thinking about getting a rowing machine to do some low-impact cardio on days when I'm not running, figured I'd go over to the rec center and try it out. Fun, novel stimulus... but HR didn't go anywhere near as high as it does when running (102 average vs 130 average on my short runs). Might just be that I'm not a good enough rower yet to push hard enough.
Moving this over to the active training log
I find that running, snatching, high pull, swings, jumps etc are all the leg work I need. Have you tried sprint intervals, A+A style? Al Ciampa has said that's the best use of A+A if I remember correctly.
I have, though not recently, but I agree it's good stuff. I don't really have any power work in my current schedule, but in a previous block I was rotating between snatches, burpees, sprinting and heavy clean & push-press - that was fun. You can do a lot of power training and never repeat the same day in a week.

Heavy 2 hand swings seem to load the patellar tendon pretty well for me, in fact, I have to be careful with them due to an old injury sustained as a 20 yo.
Well, clearly, anything you do with your feet planted on the ground is going to transfer some amount of loading through the knees - I don't think anybody who spends as much time thinking about training as folks around here do is at any risk of having weak tendons, per se. I do think the squat has more direct translation into jumping power than hinging movements.

But realistically, the best thing I could do for my tendons or my jumping power is drop 30 pounds of blubber...
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