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  1. 12BravoGuy

    Training Log (Public) Minimalist Plan for Real-world Performance

    Hello everyone! I'm a long time lurker in the forum but this is my first time posting here. Finally decided to pull the trigger. A litte background, I'm a 35 y/o Active Duty soldier in the US Army, serving as a combat engineer. I've been in the army for a little over 6 years. Before that, I...
  2. Bodyweight Making strength gains with sub-optimal sleep

    I'm in the military and we typically only get 8 hours dedicated to sleep. But it obviously takes a little time to fall asleep and you need to wake up a little earlier so that you can shave, brush your teeth, and make it to PT 15 minutes early. So you're getting about 6 1/2 to 7 hours of sleep a...
  3. Preparation for SF selection

    Hi Guys, I'm planning on going through naval SF selection in about 2-3 years. This are the requirements to barely pass: Brackets ( ) are recommend numbers to hit, provided by former members of the unit, to increase chance of survival 50kg bench press 15x (30+) 8 pull ups (15+) 5.000m run in 22...
  4. Other/Mixed Boot camp instructor

    So I try not to throw like personal stuff or career stuff on here but looking at my current training plan, for one I’m probably over training and two it’s not geared toward what I’m probably going to experience in the Navy’s boot camp instructor school. anyone have any ideas on structuring a...
  5. Kettlebell Looking for advice: maintaining fitness and building strength for Marine Corps OCS

    Hi, I've got about three months before heading to Officer Candidate School. I'm currently at 23 pull-ups and 18:30 3-mile run. I'm looking for guidance on 1) how to maintain these pull-up numbers and 2) build overall strength. I'm currently running 3x per week (easy short, medium long, hard...
  6. Abishai

    Other/Mixed Tactical Fitness for civilian.

    Hi all, I know this topic has been covered in diff shapes and forms in previous forums but I have not gotten a clear answer here goes. What would be good fitness goals for a civilian that wants to be in military /SF shape? Im in pretty good shape now but I want to take my fitness to...
  7. Other/Mixed Super soldier training!

    Hey! In about 15 months i will be trying out for my home country’s parachute regiment. This is a SOF unit with a really hard selection! At selection I will need to: Run 7km with a 22kg ruck in 35min Do 50 pushups Do 20 pull-ups And swim 400m in 10min If I manage this I will have to endure 7-10...
  8. Bodyweight Military Max Pull Ups

    Hi guys, I am training to increase my max rep pull ups for the Australian defence force fitness test. I have just completed four weeks of the 'Fighters Pull Up Program', which increase my max from 7 reps to 12 reps(Stoked). My question is where do i go from here in order to increase my max reps...
  9. Jacobcutt

    Other/Mixed Muscular Imbalance in the Shoulder

    I'm currently experiencing quite a bit of pain, discomfort and range of motion issues in my right shoulder. I am no expert, but body awareness from approximately seven years of yoga, martial arts and exercise leads me to infer this is do to a gross muscle imbalance. I spent a great deal of...
  10. Kettlebell Kettlebell or Barbell

    Hello all, I have a question mainly targeted towards any one with military experience or similar. I have been a Police officer for several years and am soon to be joining the Army in an infantry role, with about 12 weeks to train before I begin training. I was planning on using the “Black...
  11. Barbell Pre-military training

    Hey everyone, this is my first post on the forum. I just finished Pavel’s interview with joe rogan and I’m extremely interested in learning more and adapting my training. I saw that Pavel has taught marines training styles and that’s the branch i’ll be going into through an officer program. I...
  12. kiwipete

    Other/Mixed Russian paratrooper training video 1970's

    came across this gem.... see if you can spot the KB's!
  13. Chrisdavisjr

    Other/Mixed "Can We Make Our Soldiers Tough Enough?" - Popular Science, February 1944

    I discovered this article via a link in Wikipedia and thought it might be of some interest: Popular Science I wonder how many of these assessment criteria and training drills are still used in the modern military. It's enlightening to read how, even then, there was a fairly dim view of the...
  14. Service member's journey from sedentary to S&S: Training Log

    Hello, StrongFirst community. I am a 38 y/o active duty male service member with a large family who has a necessity and desire to be in peak physical condition. Currently I am 5' 10" and 210 lbs with a waistline is near failure on the military tape test (39"waist with a 16.5" neck). I aim to...
  15. Off-Topic S.A.R.C. Prep

    Hello everyone, First time poster, long time stalker (on the forums, not people). Was wondering if there's any active or prior S.A.R.C.'s out there with any tips on preparing ones self (physically, mentally and emotionally) for the courses. Thanks in advance for any and all advice!
  16. The_Scribe

    Kettlebell PFT Prep + ROP

    Hi Everyone, I just started the Rite of Passage workout again the 20kg bell and I plan to stick with it for a while until I pass. I also started doing the PTTP deadlifts with some ab work on my variety days as per Pavel's recommendations. I just finished the US Marine Corps PLC program and...
  17. Adam R Mundorf

    Kettlebell Clean and Press Tips

    Hello Everybody, I wanted to start a thread on some clean and press or military press tips. Something that has helped me was kicking my hip over a little to get under the bell. Something else was remembering that the clean sets the tone for the press. If your clean is messy, you can expect...
  18. Other/Mixed Army Preparation programing (3 months left)

    Hi, I have posted a question on the forum few weeks ago. I realized that the enlistment date is in October as I said but the Physical Test is on August ! Therefore I need some help with programming until then. Currently, my training consists of S&S (3-5 times a week) transitioning smoothly...
  19. Other/Mixed SOF Selection Prep

    Hi there gents, Myself and a few people in my Unit here in our armed forces are intending to attend our Joint Special Forces Selection Test, a two week course that has two phases (1st week is physical screening 2nd week is selection itself.) First week 1) 500m swim test (15 minutes) 2)...
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