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Kettlebell Anti Rotation in 1h Swing

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Level 5 Valued Member
Do any of you have queues for anti-rotation during the negative portion of the 1h-swing that you like? It always feels kinda poopy in the t-spine with the 24kg. Enough to not want to do it. Feels fine with the 16kg. I've got an old video with lighter weights somewhere on the forum - can link if people request. My form hasn't changed all that much I reckon.
Do any of you have queues for anti-rotation during the negative portion of the 1h-swing that you like? It always feels kinda poopy in the t-spine with the 24kg. Enough to not want to do it. Feels fine with the 16kg. I've got an old video with lighter weights somewhere on the forum - can link if people request. My form hasn't changed all that much I reckon.
Do what you are doing with the 16kg harder and tighter and you’ll control the 24kg.
I don't really feel like I'm doing anything with the 16kg so I will have trouble applying your advice.
if a pal holds your hand at chest height and gives maybe 30% of pull take note of what you do with your body to stop him making you rotate and apply that.
Yep those are the ones!
A new video would be helpful - its been 7 months, and I don't see any rotation through the backswing, but I wonder if you fixed the issues pointed out with the lockout that you now have a different backswing.
Do any of you have queues for anti-rotation during the negative portion of the 1h-swing that you like?

I say : HINGE!
i think : like a trap door

at this point, I'm trying to emphasize my shoulders and hips being squared up.
Do any of you have queues for anti-rotation during the negative portion of the 1h-swing that you like? It always feels kinda poopy in the t-spine with the 24kg. Enough to not want to do it. Feels fine with the 16kg. I've got an old video with lighter weights somewhere on the forum - can link if people request. My form hasn't changed all that much I reckon.
This isn't approved technique, but it not only reduces rotation it eliminates complimentary momentum from the off hand:

This isn't approved technique, but it not only reduces rotation it eliminates complimentary momentum from the off hand:

You look strong through your hips here which is what matters to me so if this is what fixes it for now then I think that'll do.
Do any of you have queues for anti-rotation during the negative portion of the 1h-swing that you like? It always feels kinda poopy in the t-spine with the 24kg. Enough to not want to do it. Feels fine with the 16kg. I've got an old video with lighter weights somewhere on the forum - can link if people request. My form hasn't changed all that much I reckon.
Focus on rubbing/touching your arm against the inside of your thigh on the backswing, this should help you stay in line with your shoulder. On the contraction phase I find it helps to keep my eyes on the horizon and really focus on squeezing glutes forward so the bell swings straight out to a float and not up, again, in-line with the shoulder. These cues have helped me when I advance sun weight. The big big big key for any swing in my opinion is glutes glutes glutes - an aggressive squeeze to drive the bell forward must be the main objective.
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