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  1. Kettlebell Training with Minimal Time

    I am currently working 45-50hrs a week and have probably 30-45min 3 times a week I’m willing to spend training. My goals are just general health and longevity. Is simple and sinister the best choice? I’m concerned about the time it takes to complete the workout.
  2. Kettlebell Form Check

    Can someone critique my form here? Much appreciated. Eric
  3. Indoors Zone 2 cardio "replacement"

    Until a few weeks ago, I was doing a rather minimalist program of bodyweight training (with Tom Furman's "Armor of War") and very brisk walking (Z2 cardio basically). However, winter is in full swing here and temperatures have dropped quite a bit. Usually I'd just soldier on, but me and my...
  4. Jacobcutt

    Kettlebell ROP: Swing Type

    On the medium and heavy days are we doing one hand or two hand swings?
  5. Graham Barber

    Kettlebell Dumbbell Swing Variations

    Hi all and Happy New Year to you. A quick question - if you only have access to dumbbells what are your preferred 'swing' variations or alternatives? Seems like there's quite a few and none seem to replace the kettlebell but I only have dumbbells for the time being so was interested to know...
  6. JimmyK

    Kettlebell Old Program Minimum vs New

    This is just a thought that popped in my head, not anything related to my current training, but is there anyone that consistently does the Bent Press + Snatch program minimum and who finds it more fulfilling than the classic Getups + Swings + (Goblet Squats)? I like the variety on this blog and...
  7. YoungSaxon

    Programming Improv Heavy Kb Snatches

    I have recently gotten to 20 sets of 10 kb swings with 72lbs. This is the heaviest I have access to. I am planning to maintain my swings and keep perfect form by doing 10x10 and TGU’s like S&S (I have achieved (m)simple, @120lbs body weight) I am considering doing snatches, but not snatches for...
  8. Kettlebell Float height for maximum kettlebell swing strength training

    I have questions about kettlebell swing height and strength. Lately I’ve been going heavier and decided I should only swing to float at shoulder height. I have Pavel’s original recommendations for what a male trainee might want (16,24,32kg) so more swing strength means uneven doubles until I...
  9. masa

    Kettlebell The Red Zone

    I don't know whether anyone is currently complying with this program. Started a new thread, because the previous one is closed. Here's the old Kettlebell - The Red Zone (Pavel, T. Program) and here's the program Bodybuilding Success Blueprint: The Red Zone - Weighing between this RZ program and...
  10. Kettlebell Anti Rotation in 1h Swing

    Do any of you have queues for anti-rotation during the negative portion of the 1h-swing that you like? It always feels kinda poopy in the t-spine with the 24kg. Enough to not want to do it. Feels fine with the 16kg. I've got an old video with lighter weights somewhere on the forum - can link if...
  11. Kettlebell S&S with deadlifts

    Hey folks! Had a question about temporarily replacing swings with kettlebell deadlifts in S&S. I had back pain to varying degrees for over a year which I'm currently in physio for - I was working on adding in the 24kg but had to take a break for physio since I'm very back and quad dominant. He's...
  12. Kettlebell Definitive list of swing muscles?

    Greetings: In my internet ramblings, I'm finding conflicting graphics listing which muscles fire during swings. Of course, they all have glutes, etc., but some include certain muscles, while others do not. Can anyone point me to a source they trust on this matter? Ideally based on research? ...
  13. Kettlebell Swing form detail

    Assuming the hip hinge is explosive enough to raise the bell high enough, is one supposed to limit the height of their swing by a lat pull-down/decelerating action? Or is the "float" achieved by upward deltoid engagement? Background: I'm a skinny 5'7.5" and 130 lbs. I went to an SFG because I...
  14. Q&D with Viking Push Press

    Getting ready to start a round of the Quick and the Dead with the Viking push press as mentioned in the text. I plan to keep a log of my training for the next 12 weeks and give any insight on how the VPP compares to the push ups. A little training background, I am 28 years old and have been a...
  15. Sebastien

    Kettlebell Downstairs Neighbours

    Hi there, I am soon moving to a new apartment. I am currently doing the Simple and Sinister Training with 36kg. I am a bit worried about the noise for the downstairs neighbours when ending the one-arm swings (putting the kb down). However : It is a recent construction and fairly well...
  16. Harry King

    Kettlebell What to do when One hand is out of action while practicing S&S.

    Hi everyone, I had an idea this morning that I thought might be useful to share, and to get some comments from SFGs and experienced lifters on here for everyone’s benefit. My right hand has an annoying tear on the middle finger because of a pulled callus. I have been diligently doing my...
  17. Kettlebell Dumbbell swings?

    Hello. Long time lurker, first time poster here. I love this forum. I’m a huge fan of strength training, and the Strongfirst principles are right up my alley. I’ve recently re-developed an interest in kettlebell training after reading S&S. I’d really love to pursue the simple standard, but...
  18. Khayman

    Kettlebell The Swing makes me lose touch in my toes

    Hi there! I’m the new guy but I’ve been woking out with kettlebells for almost 12 years now. Btw, sorry about my bad English but I am from Sweden. Three years ago I herniated two discs in my back (L1-L2 and L4-L5) when I stoped using kettlebells and tried Calestenics for a while. So I went down...
  19. nish1013

    Kettlebell Fat loss KB swings

    Hi All , Is it enough to do 100 swings using an appropriate weight per day to loose body fat effectively? How many calories roughly can burn by doing 100 swings ? I’m on calorie deficit under the guidance of a dietician. Thank you
  20. mikhael

    Kettlebell Vodka and Pickles Plan Structure

    Hi. I'm planning to start Vodka and Pickles and I'm considering how to implement upper body exercises. One of my conception is to add the following: Dips (weighted and unweighted) Push-ups (4-8-12-16-20-16-12-8-4 Pyramid performed 3-4 times a week according to this plan) Pull-ups Advance PIKE...
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