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Kettlebell AXE Training Thread

@Adachi we must be the same person. I tested at 4/18 with 32kg my first time out. My next step is on Tuesday; hopefully I make it to 30 minutes too!

My plan is to cap out at 30 minutes with six reps until I’m working with 40kg. That’s the heaviest bell I own and it’s about 44% of my bodyweight—last I weighed myself. I’ll take that to 40 minutes with six reps. Milk it as long as possible before having to buy more iron…

We're similar but the 40kg is not 40%of my weight for sure. I'm over 100 kilos. (~250lbs)

Yeah one of the big problems for me is being honest with myself about stop signs.
I have a history of getting myself into injury by chasing numbers.
So, scheduled step loading helps me mitigate that problem, apparently.

This protocol, though, is less strict about timing the step loads on the calendar. So, I am trying to be more strict about how I rate my RPE.

Allot of this autoregulation stuff is very subjective guess-work(it's an acquired taste), but I have been trying to err on the safe side.

I am personally annoyed at how hectic my work schedule has been recently. As a result, I've gotten only 1 session of getups per week the past couple of weeks but, it seems to be enough for maintenance(we'll see).

The 30 set loading currently seems like it's gonna hang around a while longer than the 18 set workload. But, yeah, next up for me might be testing 2s with the 40kg bell. The getup will progress as it does. Who knows when I'll get that schedule more regulated. Hopefully soon. I'd like to get it up to 3 days a week if I can.
Yeah one of the big problems for me is being honest with myself about stop signs.
I have a history of getting myself into injury by chasing numbers.
So, scheduled step loading helps me mitigate that problem, apparently.
I haven't started AXE yet. I'm about four weeks from finishing another program. I've read over the 'stop sign' part of the book twice now. This will be a challenge for me, as I too have ignored stop signs in other types of training and suffered injuries.
Yeah one of the big problems for me is being honest with myself about stop signs.
I have a history of getting myself into injury by chasing numbers.
So, scheduled step loading helps me mitigate that problem, apparently.

I haven't started AXE yet. I'm about four weeks from finishing another program. I've read over the 'stop sign' part of the book twice now. This will be a challenge for me, as I too have ignored stop signs in other types of training and suffered injuries.
I feel you.
In fact, I have started a thread some time ago about overdoing it on autoregulated plans:

However, I love the step loading approach in AXE. Even if you were overdoing it a bit, I think you should be fine by repeating your volume for a couple of sessions or weeks. I have even started applying it to endurance running, lately.

That's why I started this thread:
I haven't started AXE yet. I'm about four weeks from finishing another program. I've read over the 'stop sign' part of the book twice now. This will be a challenge for me, as I too have ignored stop signs in other types of training and suffered injuries.
I was impressed with @Derek Toshner's big emphasis on stop signs during the All-Terrain Conditioning course. He's very accomplished (TSC champion snatching 32 kg, 600+ lb deadlift and 500 lb deadlift with 2 fingers, really challenging mountain climbs) and he said he is incredibly strict with himself with regard to stop signs with AXE or other related protocols. He says you don't make progress if you don't stay within the parameters.
It is very interesting this thing with stop-signs. It is really a bit against my nature to pay that much attention to the stop-signs. I feel somewhat addicted to making continuous progress. That being said I would like to implement it. Lente festinans. Slowly hurrying.
Short session today 40kg 50% bodyweight, low rep count. Beginning my second week at this weight and 3rd of AXE so I decided to pull the plug after 20 minutes. Heart rate was ok, some light fatigue in the last round. Cut it short today to err on the side of allowing myself to adapt well without pushing beyond reason. No time for the press element following AXE so I'll do grease the groove push-ups through out the day. 10 Reps a set with the aim to get to 200Screenshot_20231106-103250.png
SE Squats 225x3 - 18 rounds
Rest and activate shoulders & lats
2x24kg kb 7 row 5 press - 4 rounds

Friday I am going to take the low rep count 40kg bell to the stop signs...!Screenshot_20231108-112724.png
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I played around with AXE Snatches this morning.

I set my Interval timer for 10 seconds of work and 50 seconds of rest.

1-Arm Kettlebell Snatches x 5
- EMOTM (or EMOM or OTM)
- 20 Rounds/minutes (100 Snatches)
AXE Swings 40kg low rep count 28 minutes. Stopped more because of muscle and grip fatigue vs heart rate and breathing at 50% bodyweight.

Ripped my left palm below the pinky. Stopped using the gymnastics grips with this larger bell and am drying my forearms and chalking the hands between each round.

Short on time so after the warm up and swings went 5 dips every:30 went 10 rounds or 50 repsScreenshot_20231110-113329.png
AXE Swings 40kg low rep count 28 minutes. Stopped more because of muscle and grip fatigue vs heart rate and breathing at 50% bodyweight.

Ripped my left palm below the pinky. Stopped using the gymnastics grips with this larger bell and am drying my forearms and chalking the hands between each round.

Short on time so after the warm up and swings went 5 dips every:30 went 10 rounds or 50 repsView attachment 23110
Same issues I have. My heart rate is just fine, my grip ends up failing.
Aziatiak and Shawn, are you doing H2H swings?
Yes h2h...I've been stopping when I really feel my low back working hard and losing the ability to explode at full power. After that, grip is next. My legs and glutes can keep up with the workload. Lats and shoulders más o menos.

Using a 40 because no 36s are available. I have large palms and short fingers and the bell I'm using has a wider than normal handle.


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Just finished first week incorporating AXE swings. Did two sessions, Monday and Friday.

As planned, did 36kg (40% bodyweight) H2H swings. First session hit the muscle congestion stop sign in my low back at 15 reps. Not surprised that was the limiting factor. I’m pairing this with a Barbell C&P program (GN’s Easy Muscle) so lots of hinging with high weights is putting a lot of focus on my posterior chain. My low back has been the weakest link there, so this is a block where I’m really focusing on using my glutes like I know I should.

2nd session at 15 reps felt good, looking forward to another week at this level. Definitely felt some soreness the first couple of days after switching programs but by the end of the week it definitely feels like a really solid practice without pushing me too hard.
I have been experimenting with form and foot placement to try and put as much of the load as I can into my hips.

Low back discomfort has come and gone and correlates slightly with the weather.
Years ago, I remember a cue to perform three standing vertical jumps and then look at your feet on the third landing.

That's where your ideal foot stance is......
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