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Kettlebell AXE Training Thread

I was impressed with @Derek Toshner's big emphasis on stop signs during the All-Terrain Conditioning course. He's very accomplished (TSC champion snatching 32 kg, 600+ lb deadlift and 500 lb deadlift with 2 fingers, really challenging mountain climbs) and he said he is incredibly strict with himself with regard to stop signs with AXE or other related protocols. He says you don't make progress if you don't stay within the parameters.
This is so true. If you’re honest with the stop signs, you’ll end quicker than anticipated. However, your long-term gains will be amazing.
Has anyone taken a shot of (or a shot at) Double Espresso so far?
(Beware: One should have at least 3 months of AXE type training under one's belt.)

Today, after a bout 4 months of KBSF, I tried my first LCCJ Double Espresso.

One repeat every 15 seconds, alternating between sets of 1 and 2. Had about 3-5 seconds of rest after sets of 2.

I was really surprised that I actually matched my usual volume. To be fair, it has become routine -- I am at the end my current step. And my form was more fluid and a little less hardstyle, but it's hard to get the reps done in that short of a time frame.

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Anyway, in the first series I did 21 reps per arm (42 overall) in 7 minutes (22 repeats per arm). I rested about 5 minutes and then did another 8 repeats per arm (12 reps per arm in 4 minutes). Feeling glowing and good afterwards.
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Has anyone taken a shot of (or a shot at) Double Espresso so far?
(Beware: One should have at least 3 months of AXE type training under one's belt.)

Today, after a bout 4 months of KBSF, I tried my first LCCJ Double Espresso.

One repeat every 15 seconds, alternating between sets of 1 and 2. Had about 3-5 seconds of rest after sets of 2.

I was really surprised that I actually matched my usual volume. To be fair, it has become routine -- I am at the end my current step. And my form was more fluid and a little less hardstyle, but it's hard to get the reps done in that short of a time frame.

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Anyway, in the first series I did 21 reps per arm (42 overall) in 7 minutes (22 repeats per arm). I rested about 5 minutes and then did another 8 repeats per arm (12 reps per arm in 4 minutes). Feeling glowing and good afterwards.
I did this a few months back, probably around May/June. I did 5 1HS every 30 seconds for 5 minutes, rested five minutes and repeated for another five minutes. It's great training but it is nasty. I did this about every other weekend.
For those who want to train AXE style with LCCJs or want the specific TGU plan that would work with it:
KBSF is on sale for the next 4+ hours. Together with the black friday code you can get more than 75% off.
After 5ish weeks of S&S I'm going back to AXE.. I was sick with an upper respiratory virus so I haven't trained in 8 days

I started tonight with the x4 OTM test w/my 36kg using H2H swings (which I have never really used)

Easily hit 12 repeats of it and decided just to cap it there so I'm not cooked the next few days... In 4 sessions I should be able to hit the 20 repeat mark if not more


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I've been doing AXE snatch and Jerk sessions for about a month now. I aim for 2 of each per week, but sometimes only get one session of Jerks in. Really enjoying this combo. OTM repeats for snatches and 75-90 second repeats for Jerks. I'll continue training this way until I'm back on day shift, 14ish more weeks.
AXE snatch session, 14/4 w/24k

I plan on alt H2H swing & snatch training 3x a week in an ABA BAB type format Mon/Thu/Sat

Went ahead today since Thanksgiving is Thursday... The 24k is pretty light tbh but I haven't snatched in a year! This year I did C&J or swings, so I'm being conservative

Overall felt good & my HR profile was solid


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On my second week of 4 x swings OTM with a single KB of 28kg, 3 sessions a week. Have been doing 1H rather then H2H as not confident in surrounding if the bell slips.

Have done 2 sessions of 30 mins, then 2 of 32 minutes, but they're pretty easy, so thinking of jumping 4 minutes every 2 sessions rather than 2 minutes. Aiming to get to 60 minutes then will go back to maybe 40 and do 6 x swings OTM, then start again with 32kg which heaviest KB I have access to.

Feel very good after the sessions which is nice, beasted myself a bit too hard the last program I did.
First 2 sessions done. Sets of 6/min with the 40kg bell, also using my HR monitor as well as the RPE as I like numbers and metrics.

I hit 20 rounds without my HR not comfortably coming back under MAF HR target both sessions. The talk test was also comfortable.

The book suggests another week of this before progressing?

Or should I progress until I hit a point where my HR doesn't come down? And use that as my point to stick with?
Began doing AXE with sprints twice a week and push-ups twice a week, assisted by two weekly LISS sessions. Not using a timer so I am not running the protocol exactly as written, but still trying to hit a set roughly every minute. Feels like a great way to get some work in and have a morning walk at the same time.

In the afternoon I am doing Geoff Neupert’s P3 protocol for mobility, and thinking of sprinkling some GTG bodyweight training on top. Perhaps some pull-ups every few days, too. Planning on trying this out until end of year.
Felt the need to sub in a 2xKB workout today, in the axe format and did so in the grip and rip style - no warm up, because if s*** goes down it's the same.

Went 2x28kg C&PP 2reps otm, catching each clean in the dip to explode into the PP and keep it athletic while sticking to the 9 to 10 second domain. Went to 27 repeats..

Felt good taking a few days of rest to recover the legs and low back after 3 weeks of the heaviest loads my body has been exposed to since beginning A+A work 3 years ago now.

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Moved into week 3 of doing 4 reps of H2H swings with the 28kg. Felt like I’d pretty solidly owned the previous sets, so I did another RM test to the step signs. Went from 15 sets to 25, which I’m going to mostly attribute to not having done swings regularly for a little while.

It’s been a good add to the rotation so far, with obvious progress coming without feeling like I’m piling more on top than I can recover from. Current cycle runs through the end of the year and then I’ll decide whether to continue with AXE swings or to introduce another A+A program to complement my next strength block. I may run the Heavy Metal program mentioned in the book, make sure my snatches are dialed in for my next recert.
Read and re-read "Kettlebell AXE". Consequently, I have simplified my weekly training:

Everyday: 10 min OS Reset as per "Becoming Bulletproof" by Tim Anderson. This reset is also my movement prep for fitness sessions.

Mon/Thur: Kettlebell AXE Swings, by the book. (Currently doing 32kg 6/30, which is 46% bodyweight)

Tues/Fri: Zone 2, nasal breathing jog/run for 30 min.

Finishers: inspired by both Dan John's insistence on loaded carries and Tim Anderson's prescription for 10-minute challenges, I finish my four weekly fitness sessions with 10 minutes of various loaded carries with kettlebells or sandbags. This begins to level my heart rate.

Cool down: lay on my belly and read a book in a pseudo sphinx pose for about ten minutes.

Wed/Sat: Foam roll with the rumble roller and stretching for 30-60 min.
Hit 11 series of SE Squats 225x3s resting 1' between each, then alternated 45m moderate push on the torque tank with 7 slow eccentric Nordic Curls. Rested as needed. No HR monitor today...
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