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Kettlebell Coaching to Elevate Others

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Level 6 Valued Member
Coaches -

Your #1 goal personally and professionally should be to elevate others. How many opportunities day to day do you have to practice this?

Do you know someone who achieved something big for them? This achievement may be below your skill level, but it's not about you it's about them.

Lift them up and make sure they know how much their efforts mean. Ask them how they did it and share your knowledge. Invest yourself.

If you are successful in what you do then people will gravitate towards you.

People like winners, but people respect and model their behavior after others who lead them to feel like and know they are a winner as well.
I'm a teacher. I try and do this everyday. I am with an SFG II and she is amazing compared to the second SFG I worked with. I think he was trying to prove who had the bigger unit that day, and he proved who the bigger unit was.

I'll let you figure out what unit is politely replacing.
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