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  1. caspic

    Training Log (Public) Consistency!

    Hello guys, My third attempt at keeping an online training diary. I admit I'm a little embarrassed. This is why I chose the thread name - consistency. So no bullshit. I'm still training and I'm still having fun with kettlebells. Last 3 days was lighter coz I am a little bit sick. 23.6.2024...
  2. rvaldrich

    Pain-Free Dips ACHIEVED

    Sup! I'm not one to brag, but I'd really love some high-fives, y'all. For nearly my entire physical culture life, pain-free dips have been elusive for me. Triceps-centric or Chest, full range or 90 degrees, they've always been trouble. After the success using the ATG/Knees-over-toes system to...
  3. Zagor

    Bodyweight Runner's knee / Chrondomalacia Patella grade 1, need some advices.

    Hi, guys, some years ago, I was diagnosed with Runner's knee (Chrondomalacia patella grade 1) in my right knee, but then I've worked a lot and I've didnt felt any pain at all. I just want to keep my knees healthy cause in some months I'm joining the Military Police and I wanna be able to hold...
  4. Abishai

    Bodyweight Request for a Strong First Bodyweight book

    Can Strongfirst make a comprehensive Bodyweight training book? I love the Naked Warrior but would love one that is less minimalistic (similar to the bodyweight section in Beyond Bodybuilding) @Steve Freides @Karen Smith @AleksSalkin @Pavel
  5. lais817

    Bodyweight Pistol squat on toes/ball of foot?

    Apart from not meeting the Strongfirst movement standards, is there any good reason to/NOT to do pistol squats rising onto the ball of your working foot as you reach the bottom of the movement? I can't find much info online so there could be a very obvious reason that I haven't considered, but...
  6. KimoSabe

    When to advance with GtG?

    In NW, I found this passage: I always thought that one should be doing GtG with 50 % or less of 1RM or max reps. Keeping the same example, should one get for example 12 reps in the test, so that one would have to do sets of 6 in training, which goes above the rule of 5 reps, and only then...
  7. Bodyweight Program Structure

    I am at a point where I can actually max out at: ~40 pushups, ~10 pull-ups, ~15 dips I am training mostly for hypertrophy but, I want to get to some good strength levels at the basics. So the goal here is: ~50 pushups, >15 pull-ups, >20 dips. So My Question is: what will help me for best...
  8. xagunos

    Bodyweight My favorite push-up variation at the moment Hopefully some of you may find this useful. All that’s needed for this exercise is the floor and wall. It’s much more difficult than it looks and does an excellent job working the delts, upper pecs, traps and triceps. You’ll have to play around with...
  9. Indoors Zone 2 cardio "replacement"

    Until a few weeks ago, I was doing a rather minimalist program of bodyweight training (with Tom Furman's "Armor of War") and very brisk walking (Z2 cardio basically). However, winter is in full swing here and temperatures have dropped quite a bit. Usually I'd just soldier on, but me and my...
  10. JimmyK

    Other/Mixed Bodyweight for Health/Flexibility

    Good morning! I am a 24 y/o male, 5’10, 210 lbs, and am looking for a bodyweight only program to address the following (very) modest needs: -general strength, nothing crazy, I don’t even really care about being able to lift heavy, just my own body weight is enough -flexibility, to aid in...
  11. renegadenate

    Other/Mixed My BuiltStrong Minimalist Experience!

    I just completed six weeks of BuiltStrong Minimalist, and I love it! This has been my most favorite StrongFirst program so far. I chose the Tough schedule as I am used to a higher training volume. In hindsight, I should have stuck with the Regular schedule as I was also performing two Murph...
  12. Warmups for strength ladders

    I train mainly with bodyweight and loaded bodyweight movements. Last months I've been progressing using 8-10 RM loads, but I'm planning to go down up to 5-6 RM for some ladder work (starting at 1-2-3 ladders and progressing from there). My idea is to do something along the lines of "Strength...
  13. renegadenate

    Bodyweight Murph Challenge Training

    Is anyone participating in The Murph Challenge on Memorial Day? 1-mile run 100 pull-ups 200 pushups 300 squats 1-mile run ....with body armor or 20lb weight vest I've been doing it since 2016. My current training schedule: Mon: BuiltStrong Minimalist (H: Double Kettlebell Presses, M...
  14. Bodyweight Naked Warrior on PTTP protocol

    Hey friends, I'm on a search for a simple long-time workout routine which is extremely effective on time and has a potential of keeping me generally fit. I also have one serious limitation which is a low ceiling (10 cm above my head) in an apartment from which I work and where I have some time...
  15. si1ver

    Other/Mixed Help me optimize my bodyweight/kettlebell routine.

    Hi, I'd like to ask you guys for help in organizing my full body bodyweight/kettlebell routine. My main goal is hypertrophy, explosiveness and muscular endurance. I know these aren't the ideal tools for such goal, but I'm not trying to get huge or anything since I'm pretty content with my...
  16. Other/Mixed Thought Experiment: Programming for OCR

    Was wondering how people on here would use StrongFirst principles and other approaches to program for obstacle course racing. This was something I did years ago, with some moderate success (top 20 placing in shorter races and completion of OCR lengths all the way up to Spartan Ultra). But I...
  17. Abishai

    Bodyweight Bodyweight lessons learnt overseas

    Hey all, I'm on the way back from a month over seas. I did not have access to a gym and I was forced to be limited to a local outdoor calethstenics gym. Here are some takeaways 1) Eccentrics is a legitimate way to bulk- I am pretty proficient in bodyweight training and I was worried that I...
  18. Bodyweight Pre-Shower 3-10 min simple BW workout routine

    Hi guys, from the title of my thread it's more or less clear what I'm looking for. But let me explain to you my goals and reasons. With 4 kids running around me (actually 2 are still toddlers), work, service and other responsibilities it's more and more difficult for me to set apart time for...
  19. Karen Smith

    Bodyweight BODYWEIGHT.... what are you all working on or interested in?

    Hello Bodyweight enthusiast and Instructors - Hope you all are doing fabulous. Been a bit since Ive been active on the forum or writing article which use to be a monthly task. This has been a busy year as my only child heading off to college this next week. :confused: new stage/journey. Any way...
  20. Other/Mixed Program Ideas for Upcoming New Father

    Greetings all. I have viewed this forum for a few years and loved getting tips and tricks from the wealth of knowledge our members have. My wife and I are expecting our first child this fall. I know sleep will be limited and energy will not be as steady or high for me as it currently is. I am in...
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