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  1. Maine-ah KB

    Bodyweight Figuring out % for weighted bodyweight

    Hi all So how do you figure out % with weighted bodyweight? for example 1rm for me is bodyweight +28kg (113kg) would 85% be (113kg x 85%)=96kg OR is it better to go from the added weight? 28kg x 85%=24kg lastly is using % of 1rm for bodyweight a flawed though and I should instead figure out...
  2. Bodyweight GtG placement in a mesocycle. Where is best?

    Hi all, this is my first post and I hope I put it in the right place. First off, I am a soldier and am required to pass a fitness test of high rep push ups and sit ups. I am using Grease the groove to up my number of reps for this event. I had read that GtG only works for 2-3 weeks until...
  3. Training for Life

    Bodyweight Looking for advice designing a program with incorporated GTG

    Greetings, I recently started doing training after a few years of couch potato life and am quite interested of how to incorporate GTG into training. I did a bit over three months of bodyweight training up to this point with five sessions per week (Mon Lower Body, Tue Upper Body + Core, Wed Yoga...
  4. FastFirst

    Nutrition How to cut muscle when already lean?

    Hope you folks can give me some ideas. If this is an area you know something about, I would appreciate you taking the time to read this. I am looking to cut about 10lb of muscle, appreciate that at my age or any age that seems a bit daft. But I have running goals that I cannot achieve at my...
  5. Other/Mixed skinny-fat seeking to join the army.

    Hello everyone So all of a sudden I decided to enlist in the army and I'm serious this time. For the past few weeks I have started self-training by carrying out bodyweight workouts like pushups, sit ups, squats, and running every other day. My current progress: 2 miles in 27 mins, 10 diamond...
  6. Bodyweight Base Strength for Calisthenics

    Hi All, I am new to the forum so apologies if something similar has been posted before (I have looked but cant find a thread that answers my questions). Can someone advise me on a simple bodyweight routine focusing on upper body (I do a lot of running and cycling so wont be neglecting legs)...
  7. Bodyweight Pull ups for Tall guys at home or on the road.

    As my Forum name indicates, I am tall. I'm 6 feet 6 inches (~198cm) tall and can easily reach my ceiling by reaching up. I also live in an apartment where the best pull up bar I could get is one that fits on the door frame, which I barely fit under. I have read in Mr. Tsatsouline's works that...
  8. Bodyweight What have your strength gains been with bodyweight training?

    Hey guys can I ask a favor? I'm doing a stat report for an analytics project in my class, and my topic is Strength Increases Utilizing Exclusive Bodyweight Training. Have you gotten any measurable gains in strength through bodyweight training? If so, what are they (increase in total reps...
  9. Bodyweight Training shedule alongside judo?

    Hey, this is my first post to this forum, so Im sorry if I make some mistakes Now, why I wrote this thread: I want to increase my training shedule so I can get in better shape. Right now im practising judo 2 times per week, and it is not enough for me to get stronger. I want to do strengh...
  10. workout union

    Bodyweight Explosive Push Ups

    Do you work on your explosive push up? What do you think of the called "kuki push up" ?
  11. workout union

    Bodyweight The Hardest Push Up

    hey there guys, how's your training? Today I want to ask you if you ever tried the 90 Degree Handstand Push Up, in my opinion is another level of pushing, it's a really complete push move and its just works on overall strenght! If you haven't tried it I really recommend you do, or starting...
  12. NoahMarek

    Bodyweight High volume bodyweight training

    I have been reading recently about Herschel Walker and the Great Gama’s training styles. Both involve very high volumes of bodyweight training exercises (obviously a bit extreme but the principles can still be applied). I am gonna give this a go and focus on push up variations, squat/lunge...
  13. Maine-ah KB

    Bodyweight Training and Camping

    hey all so in a few weeks I will be off to Newfoundland, for a 6week camping trip. it will be a great couple of weeks filled with hiking and grilling. heres the thing I want to keep up some basic level of strength training during this time. I'll have gymnastics rings with me and some heavy duty...
  14. Starting Strength

    Hi, I am Adam, greetings form Poland :) I am 23, 173 cm and 78 kg. I've been training regulary since 2010, when I took up kickboxing. Since then I haven't had any breaks from sport other than caused by health issues. In 2012/2013 I got interested myself into bodywheight training and started...
  15. Bajzath

    Bodyweight One hand tiger push up

    First probably one hand tiger push up.
  16. Bodyweight One Arm Push-Up & Biceps Tendonitis

    Happy Friday everyone! I have a recurring issue with my one arm push-up, that I wanted to share with you in hopes of some feedback. I have had biceps tendonitis off and on for years, to varying degrees. Oddly enough, I tend to do fine with overhead movements for the most part, but something...
  17. Steve Rogers

    A Lifestyle of Strength

    Hello everyone, My goal is to complete the S&S workout plan up to the 48kg Beast. I don’t have a timeline because I want to do this right. I also don’t want to sideline myself with an injury. I’m 32 years old. 160lbs. At 5’ 7”. My purpose for this training log is to get feedback from this...
  18. Bodyweight Strength for Competitive 1-Mile to 10K (6.2 Mi) Runner

    Hello, StrongFirst Community! I am a currently uninjured male. I have been injured before (Achilles), but I am cleared for full physical activity (and even if I wasn't [something about contraindication]) I am currently a seventeen-year-old male who stands 5' 9.5" inches tall and weighs 145...
  19. Mateusz Calisthenics

    Other/Mixed Passive or Active Rest in strength training ?

    What do you prefer to do between sets? Passive or Active Rest ? Passive : Do nothing, seat etc Active : Walking, Stretching etc During passive rest I lose my energy to training faster than in active. What is the best option in your opinion ? Can you explain why ? What is your experience ?
  20. Mateusz Calisthenics

    Other/Mixed Pro Tips to stay Fresh for longer during Strength Training

    Hello Community :) I want to share with you my three simple ways to stay fresh for longer during Strength Training :) 1. Rolling/Massage Muscles between sets 2. Drink Water between sets 3. Ensure fresh air in the place where you practice What you think about it ? Write below :)
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