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  1. SamTX

    Bodyweight Bodyweight Practitioners: Conditioning / Skill balance

    For those that have ever spent extended time as exclusively bodyweight / calesthenics practitioners, how did you split your training between conditioning and skill work? Whenever I get the notion to head fully in the bodyweight training direction, I have a hard time coming up with an approach...
  2. JimmyK

    Bodyweight Fat Loss at home?

    Hey! I’m limited to my bodyweight for several months, which is fine because my OAPU and Pistol could use some attention. I just want to get leaner (lose my love handles), stronger and get some good cardio in. I love Naked Warrior, but I’m going to be doing this for a while so I was thinking that...
  3. Bodyweight How to run 5 miles, do 500 pushups, 500 squats in 1 workout

    There is a Crossfit WOD called Shawn that I've been interested in doing since I first heard about it. Basically, you run 5 miles, but after each 5-minute interval you have to do 50 pushups and 50 air squats. I've trained for strength for many years. I've also run 10 miles before, but never...
  4. si1ver

    Bodyweight Step Ups - How hard are they really? Compared in ratio to Pull Ups/Dips?

    I'm at intermediate level (already can do muscle ups, pistol squats,...) and I'm using strict (only slight heel touch) deep step up as my primary "heavy" leg movement (like pull ups for back). I prefer them to pistol squats since I can hardly get close to muscular failure with pistol squats...
  5. Abishai

    Other/Mixed Working out when traveling

    Hey all, Just got word that I might be overseas for a whole month... Does not seem that I will have access to a gym as of now.. Since I do mainly Bodyweight Im not that concerned as all I need is a jump rope and a pullup bar. The one thing I need is dumbells/kettlebells for accessory work...
  6. awito

    Other/Mixed Adding Calisthenics to Barbell 5x5 Linear Progression

    Hey all, I'm coming back to lifting after a couple of months of break due to health problems I encountered. I started doing a 5x5 Linear Progression program to increase my strength with the basic movements (squat, bench, deadlift, row, overhead press) back to my previous levels. But with the...
  7. Abishai

    Other/Mixed what would you tell your 18 year old self about training

    Anyone ever thought what you would do diff if you could go back to age 18? I would tell myself to Deadlift and about someone named Pavel....
  8. Abishai

    Bodyweight Pavel's bodyweight training

    Anyone know if Pavel has any non-minimalistic Bodyweight reccomendations? I mastered the Naked Warrior and I want a more comprehensive Bodyweight program. Im a Kavadlo Bros/Convict conditioning guy but, as a Pavel fanatic ,I want to know his opinions on Calithstenics Thanks
  9. Other/Mixed Tips for hard-living type to be?

    Not that hard-living type you probably expect - let me provide some background. I live in a rural area, so there is a lot of manual work to do during late spring, summer and early autumn, even without my ambitious quest. Moreover, I am going to build a house for me and my growing family. In...
  10. Bodyweight Bodyweight Program

    Going on vacation, won’t have my kettlebells for two weeks. Do you all usually stick to Naked Warrior if all you have is your bodyweight, or is there something else you do? Just looking to maintain my strength, maybe lose some body fat.
  11. Bodyweight OAPU GTG - When am I done?!

    I've read NW and love the difference pistols and OAPUs have made to my strength. I've been doing GTG for both for the past 6 weeks and have reached a comfortable 2x5 (each leg) on pistols and can do a single set of 4 on OPAUs. My max on OPAUs is probably a single set of 5. I've been upping...
  12. Bodyweight Can you grease the groove push-ups and bench press at the same time?

    My goal with push-ups is to gain reps and build muscular endurance, and while I've found success with greasing the groove, I have abandoned bench pressing so it doesn't interfere with my recovery. But I'd love to increase my strength on the bench press. Pavel Tsatsouline recommends only...
  13. Kettlebell LEO/SWAT Program Assistance

    Hello, Looking for some assistance structuring a program. I’m a LEO/SWAT operator with variable work schedule. I train BJJ 2-3 times per week. Looking to add strength training to my schedule. Issues I have is that some weeks I have access to a gym several times per week and other weeks I’m...
  14. rvaldrich

    Bodyweight Pull-ups not pulling their weight

    Howdy! So I think I've identified that my back does not seem to respond to high-volume work. I'm 15 years old for the 25th time, doing S&S + some calisthenics on top of kung fu/MMA. I was inspired by a post which involved what the commenter called 'Easy Strength Lite' (which I cannot find...
  15. Tom Pintaric

    Bodyweight Arm numb when running

    Hi there folks, Has anyone felt list their arm is going numb (my left) when running...and this numbness is tied to pull-ups I have been doing...arm numbness starts at about elbow crease and tends to tingle fingers below...After running with extended arm, blow flow comes in and all is...
  16. ancientstrength

    Bodyweight Calisthenics vs Deadlift

    Ever since reading the book "Building the Gymnastic Body" I was amazed at the claims by the author. The book was written by a gymnastics coach by the name of Christopher Sommer. He stated that one of his students deadlifted 181kg/400lbs on his first attempt. The most impressive thing is that the...
  17. Jacob DeRossett


    Hello, Newly certified instructor and relatively new to kettlebell training and StrongFirst. I wish I would have found this site in 2003 when I started training, but alas, I am here now! Background: At 12 years old I would ride the bus to Walmart after school each day where I wait for my mom...
  18. Other/Mixed OAM push up and Bent press

    Has anyone done an A and B routine that has bent press on one day and OAM push ups on the other?
  19. Bodyweight Pull Up / Press Up Increases

    Hi Everyone, Firstly, I just want to thank everyone who has contributed to this forum, it's been such a valuable resource for me whilst I've been training and I really value all of the information that has been broadcasted. I'm currently training towards what I imagine is a rather common goal...
  20. Bodyweight Mathematical Model - Weighted Pullups to Front Lever

    Hello Everyone. I have been training calisthenics for two years, and in the process I have noticed that there is correlation between weighted pullup maxes and front lever progressions. Therefore, I have decided to do a mathematics modelling project on weighted pullup to front lever progression...
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