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Kettlebell Deadlifting with kettlebells

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Level 5 Valued Member
Hi all,
I have previously asked the forum if I should pursue DLs or kettlebell swings.
I have limited hinge mobility that will need some work.
The forum advised me to first work on DLs with a barbell to iron out the movement then progress to explosive hinging (KBs).
I began looking into purchasing a Barbell planning on doing PTTP. (I dont want to gain mass)
However financial and practical considerations ,it will be a bit dificult to get a barbell set with a decent amount of weights.
i was wondering if its possible to use a KB for DLs to learn the hinge movement .
Is there anyway to ( with leverage or lifting while standing on a raised platform ect) make DLing a kettlebell harder and to use it in an effective program?
I don't think it will have the same effect as barbell or otherwise heavy deadlifts, but I believe @Steve W. has recommended high rep KB deadlifts for swing prep before. Sets of 20, if I'm not mistaken. I tried it and I definitley found my glutes. . .
wondering if its possible to use a KB for DLs to learn the hinge movement .

Is there anyway to ( with leverage or lifting while standing on a raised platform ect) make DLing a kettlebell harder and to use it in an effective program?
How much weight do you have? You can do a double kettlebell deadlift, and they can be different weights.
You could also use a towel for both things, the first help you with a "higher" starting position and the second to difficult the grip and making the effort harder with less weight.

I've also use a good towel with up to three kbs...not very friendly but definitely a way to increase weight.
You could also use a towel for both things, the first help you with a "higher" starting position and the second to difficult the grip and making the effort harder with less weight.

I've also use a good towel with up to three kbs...not very friendly but definitely a way to increase weight.

2 good ideas that I don't think I've ever heard before!
Hi all,
I have previously asked the forum if I should pursue DLs or kettlebell swings.
I have limited hinge mobility that will need some work.
The forum advised me to first work on DLs with a barbell to iron out the movement then progress to explosive hinging (KBs).
I began looking into purchasing a Barbell planning on doing PTTP. (I dont want to gain mass)
However financial and practical considerations ,it will be a bit dificult to get a barbell set with a decent amount of weights.
i was wondering if its possible to use a KB for DLs to learn the hinge movement .
Is there anyway to ( with leverage or lifting while standing on a raised platform ect) make DLing a kettlebell harder and to use it in an effective program?
You wouldn’t believe what I’ve done since leaving the gym. My cheap way for a deficit DL or a Korean squat with load for the gluteous.AE17F552-EF87-456F-9F3B-86D06FA9F4C2.jpeg
Single leg KB deadlifts also

That's my favorite use.

For bilateral use, even if I'm using my 2 heaviest, it's just not enough weight for me to get much of a training effect.

I'm a pretty mediocre deadlifter (214 kg), but the heaviest I can go using my 2 heaviest KBs (40, 36), is only 76 kg, which doesn't do much.

Single leg, on the other hand, I can get a good workout going as light as 24 kg.
Hi all,
I have previously asked the forum if I should pursue DLs or kettlebell swings.
I have limited hinge mobility that will need some work.
The forum advised me to first work on DLs with a barbell to iron out the movement then progress to explosive hinging (KBs).
I began looking into purchasing a Barbell planning on doing PTTP. (I dont want to gain mass)
However financial and practical considerations ,it will be a bit dificult to get a barbell set with a decent amount of weights.
i was wondering if its possible to use a KB for DLs to learn the hinge movement .
Is there anyway to ( with leverage or lifting while standing on a raised platform ect) make DLing a kettlebell harder and to use it in an effective program?

You mentioned limited hinge mobility, but then you asked about standing on a raised platform which would force you to hinge deeper. If you need help working towards patterning your hinge properly and getting the requisite mobility to properly do it, yes the kettlebell is a great tool to teach the DL. My two pieces of advice would be:

1) Get a pair of yoga blocks, your desired kettlebell and someone else to assist you. Stack the yoga blocks on top of one another and put the kettlebell on top. Stand with the blocks between your feet oriented north-south and the kettlebell handle oriented east-west. Your feet should be hip width apart. Set up a cell phone and film yourself deadlifting off the pair of blocks for a few reps, then at the top of your last rep have the partner remove a block (so now you have to hinge deeper). Do a few reps off of a single block, then have the partner remove the last block and see how you do deadlifting off the floor for a few reps. This will give you feedback as to how deeply you can hinge and will likely give good insight into what your mobility issues are. Post your vid here for feedback. You want your hinge to be solid before starting swings, as any deficits in the hinge pattern will be magnified in the swing.

2) Are you doing any hip mobility work or stretches to address current hip issues? If not, consider implementing some.
Actually, if you ignore the set-up and parking phase, swings require far less flexibility than deadlifts. You could try picking up the kettlebell first (even with less than perfect form) and swinging it from the top position, like in the video below (the instructor does that at the end). This will also help you learn the proper timing of the hip hinge.

If you're only deadlifting to learn the hinge I wouldn't worry about weight. Start with KB deadlifts then move onto swings?
I have previously asked the forum if I should pursue DLs or kettlebell swings.

The forum advised me to first work on DLs with a barbell to iron out the movement then progress to explosive hinging (KBs).

As essentially stated, the Deadlift and Ketttlebell Swing elicit a different training responses.

The Deadlift

1) This movement is geared more toward increasing Maxium Strength.

The workload is placed primarily one the Quads and Glutes.

2) Performing High Repetion Kettle Deadlifs develop Endurance Strength as wells as increasing muscle mass.

Speed Deadlifts

While "Speed Deadlifts" (a misnomer, they are Power Deadlift) can increase Power, it not comparative to the Power developed with Kettlebell Swings.

Kettlebell Deadlifts

1) It is more of a Sumo Type Deadlift, a Straddle Squat

2) The majority of individual don't own a Kettlbell that is heavy enough for this movement.

T-Bell Straddle Squat-Sumo Deadlifts

The T-Bell ensure that you are able to increase the weight/load for Maximum Strength development.

The price of a T-Bell is around $80.00. It is plate loaded. So, you can really load it up.

Kettlebell Swings

1) The Kettlebell Swing places the workload on the Hamstrings, Erectors and Glutes.

2) This is a Power Movement more so than a Maxium Strength Training Movement.
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You could also use a towel for both things, the first help you with a "higher" starting position and the second to difficult the grip and making the effort harder with less weight.
The Training Objective

Using a towel is an effective method in developing Grip Strength.

However, it limites that load that can be used in a Kettlebell Deadlift.

One of the primary key for increasing strength or size is to OverLoad he muscle engaged in a movement. l

Using a towel, ensure the muscle in the movement are UnderLoaded.

Grip Training

There are more efficient methods of increasing Grip Strength.
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