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Other/Mixed EASY MUSCLE (Geoff Neupert)

Other strength modalities (e.g., Clubs), mixed strength modalities (e.g., combined kettlebell and barbell), other goals (flexibility)
@Geoff Neupert I promise last question on the schedule... Looking at Schedule B & C, 6 workouts of Session A + 6 workouts of Session B = 4 weeks, but that only "clears" the week 1 column, or the RPE 7 workouts. Would you suggest doing the second set of sessions (workouts 7 - 12) @ RPE 8, and then actually repeat that another 4 weeks (2 weeks @ RPE 8.5 and then 2 weeks @ RPE 9) and THEN move on to Phase 2? This would make Phase 1 and 2 each 8 weeks, and the Schedule B and C programs each 16 weeks in total. Am I missing something super obvious here?

Looking forward to your results.

Just re-test on Monday, then you can run it again using heavier weights. If we were peaking you for a PL meet, that'd be a different story.

Hope this helps.

Ok, sorry it took me a few days to get back to this. I put on a few pounds, I wasn't eating too clean so definitely some fat in there, but strength went up for sure. When I retested the 5RM I was able to get 5 reps of single C&P on right with a 32kg...5th was not the best form, left side needed some push press for 4 & 5. I figured the best move was go down to the 28kgs and do doubles, more bang for the buck, and that was right on! Also I needed a reason to buy a 2nd 28kg ;)

Easy Muscle – Schedule B – Phase 1 & 2

Double KB - C&P (5RM)53lb\24kg62lb\28kg
Double KB - FSQ (10RM)44lb\20kg62lb\28kg
Chinup (10RM)red bandwith 5lb added
Parallel Dips (10RM)20lb\9kg30lb\13.6kg

I'm running the program again now for another 8 weeks, I think the real magic will happen now with the heavier weights...I was being cautious on the first run.

Any questions let me know! Thanks Geoff for another great one!!!!
Ok, sorry it took me a few days to get back to this. I put on a few pounds, I wasn't eating too clean so definitely some fat in there, but strength went up for sure. When I retested the 5RM I was able to get 5 reps of single C&P on right with a 32kg...5th was not the best form, left side needed some push press for 4 & 5. I figured the best move was go down to the 28kgs and do doubles, more bang for the buck, and that was right on! Also I needed a reason to buy a 2nd 28kg ;)

Easy Muscle – Schedule B – Phase 1 & 2

Double KB - C&P (5RM)53lb\24kg62lb\28kg
Double KB - FSQ (10RM)44lb\20kg62lb\28kg
Chinup (10RM)red bandwith 5lb added
Parallel Dips (10RM)20lb\9kg30lb\13.6kg

I'm running the program again now for another 8 weeks, I think the real magic will happen now with the heavier weights...I was being cautious on the first run.

Any questions let me know! Thanks Geoff for another great one!!!!
Way to go. Any body composition changes?
Way to go. Any body composition changes?
I didn't take any bodyfat measurements. Measurement around upper thigh/quad increased almost 1/2", biceps 1/4" , shoulders 1/2". I did add 1/2" around waist (measured at navel - I gain everything in my midsection). As mentioned in my earlier post, I need to tighten the diet a bit ok...maybe more than a bit. But I need to add some muscle so I've been eating more.
Just got Easy Muscle and Manly Mobility.

I plan to do Schedule C in Easy Muscle. I understand Session B (Chinups and Dips) is to be practiced for 20 minutes. Do I alternate between sets of Chinups and Dips? Or should I do 10 minutes of Chinup sets, followed by 10 minutes of Dips?

Another question is about RPE. Low RPE just means plenty of rest time between sets, and high RPE means take as little time to rest as your body can handle - is this correct?
Just got Easy Muscle and Manly Mobility.

I plan to do Schedule C in Easy Muscle. I understand Session B (Chinups and Dips) is to be practiced for 20 minutes. Do I alternate between sets of Chinups and Dips? Or should I do 10 minutes of Chinup sets, followed by 10 minutes of Dips?

Another question is about RPE. Low RPE just means plenty of rest time between sets, and high RPE means take as little time to rest as your body can handle - is this correct?
Yes, alternate sets of chins and dips.

RPE: Essentially, yes, following the "guardrails."

Hope this helps.
@Geoff Neupert I promise last question on the schedule... Looking at Schedule B & C, 6 workouts of Session A + 6 workouts of Session B = 4 weeks, but that only "clears" the week 1 column, or the RPE 7 workouts. Would you suggest doing the second set of sessions (workouts 7 - 12) @ RPE 8, and then actually repeat that another 4 weeks (2 weeks @ RPE 8.5 and then 2 weeks @ RPE 9) and THEN move on to Phase 2? This would make Phase 1 and 2 each 8 weeks, and the Schedule B and C programs each 16 weeks in total. Am I missing something super obvious here?
Sorry, @John K, just now seeing this.

Not really sure I'm following what you're asking.

I updated the schedule in the portal and reshot the video explanation. Did you see it yet?
For The Giant - there are options to add the KSK in different ways.
Can we take those recommendations also for Easy Muscle Plan A?

For example: 15 min C+P / 15 min snatches per training

@Geoff Neupert
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I chose Schedule C because of a shoulder issue limiting my range of motion when reaching overhead with a straight arm.

Today I did the pullup-dip session. Because of the shoulder issue, it hurts to get into the hang for a pullup, even with depressed scapula, because the hang pulls my arm... overhead. So for a workaround, I started each rep by positioning my body as if I were going to do a row, with feet on the floor in front of my hips, then pulled myself off the floor.

I hadn't done dips for almost 2 years, and my ring dip rep max, even with both shoulders feeling healthy, is well short of 10. So, I set my NOSSK suspension handles about hip height. Then I warmed up with 2 sets of 5 dip shrugs, then 2 sets of 10-second top position holds. Then I started the 20 min. timer, doing the dips with feet on floor to lighten the load.

I found doing the dips after the partial pullups - done carefully - stretches my shoulders nicely enough to wash away any irritation from doing the partial pullups.
I've been running various Giant blocks for 6 months. I finally bit the bullet and purchased Easy Muscle.
I'm still on my last week of Giant 1.1, what EM schedule should I run after this? From what I understand Schedule A is like a Giant 1.05 (a bridge between 1.0 and 1.1) but since I already run the 1.1 I don't think I need to do it again, do I?
Should I jump straight to Schedule B or run Phase 2 of Schedule A with extra exercise?

Any advice @Geoff Neupert ?
I've been running various Giant blocks for 6 months. I finally bit the bullet and purchased Easy Muscle.
I'm still on my last week of Giant 1.1, what EM schedule should I run after this? From what I understand Schedule A is like a Giant 1.05 (a bridge between 1.0 and 1.1) but since I already run the 1.1 I don't think I need to do it again, do I?
Should I jump straight to Schedule B or run Phase 2 of Schedule A with extra exercise?

Any advice @Geoff Neupert ?
I think all programs are for either 5RM or 10RM bells so I would use a new set of bells as assume they’re now >10RM.
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