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Kettlebell Geoff Neupert asks for beta testers for THE GiANT X and KETTLEBELL MAXIMORUM

I’m also signed up for Maximorum. I’m traveling for work this week, so I’ll start next Monday. The timing is perfect; I’ll finish with a month and a half to train specifically for my PT test. And it takes me through the much dreaded holiday feasting season.
I signed up for Maximorum and started day 1 today so will be running it through the holidays. The focus on the doubles work along with the snatch is perfect for me as my main focus is to improve my DC&P and snatch, so this fits perfectly. Best part is I’m running everything with 28k bells so can easily pack 2 bells and stay on track with all the upcoming travel for the holidays.
Maximorum here too.

Will start mid-Dec once I return from SFB italy.

First thought: This actually could look like a good base-program to build up to the SFG2.

Obviously it doesn't have all the technical 'odd' lifts like bent press and windmills, but if you simply train those movement patterns on off-days via mobility drills and no weight (or 8kg bells), it should get you pretty close to ready (I think).

Anyways: really excited to get started on this.
Enrolled on Maximorum.
Sunday morning I did the first session, this morning I did the second. On Wednesday evening I will do the third, the first two very positive sessions
As I was running today I was trying to guess how Giant X would fit into the Giant universe, in terms of order.

I’m guessing:

3.0 > 1.0 > Easy Muscle Schedule A > X2 > 2.0 > X1/X3 > 1.1 > 1.2

I’m really curious when I run it how different X1 and X3 feel.


More thoughts and musings. I think it might be better to think of them in tiers than linearly.


Easier 10RM
Easy Muscle Schedule A

a#@ Kicking Hypertrophy
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As I was running today I was trying to guess how Giant X would fit into the Giant universe, in terms of order.

I’m guessing:

3.0 > 1.0 > Easy Muscle Schedule A > X2 > 2.0 > X1/X3 > 1.1 > 1.2

I’m really curious when I run it how different X1 and X3 feel.
Looks a bit overkill to me if you’re talking about using one pair of bells.

If you would normally run 1.0-1.1-1.2 in 12 weeks that new schedule takes 28 weeks to get to the end of 1.2. Assuming you would have outgrown those bells by then.
Looks a bit overkill to me if you’re talking about using one pair of bells.

If you would normally run 1.0-1.1-1.2 in 12 weeks that new schedule takes 28 weeks to get to the end of 1.2. Assuming you would have outgrown those bells by then.
I think that depends upon what end of the strength spectrum you’re on. Similar to how you can run linear progression as a beginner lifter, and then you have to move to much slower gains at intermediate and advanced.
I think that depends upon what end of the strength spectrum you’re on. Similar to how you can run linear progression as a beginner lifter, and then you have to move to much slower gains at intermediate and advanced.
True, but if that was the case you’ll probably not go from 3.0 (5RM) to 1.0 (10RM).

From there onwards maybe fair point!
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