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Getting Strong First for Jiu Jitsu

Tuesday: Performance Testing 2: Day 1
Vertical Jump: 21 inches, maybe 22
Horizontal jump (Start with toes behind line, measure from heel-- last time I might have measured from toes.): 90 inches, maybe 95 for one attempt (can't remember.)

Power clean: up to 165 for an easy single, then three failed attempts at 185lbs (I only have one set of 10's and 5's)- first two I couldn't get up, usually losing the bar forwards, last one I actually got under, but my right foot came forward again and I rolled forward into a kneeling position, then almost passed out before dropping the bar. I think the bar is going forwards- need to pull the bar up against my abs, and incorporate more singles with 165lbs.

Bridge floor press: Up to 150lbs (accidentally loaded 5lbs extra on the right side of my 145lbs attempt) for 3 sets in the bridge, then 155lbs floor press for a single. I don't like these movements, though it's my best option at this point. Might be able to rig a bench of sorts. I'll see.

Max chinups: 10 reps (last one super ugly.)

My bodyweight was just under 170lbs. So I basically have my bodyweight power clean, my bench still sucks, my jumps are still good, and my pulling needs work. I need to focus on my squats, bench, overhead press, clean, Chinups, rows and grip strength and continue to get more explosive.

Looking towards Offseason training: Potential Schedule:
Mon-Friday: Accessory and assistance movements, Iron Cardio, Airdyne Biking and plyometrics and maybe jump rope.

Monday: 25 minutes Easy Airdyne Bike
Tuesday: Iron Cardio 20 minutes (Muscle clean, press, overhead squat, weighted pullup)
Wednesday: Swings, Getups, 3x1 minute neck bridge holds, 3x6 dragon flags, 3x5 landmine rotations
Thursday: 4x10 skips, 4x10 plyo lockouts, Jump rope for 20ish minutes
Friday: Iron Cardio for 40 minutes

Saturday evening (When not competing):Top Set for 1-3 reps + Interrupted set
-Bench Press or weighted Dips
-Clean and Clean pull
-Fat Grip BB Rows.
-Klokov Presses
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Thursday: performance testing Day 2 -- 11/3/2022
Front squats- up to 115lbs for an easy 5, knee pain made me decide to not add weight. I think failing those these and rocking forward to my knees with 185 is causing me some knee pain rn.
Back squats: 4x5x115lbs. Did some more easy volume, narrow stance, a#@ to grass for the last two sets, without much pain.

Pushups: 30 reps in 50 seconds (PR-- high rep chest presses likely to credit. Might have been able to eek out a few more but the quality was suspect.)

Will run 1.5 miles on Saturday.
Saturday: 1.5 miles in 11:50!

July 9 score: "1.5 mile run: 14:28 minutes:seconds. Calculated to VO2 max of 37. Needs improvement, although this is much better than I expected, likely due to A+A pistols. I ran continuously, feet and lungs my limiter. Never ran a mile without having to stop before."

My new VO2 max is 43 to 44. I'm quite pleased with the improvement, especially as I haven't been doing much running.
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Tuesday: First wrestling practice:
1 hour of drilling, then
4x7+7x40lbs Front-foot elevated split squats (pretty easy)
4x7x40lbs OA rows (Hard, takes concentration to get full ROM.
4x15x40lbs heel elevated goblet squats (big pump in my quads)
4x15 rear delt flies with 5lbs plates.

Then 1 round of the next workout, which wasn't too hard, then ran out of time, so I did 15 pushups and walked out.

2 hours later: Iron Cardio session:
Hang Muscle-clean, Press, Overhead squat with 75lbs barbell, 40 cycles in 21 minutes (lost focus for 1 interval, it was a good "Manual labour" type session. I could have gone on a lot longer. 1-1 work ratio, about 10 seconds for a cycle, 15 if you count setup/reracking, 15 seconds rest and repeat.)
4x10 Skips, superseted with 4x10 explosive "pushup lockouts"
4x5 double leg bounds
Jump rope for 20 minutes. Probably skipped for 5-10 minutes or so within that time.
Realized that a IC hard day was a stupid idea right before my top set day.

3x circuit:
5x landmine rotations (25lbs, 25lbs, 35lbs. Left side (rotating rightwards), is still way more comfortable).
6x dragon flags with tucked legs
1 minute neck bridge hold front and back.
AM: A really hard practice

PM: Top set + drop set

Cleans: up to 165 for 2 ugly power cleans, ; 135 for 5x5 clean pulls w/ 30 secs rest (Interupted Set- that I stopped, because it was too light). (obviously not heavy enough. 10RM is not exact with clean pulls. )

Chest Dips: 5x3: bodyweight, +10lbs, +15lbs, +20lbs, +25lbs (every set was hard.); 5,4,3,2,1 bodyweight dips, 20 seconds rest (not strong enough for an Interupted set.

ATG Back squats: 5x3 at 95, 115, 135, 165, 185lbs (Matched my last PR, as those reps at 185 were really good). Interrupted set: 5,5,5,4 at 165lbs. (Got very bouncy, and a satisfying quad pump. Very a#@ to grass, feet in a narrow stance.

Chinups: 4x3 at Bw, 10LBS, 25LBS, 35LBS (previous PB), Max of 2 reps at 45lbs. (Unfortunately, my bodyweight of only 167ish lbs is likely the source of the gains) Interrupted Set: 5,5- Had to stop because my left elbow started hurting. Weird.

Klokov Presses: 4x3 at 45lbs, 55lbs, 65lbs, 75lbs, Failed to press 95lbs, ended up doing 3 Klokov push presses with it. Interupted Set with 65lbs- 5,5,5,3.

Rows: 5x3- 45, 55, 65, 75, 95lbs. I feel really weak at that top end ROM. I think it's because of a lack of strength in shoulder-extension. I decided against an IS, because I do so much high rep rows during wrestling practice lifts. Just strength today.

I liked this session. I essentially went as hard as possible on each top set and each Interupted Set. And it only took 2 hours.
Tuesday: Iron Cardio:
40 sets of Muscle clean, press, Overhead squat with 75lbs in 20 minutes. Threw in a few 16lbs chinups, but recovery tanked as I had practically no time between sets. Plus my elbow hurt again.
4 minutes of a defensive drill- found a video of random numbers 1-100, and depending on the number I would sprawl or downblock. Went for 4 minutes. I like it, should continue doing it.
Jump rope- about 400-500 skips in sets of around 100.
25 minutes recovery bike in Zone 0- HR under 145.

AM Practice: Yellow

Cleans: Up to 155 for 3 reps
Dips: up to 25lbs for 3, 5,5,4,3,3 bodyweight IS
Chinups: Up to 45lbs for 1, 35lbs for 3. 5,5,4 bodyweight Interrupted Set.
ATG Squats: Up to 185lbs for 3, 165lbs for 5,5,5,5,5 in an IS- stopped after 5x5 because I was trashed, in a glycolytic hell.
Klokov Press: Up to 75lbs for 3, 95lbs for 3 push presses (little push this time, lockout was all me.)
Bent over Row: up to 115lbs for 3 reps.
Romanian Deadlift: Up to 185lbs for 3 reps. Eventually went with a standard over/under hand grip, hook grips weren't holding well enough. Focusing on hinge, hamstring stretch, and squeezing glutes. Was going to do IS, but after 2 sets I decided against it. Will probably go to 5x5 next time.
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Iron Cardio heavy day:
95lbs +16lbs chinup for 10 rounds in about 11 minutes. Resting generously here, but even now I'm surprised by the work I can do, even after a tough pressing session at wrestling practice (I don't really log those. I probably should but I'm lazy). Left shoulder clicking a little, at practice and here. Not a new thing for dumbell bench, but it is new for MP.)

25 minute recovery bike, around 50 rpms.
Jump Rope for 20 minutes: Did alternating leg jumps. Tried to do it Muay Thai style, but I don't have the speed/coordination. I still tripped a lot, but I got some good work in, and my calves got good work.
Iron Cardio for 30 minutes- 2 cycles per minute with 75lbs, 60 total cycles of muscle-clean, press, overhead squat.

Turkish Getups: 2x50lbs, 1x70lbs (Tough. I'll get used to them again.)
Farmer's walks- 3 sets of farmer's walks in a circle, going back and forth 15 feet or so, total of 90 feet maybe, swinging the bell in a circle at each turn. 3 sets per side.

A good deal of hurdle hops with short rest, some wrestling specific drills: front foot hopping on and off of a 25lbs plate in my stance, then hopping on one leg over a mini hurdle with the other leg elevated like a single-leg.
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Wednesday 11/30/2022
A practice with a huge emphasis on foot strength via line drills.
Thursday, 12/1/2022
6 in 60's sprints- I thought I was going to die.
25 minutes recovery bike, around 48rpms
List of weekly workouts going forwards:
-Top Set + Interrupted Set Day- Cleans 5x3, Chinups 5x3+IS, Dips 5x3+IS, Sumo Deadlifts 5x5, Cyclist Front Squats 5x3+IS, Klokov Presses 5x3+IS, Bent over Rows 5x3-5 RDLs 5x3+3 sets to failure. Superset with abs/plyometrics. Can be split into two days, ex Legs Friday, Arms Saturday.
-Iron Cardio- Muscle Clean, Press, Overhead squat.
-Recovery bike or jog for 25 minutes. Stance in motion?
-Plyometric power workout- Plus Jump Rope?
-Q&D + Muscular endurance/pump workout? 50 swings, 50 explosive pushups, 50 towel rows, 50 ab rollouts, 50 lunges/SL squats.

Want to try to check all these off each week.

Sample Schedule:
Monday: Q&D, Iron Cardio
Tuesday: Recovery Bike
Wednesday: Competition, Plyometric Workout
Thursday: Iron Cardio, Pump Workout
Friday: Recovery Bike
Saturday: Competition, Top Set+ IS Day.
Saturday: Westminster open tournament:
Won first match, lost second match by pin to a state placer (who would win the tournament)
Won two more matches, then lost consolation semifinals to the eventual third placer.

First win was against a bad wrestler- first round pin by front headlock dump--> inside cradle. Too easy to snap down.
First loss by fake-shot--> over-unders--> single leg--> cradle.
Second win by an ugly 3-2 win- one front-head-dump and one escape vs one escape. Tough handfighting and poor stance and high crotch technique led to problems shooting.
Third win I was down 5 points due to a takedown and a 3 point near fall- but I punched through, stood up, and scored three takedowns and a last second near fall to win at the last second. 3 more seconds and I would have pinned him.
Second Loss was a weird pin in second round. I was being choked, and I was down like 10 points. He held his arms out palms up to bait me to grab them, then immediently went to Russian Tie and set up shots from there. My Russian Tie defence is trash.

This was my first tournament as the 165lbs varsity starter. Cole, who was going to wrestle, got hurt and I filled in. I learned a lot today.
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Another match against state placer Jackson Sapp. He beat me worse than last time, another first round pin. He was so much faster and more dynamic than me, it was like being in the ocean with a shark.

Home Dual Match against a Zumwalt North kid. He got a first round takedown and several turns by compromising my shoulder, but I started basing up ans eventually reversed him, almost cradled him third round— lost it because I rushed it. I kept getting up over and over again, he was just stalling me out. Lost by points.
A hard practice with sprints, and it was top/bottom so my arms are tired.

Iron Cardio for 10 sets plus chins on the minute- 95 lbs on the bar, 5 sets of chins were with 35lbs, the rest I chose to drop down to body weight for the last 5. No need to push when I have a heavy workout tomorrow.

20 minute easy bike, keeping HR under 145, around 47-50 rpms. Cut it 5 mins short because time
3x circuit:
10x10lbs external shoulder rotations
1 minute neck bridge front/back
10x10lbs neck rotations per side- holding a cord in my teeth attached to weights.

I felt like garbage when I woke up. Tested negative for Covid, but probably have a sinus infection. Derailed by plans for today, going to focus on recovery.

Sunday: Feeling a bit better.

Monday: skipping school/practice, but feeling much better. Will probably be back to it on Tuesday.

2x5 haloes per side
2x10 10lbs shoulder external rotations
3x 30 second armbar holds with 30lbs
5x50lbs getups per side-unbroken. Hamstring cramping during roll-to-elbow.
One set of SL-glute bridges per side- hamstrings cramp again.
3x20 lying hamstring hamstring curls with 40lbs black band, slow eccentric.

Q&D Workout: 2 serieses of 50lbs 2H swings and BW Pushups. Sluggish, breathing hard. I reread some of Q&D, and I wasn't supposed to do overspeed eccentrics- Oh well.
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Tuesday: I'm out with a skin disease for a short while.
25 minute zone 1 jogging. Went well.
Still a bit sick. Sickness robbed by lungs, O2 hunger during conditioning and daily activities is above normal.

Power clean- up to 145 for an ugly 5x2. I've regressed.
Squats, ending with a jump- up to 165lbs for 3, supersetting with box/stair jumps.
Sumo Deadlifts- up to 185lbs for 3x6- my mind and my low-back dumped the drill right then and there for the rdl.
Rdls- back still achy from sumo deads.
3x8 95lbs forward lunges.