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simple & sinister

  1. Kettlebell Beginner seeking guidance.

    Hello all, I wanted to give a bit more detail to see if I am on the right path.. I really appreciate any feedback you can provide. Background I am a 52-year-old male, a noob to kettlebell training, standing 185 cm (6 ft) tall, and weighing 90 kg (200 lbs) I began from a fairly sedentary...
  2. Kettlebell Training with Minimal Time

    I am currently working 45-50hrs a week and have probably 30-45min 3 times a week I’m willing to spend training. My goals are just general health and longevity. Is simple and sinister the best choice? I’m concerned about the time it takes to complete the workout.
  3. S&S for hypertrophy maintenance?

    In 6 weeks I'll be done with a 12-week hypertrophy program, and I'd like to switch to something for another ~12 weeks that maintains the hypertrophy gains but also continues to build foundational gorilla strength. I'm guessing Simple & Sinister might be a good option (I hit timed Simple about a...
  4. Kettlebell How Simple and Sinister helped me recover from cubital tunnel syndrome

    Good day to you all, I would like to state first that even though I am a medical practitioner, this should not be taken as medical advice and you should always seek a health care professional in the event of a medical condition. Now that is out of the way, I had cubital tunnel syndrome (not to...
  5. noezway

    Kettlebell Optimizing Performance: Feedback on My Two-Arm Swing & Turkish Get-Up

    Hey everyone, I'm in week 4 of the Simple & Sinister program and focusing on refining my two-arm swing and Turkish get-up techniques. Below are videos of my current form. I would greatly appreciate your feedback and tips for improvement. Let me know if better camera angles will help. As you...
  6. Sinister

    Been training for sinister over the last 2 years now. Due to vacations and travel for work I feel like i have had to take many step backs during my training. I feel like I am currently close but so far away still. My schedule should allow some consistent training over the next 2 months so really...
  7. Kettlebell Progression/Appreciation Post

    Introduction to Kettlebells and StrongFirst -- Progression/Appreciation Post How did I start? I was whinging to my movement therapist about my crowded gym. He recommended kettlebells and the book Simple and Sinister (thanks Andrew). I read the book. And very quickly bought a set of kettlebells...
  8. Kettlebell Success with 40kg

    Hi Forum, First off, a big word of thanks to all of you who participate here. I've come here often for inspiration and instruction and consider this community to be a big part of any strength gains I've made over the past few years. (Even though I don't post much). The other day I was...
  9. Strong first for a triathlon

    Hi all, I have been following string first for about 2 years now and love it, I have done the built strong minimalist, strength endurance, and S&S protocols. I have recently decided to do a sprint triathlon and wanted to use kettle bells and string first methodology for my strength training...
  10. Kettlebell Two Handed Swing Improvement

    After a session and great advice from the great @Mark Limbaga my swing has improved immensely in less than a week(according to him). Still a long way to go and always looking for feedback. Before- knees snapping not "standing tall' at top of swing. After- trying to push ground away and stand...
  11. Kettlebell TGU and Two handed swing form check

    Hi team, Would love a form check on my get ups and two handed swing. Making my way to Simple grade from Simple and Sinister. At 24kg swings and 16/20kg get ups. Swings Get Ups I've been dealing with irritated knees and lower back. Not sure if my form is to blame or from other areas of...
  12. Tom Lavery

    Kettlebell Weight progression after time out

    I’ve been doing simple and sinister off and on for 5 years - consistency in periods then allowed myself to be weak. Have hit 32kg for all swings and started into 40kg. TGU hit 24kg moving into 32kg. Over a year ago. Reset to 24kg now 24/32/32/32/24kg for swings and 16kg, now 16/24/24/24/16...
  13. tomvogel01

    Turkish Get Up GTG style

    Hi guys, I'm currently following S&S to the letter working on Timeless Simple. A thought occurred to me and I was curious to hear reflections from the community. Why not do the TGUs Grease the Groove style if one has the time? E.g. in S&S going from 24kg to 32 kg requires 4 weeks per every 2...
  14. Formovereverything

    Simple Strength for Difficult Times - Slightly Modified

    Coming to the end of @Geoff Neupert "The Wolf" with his "bolt-on's." Also coming out of a long shoulder injury, so I started light with 16kg and was able to introduce a couple sets of 20kg bells at the end. I was searching for something that would be just as challenging, without tanking myself...
  15. Kettlebell Reps and rest period

    According to the interview Pavel had with Tim Ferriss and Joe Ragon, the most effective way to train strength and hypertrophy is less than 5 reps, long rest period and do many sets. (correct me wrong) But the simple & sinister practice suggest for 10 reps. Does that sound contraction or...
  16. Kettlebell Question regarding combining A+A with other protocols

    Hello, I'm new to the forum but have been reading StrongLifts articles for some time and recently purchased the "Kettlebell StrongFirst" course. I have an hour in the morning to train each day, and plan to do 5 days of Simple and Sinister and 2 days of A+A each week. However, both of these...
  17. Adam R Mundorf

    Relax : Adam Mundorf

    Age 29 Gender Male Program Simple and Sinister to Timed Simple Standard What I've been Up To and the Reason for a New Log Just got done Phase 1 of Al and Danny Kavadlos 'Get Strong' Program. I wanted to do Phase 1 to give myself a break from the bells and to really determine where I...
  18. Kettlebell Feedback on Swing and Getup

    Started Simple and Sinister today! I would appreciate some feedback on my swing and getup form! Thanks in advance! Sorry for the whack audio, but the slo-mo is cool.
  19. Jacobcutt

    Kettlebell Leg Abduction in the Lockout

    It seems abduction in the lockout in the kettlebell swings has just become a vital cue. After getting to Timeless Simple, I have begun to work in the Bulldog. All the while, The Finish of the kettlebell swing never seemed to be as snappy as it might should be. I met with an SFGII and one cue...
  20. Not_JonB

    Kettlebell 4 day split S&S - Multiple Get Ups by Jay Weedall

    Howdy Folks, Has anyone done this but with a 4 day split rather than the 5 day split? Combined with the standard S&S warm up and Swings? I'm currently running S&S MON, WED, FRI, and SAT as a light day or test day...
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