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Kettlebell Kettlebell ICT

Good deal. I'm interested to see your results. Especially since you might have to use of offset weights.
Week 1 Day 1
A1 Double 16s (felt too challenging)
A2. Double 24s
B1. 20kg
B2. Double 32s (again, too heavy)

This workout was wayyyyy harder than expected. By the end I was on my back wondering what I got myself into. Definitely going lighter next time out on A cycle. I'll go single hand for A1 and lighten up, B2 also lighter, it's a true 10rm, my shoulders give before my legs. Will back this down to 28. Went with what I thought was moderate weight and it was heavy. I was on pace for 5 of b series and cut the last one...this should be a fun 12 weeks.

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Also started today, with option 2. Due to some pain I've been having with my left side delt, I'm currently avoiding military presses, so I'm substituting weighted ring dips in place of MPs (sorry Geoff if this messes up the beta test!).

Option 2, Session A:
A1. Intermediate option w/ 24kg
A2. Ring Dips @ BW+8kg
B1. Novice option w/ 28kg
B2. Advanced option w/ 2×24kg

Segment A was hard but OK. Got 5 rounds; could have squeezed in a 6th, but I decided not to push it for the first session.

Segment B, though, was brutal. Doing DFSQ immediately after a conditioning round made me feel like I was going to lose my breakfast o_O Even though I was using a 10RM weight, it felt more like a 5RM weight and I wasn't sure I was going to hit all my reps. I actually had to sit down after doing the squats, which I almost never do in training session. After two rounds, the maximum prescribed rest wasn't enough for me to recover for the next round, so I needed to take some more time, and I only managed 4 rounds. I'm now having some doubt about doing the conditioning+DFSQ 3 days a week for 12 weeks! Hopefully it will get a little easier after a few sessions...
Day 1 in the books.
Option 1 session A
A1: advanced, 24k’s
A2: intermediate: 24k
B1: advanced: 24k’s
B2: advanced: 20k

Moderate session. Was strict with two min rest in the A block until the end. More liberal with B block but both got 6 rounds. Weights feel right, overall good session. Not on my back or questioning myself after. If anything the presses may be a bit light but i think i’m fine with that. My PP and jerk weights will be the same as pressing as of now. That’s the one that i think may be too heavy. We will see.
I emailed Geoff and have been to his website, I can't seem to find any info on this program. Does anyone have any links to it ?
Week 1 Day 2
B Day
A1. 15kgx2
A2. 26kgx2
B1. 15kgx2
B2. 26kgx2

At the end of today I was not on my back but was definitely feeling like I got a great session in. Shoulders look yolked and the weights all felt great. Revising the FS and RR to 26kg bumping to 28 perhaps at the halfway. Cheers all! Fun workouts!

First Session B is now done. I used a Single Push Press with a 20kg for my A1 and B1 push slot. Paired with the 2×24kg DFSQ for A2, it was much easier than Monday's squat segment. Push presses did not raise my heart rate nearly as much as swings, probably due to the lower cadence (8 reps in 30s for PP vs ~15 for swings), so moving straight to DFSQ after that wasn't *too* hard. I'm wondering if I should switch to double push press for future sessions to enhance the conditioning effect, or just be happy that the session only felt medium hard today. :p
Try it next time out and decide. Definitely enhances the training. You could speed up too. I was getting 12 to 15, that would enhance your training effect too. Fun!
While Geoff doesn't mention it as an option, I would imagine that the Viking Push Press would be a good advanced option to maximize the conditioning effect, since you can get a higher cadence going, but the idea of doing 60 seconds of VPP in the last phase scares me a bit! Those could turn in 30 rep sets. :eek:
B day 1
A1 advanced 24k’s
A2 advanced 24k’s (mistake, too heavy switching to 16/20k)
B1 advanced 24k’s
B2 advanced 16/20k

24ks were too heavy for pp, i maybe could have done better with jerks but I didn’t wanna find out. Everything else felt good. Renegade rows are novel to me, loving them.
While Geoff doesn't mention it as an option, I would imagine that the Viking Push Press would be a good advanced option to maximize the conditioning effect, since you can get a higher cadence going, but the idea of doing 60 seconds of VPP in the last phase scares me a bit! Those could turn in 30 rep sets. :eek:
Not sure what the vpp is but I was dropping into the dip as soon as the bells got to my shoulders and found myself emphasizing the legs more and more as the workout went on. Looking to have good positions!
Alright, I guess I'll join the party. I'm in the program about a week and a half. Doing the option 2 with advanced exercises. Using 20kg and 24kg bells. So far, I've been doing 6-8 cycles per 15 min section. I feel like I have some room to compress my rest times for more cycles. I'm staying pretty conservative on weight because the real fun will start at week 9.

I already started the holiday season, packing extra weight. I'm trying not to change my eating habits now, but holiday eating isn't helping either. Really interested to see the impact on scales.
Alright, I guess I'll join the party. I'm in the program about a week and a half. Doing the option 2 with advanced exercises. Using 20kg and 24kg bells. So far, I've been doing 6-8 cycles per 15 min section. I feel like I have some room to compress my rest times for more cycles. I'm staying pretty conservative on weight because the real fun will start at week 9.

I already started the holiday season, packing extra weight. I'm trying not to change my eating habits now, but holiday eating isn't helping either. Really interested to see the impact on scales.
Welcome. That's a good number of sets at those weights, solid bro! Same here, took a rest week just prior and nose dived into the proverbial pie, literal too :p have a nutritionist friend taking stats as we go. Also looking forward to seeing how this all goes. Thanks all for the motivation!
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Doing option 2 with advanced exercises, using 24kg for ballistics and 28s and 32s for the grinds. Hitting 5 to 7 rounds in each segment. I really like the program so far. I’m realizing my body prefers higher rep ballistics, lower rep ballistics tend to make injuries flare up for me.
Hi guys
I managed to purchase the program and I’m really digging the way it’s laid out.
I just want to make sure I’m reading it correctly because the examples down bottom are a little confusing, everything is written in A1 and A2

Just to make sure I’m on the right path it goes
Session A

Do all the A1 then A2 for the time frame allotted. Rest

Then do B1 and B2 for the time allotted and that’s it for session A.

Session B is the same but with all the session on the B day


Does that sound right
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Hi guys
I managed to purchase the program and I’m really digging the way it’s laid out.
I just want to make sure I’m reading it correctly because the examples down bottom are a little confusing, everything is written in A1 and A2
Did you see the section titled "Programming Explanation" in the PDF? I think it explains the layout as well as could be.

Just to make sure I’m on the right path it goes
Session A

Do all the A1 then A2 for the time frame allotted. Rest

Not quite, A1 and A2 are super-setted together, which means (quoting the PDF, hopefully not revealing too much):
* Perform 1 set of A1 - using the prescribed exercise and prescribed reps, immediately (no rest) followed by one set of A2 - using the prescribed exercise and prescribed work period (duration)
* Rest the prescribed duration
* Perform another set of A1 and A2
After the prescribed time for Segment A, then you move on to Segment B, super-setting B1 and B2.

Hope that helps.
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