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Knee Pain After Doing C&J


Level 5 Valued Member
I have been doing the A+A C&J protocol prescribed in Kettlebell StrongFirst for a while, currently C+J+C with a pair of 24 for 30 minutes done. The knee pain that appears after a session disturbs me a lot. Sometimes the left knee only, sometimes both. I do not know what has caused this.

Is there anyone who has the same experience? What have you done to reduce the pain and how does it work? Hopefully I could get some brilliant ideas. Any suggestions, instructions or experiences would be much appreciated.

Thank you very much!
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It sounds like it could be a technique issue, are you able to post a form video for others to see?

Some people tend to lock out the knees very strongly and this could result in knee pain. Just like throwing a punch when shadow boxing, you should avoid that last bit of full extension.
It sounds like it could be a technique issue, are you able to post a form video for others to see?

Some people tend to lock out the knees very strongly and this could result in knee pain. Just like throwing a punch when shadow boxing, you should avoid that last bit of full extension.
Absolutely Sir!

This is a video of me doing C&J:

I was very tired when I filmed it, hence the technique might be slightly compromised and the tempo a little slow, but that's basically what I've been doing.

Thank you!
Yeah I have occasion knee pain after jerks, I really focus on knees out on the drop of the bells as opposed to knees forward
Quite so! I thought of the same thing and I've been trying to keep the knees out, especially when I am tired. Yet it doesn't seem to work well. The pain often remains.
I have been doing the A+A C&J protocol prescribed in Kettlebell StrongFirst for a while, currently C+J+C with a pair of 24 for 30 minutes done. The knee pain that appears after a session disturbs me a lot. Sometimes the left knee only, sometimes both. I do not know what has caused this.

Is there anyone who has the same experience? What have you done to reduce the pain and how does it work? Hopefully I could get some brilliant ideas. Any suggestions, instructions or experiences would be much appreciated.

Thank you very much!
Side steps and monster walks and clam shells with mini bands. Also, stretch and strengthen your calves/ankles/ tibialis anterior.
FYI, form looks excellent.
Knee sleeves? I wear knee sleeves when they're barking at me
Well, I would prefer to have my training done in the simplest way possible, so it would be best if I can locate whatever caused the pain and solve it. Yet I think I should definitely get a pair of knee sleeves if things don’t go as I expect them to be. Thanks for the suggestion sir!
This could be as simple as an issue of "too much too soon." Due to the rapid stretch/shortening cycle, jerks are the most demanding on the knees of all the kettlebell movements (at least you could make a very strong case that they are). That said, I think there is a strong argument that volume should be added quite gradually on these, especially in comparison to other exercises.

In your video the form looks solid to me, so I doubt there is a significant technique issue that is to blame. It might be wise to make A) take a week or so off from them, followed by B) a sharp cut to the volume (maybe 50%?) for a few weeks and see if that helps. If it still bugs you, then probably time to get it looked at by a qualified clinician.
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Every time I do a Sport Style Jerk my knees get enflamed.
If I do a Hard Style Jerk with a split stance I am OK.
Watch closely. In the second rep your knees still wobble during the catch .

Is the pain sharp??
For the meantime, switch to push presses and do the necessary work to improve knee stability (addressing ankle and hip mobility is a wise decision too)

I'd recommend some one leg deadlifts, doing some OS resets or ground force method
This could be as simple as an issue of "too much too soon." Due to the rapid stretch/shortening cycle, jerks are the most demanding on the knees of all the kettlebell movements (at least you could make a very strong case that they are). That said, I think there is a strong argument that volume should be added quite gradually on these, especially in comparison to other exercises.

In your video the form looks solid to me, so I doubt there is a significant technique issue that is to blame. It might be wise to make A) take a week or so off from them, followed by B) a sharp cut to the volume (maybe 50%?) for a few weeks and see if that helps. If it still bugs you, then probably time to get it looked at by a qualified clinician.
Very good point! Thank you very much!
Every time I do a Sport Style Jerk my knees get enflamed.
If I do a Hard Style Jerk with a split stance I am OK.
Never tried the GS Jerk, doesn't like the form. I have been doing Hard Style Jerk only. Thank you for replying!
Watch closely. In the second rep your knees still wobble during the catch .

Is the pain sharp??
For the meantime, switch to push presses and do the necessary work to improve knee stability (addressing ankle and hip mobility is a wise decision too)

I'd recommend some one leg deadlifts, doing some OS resets or ground force method
The knees wobble probably because I was too tired when I filmed this video. But I should take another video to check my form.

The pain is not sharp. It is a continual sting, and it appears only when I stand or walk. Lying on bed or sitting in a chair and my knees are fine.

Been doing QuickSilver and Geoff Neupert's Sore Joint Solution (quite similar to OS resets, I suppose) the whole time. I wouldn't say the ankle and hip mobility is an issue. I would try some of other methods suggested by other gentlemen first. If none of them work, switching to push presses should be my last resort.

Thank you very much for your suggestions!
Those are some nice clean and jerks! Looking great!
Thank you! Hope I can get rid of the pain soon. Power to you!
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to everyone here! All of you are such strong and kind gentlemen!

I would try the methods in the following sessions to see how they work and I would post my results here.

Thank you again!
My left knee was badly hurt many years ago and still can't stand higher volume of jerks to these days. That's why I prefer push press.

But when the knees start hurting, I add some extra hamstring work. I started experimenting with Nordic curls progression, which is pretty compatible with hip hinge heavy protocols in my opinion.
Single leg RDL is another very good option.
My left knee was badly hurt many years ago and still can't stand higher volume of jerks to these days. That's why I prefer push press.

But when the knees start hurting, I add some extra hamstring work. I started experimenting with Nordic curls progression, which is pretty compatible with hip hinge heavy protocols in my opinion.
Single leg RDL is another very good option.
My shoulder got hurt years ago doing aerobics, and since then my shoulder, like your knees, cant't stand high volume presses. The jerk makes my shoulder feel comfortable and allows it to get stronger. That is why I love it so much.

I would like to ask, does the hamstring work help reduce the knee pain, or speed up the recovery?

Thank you!
Here's a post from last year;
I managed to stop the discomfort by changing my stance and foot position.
I changed protocol for a bit and the discomfort was present when I restarted the double LCCJ later in the year. But only for a couple of sessions.
Hope this helps.
Here's a post from last year;
I managed to stop the discomfort by changing my stance and foot position.
I changed protocol for a bit and the discomfort was present when I restarted the double LCCJ later in the year. But only for a couple of sessions.
Hope this helps.
Just read the post. Very informative! Never actually paid much attention on the stance. I seriously need some practice sessions.

Thank you!
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