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Less is More

Yesterday I napped for almost two hours. Still in bed by 9:30, and slept in until 7:30!
All I want to do is Sleeeep in this kind of weather:

Up 7:30, train 8:45

Warm up: Brettzel, D.D., Gob sq x 3, SF Hip Bridge x 2, Halo x 2
Pre-training: MCT oil in green tea, then BCAA's.

24k x 10s x 10r
Int: 1:00

3:00 rest

5s x 1r
24, 24, 32, 32, 24
Int: 3:00

Felt great! This was an excellent adjustment week. I didn't know how today would go after cutting out the 16k TGU..but it ended up going great. I'm excited to start the new template next week.
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Up 5:30, train 6:30

Training day: 1.1

Warm up: Brettzel, D.D., Gob sq x 3, SF Hip Bridge x 2, Halo x 2
Pre-training: MCT oil in green tea, then BCAA's.

32k x 10s x 10r
Int: 1:00

5:00 rest

24k x 5s x 1r
Int: 3:00

Swing Focus:
Quick turnaround, power breathing, playing chicken with the KB, abs up!

TGU Focus:
Power breathing, keeping the arm in - over the lats.

Elbows were somewhat fatigued afterward, as expected. Good session.
Up 5:30, train 6:30

Training day: 1.3

Warm up: Brettzel, D.D., Gob sq x 3, SF Hip Bridge x 2, Halo x 2
Pre-training: MCT oil in green tea, then BCAA's.

24k x 10s x 10r
Int: 1:00

5:00 rest

24k x 5s x 1r
Int: 3:00

Get-up Focus:
Finally figured something out! After the roll to elbow, I learned I was attempting to press the bell up with my chest, a bit like a bench press. This has been slightly bothering me a while, by making the left side's neck and upper back tight. I just couldn't isolate the cause for the longest time.
I corrected this by pulling my shoulder down, and 'rotating my body around the bell' as I transitioned into post. Felt great!
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Up 5:30, train 6:30

Training day: 1.4

Warm up: Brettzel, D.D., Gob sq x 2, SF Hip Bridge x 2, Halo x 2

No KB's today. My left foot has been hurting this week. But hasn't affected training until today.

It's likely due to my left calf. It refuses to limber up. The downward dog stretch helps immensely, but not even it can get it fully limber. Because my calf was so tight, I couldn't track the knee and hip on that left side correctly during goblet squats, so I called an audible today.

Nothing is painful, however I can tell that something on that left side needs some rest. Training has been going so great that I don't want to cross the line from 'hmm, this is uncomfortable and not quite right' into 'ouch, I just broke something'.

I will do goblet squats/downward dog GTG style throughout the evening today.

No biggie...brake for the curves, accelerate for the straights!
Goblet squats and downward dog yesterday after work.

No training today for the fast. Feeling good, waist size is down slightly!
Up 7:00, breakfast 7:15, train 9:00
What a week! Zonked out for 10 hours.

Training day: 1.6

Warm up: Brettzel, D.D., Gob sq x 3, SF Hip Bridge x 2, Halo x 2

24k x 10s x 10r
Int: 1:00

5:00 rest

6s x 1r
24x1, 48x0, 32x1, 32x1, 32x1, 32x1, 32x1
Int: 3:00

Tried the 48k TGU, didn't quite make it to the roll to elbow. About what I expected, since I've been doing the 32k TGU 1x a week max. It wasn't as hard as I thought, I just couldn't keep the bell from tipping in too far. Continuing to work on the shoulder packing, along with a bit more volume on the 32k TGU will get me there soon enough.

Overall, I'm feeling good, and leaning down with the two fasts during the week, and 5 days of maintenance calories. I should be able to start working in the 32k TGUs more often.
48, Geez, don't you have a 40? Or did I miss that
Up 6:00, breakfast 6:15, train 8:00

Training day: 1.7!

Warm up: Brettzel, D.D., Gob sq x 3, SF Hip Bridge x 2, Halo x 2

32k x 10s x 10r
Int: 1:00

5:00 rest

5s x 1r
24, 32, 24, 24, 24
Int: 3:00

Training Week Summary:
  • Pros
    • Managed to get 3 moderate days in
    • Eating a hearty all meat breakfast ~2 hours before training works great at keeping my stomach settled. Going to try this during the work week too.
    • Diagnosed the cause of both my neck kinks (pulling shoulder in during get-up) and foot pain (too small shoes!)
    • Waist measurement down
    • 5 training days, two fasts on non-training days, and maintenance calories works great.
    • Kept carbs at 17% average, kept calories at 2450 average.
  • Cons
    • It's unfortunate I missed training on Thursday
    • Left hip continues to be unusually sore. Evening stretching is keeping ahead of it.
Up 500, breakfast 6:15, train 8:00

Training day: 2.1

Warm up: Brettzel, D.D., Gob sq x 3, SF Hip Bridge x 2, Halo x 2

24k x 10s x 10r
Int: 1:00

24k x 5s x 1r
Int: 3:00

Swing Foci:
Rooting! to the ground by gripping it with my feet. Keeping a neutral head position.

Get-up Foci:
Keeping the straight leg...straight! This greatly smoothed the roll-up, especially with my newly minted torso-muscles awareness. Had a bit of trouble keeping the shoulders packed, I attribute it to general fatigue.

Will either start fast after breakfast or lunch today, haven't decided yet.

Glad tomorrow is a day off!
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Up 500, breakfast 5:15, train 7:00

Training day: 2.3

Warm up: D.D., Gob sq x 3, SF Hip Bridge x 2, Halo x 2

24k x 10s x 10r
Int: 1:00

24k x 5s x 1r
Int: 3:00

Left foot is healing, albeit slowly. Strange that it doesn't bother me when I train, only when I walk. I might add back the daily-evening GTG gob sq.
Up 500, breakfast 5:15, train 7:00

Training day: 2.4

Warm up: D.D., Gob sq x 3, SF Hip Bridge x 2, Halo x 2

32k x 10s x 10r
Int: 1:00

5s x 1r
Int: 3:00

This was tough. Most days, I am excited to train. Other days, I train because I must. Today required discipline!

Left foot feeling much better today; yesterday's GTG goblet squats helped limber up my calves a lot.

I'm probably going to go back to training fasted - eating breakfast before training is too hit or miss.
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Up 6:00

No KB's, fasting. Did a much better job keeping my calories contained this week, and as a result I get to be excited with the obvious progress the mirror shows me. Yay!

I need to remember that while I am leaning out I can't expect strength to be through the roof. Leaning out is always mentally challenging for me in this regard. Especially being a recovering fat powerlifer :)
Up 600, breakfast 615, haircut 830, train 10:00

Training day: 2.6

Warm up: Br., D.D., Gob sq x 3, SF Hip Bridge x 2, Halo x 2

24k x 10s x 10r
Int: 1:00

5s x 1r
Int: 3:00

Swing Foci:
Breathing in on the back swing and sitting back deep into the hips to arrest the movement of the bell.

TGU Foci:
Power breathing, packing the shoulders on the roll up, pushing out with the straight leg.
Left elbow felt slightly odd, which is why I did the first set of TGU with the 24k. Felt fine after first set, so went ahead with 32k.

Both Foci:
I am pleased I've been able to consistently keep intervals at 1:00 and 3:00 for both movements.
My abs are finally developing the skills needed to powerfully keep my spine tall.
Up 5:30, training 7:30

Training day: 2.7!

Warm up: Br. x2, D.D. x 2, Gob sq x 3, SF Hip Bridge x 2, Halo x 2

24k x 10s x 10r
Int: 1:00

24k x 5s x 1r
Int: 3:00

Training week thoughts:
  • The biggest upside to this training week was taking my ab utilization up a notch. My spine has never felt more stable, and therefore the movements have never felt so smooth.
  • I am acclimating to the 2x a week fasting.
    • I am better able to control myself on Tuesdays/Fridays and not over eat.
    • Did a good job with macos, keeping my carbs below 20% for the last two weeks.
    • The fasting actually makes it easier to control my carb intake somehow.
  • Finally getting better about breathing in through the nose on the swing.
  • Not quite nailing the shoulder tracking on the left hand TGU...some fine tuning still needed there.
  • Need to transfer a bit more weight to the heel on the backswing.

Calories this week:
Week Ending 05.14.PNG

Fine tuned template for the coming week:
Up 5:15, training 6:30

Training day: 3.1

Warm up: TSM1, D.D, Gob sq x 3, SF Hip Bridge x 2, Halo x 2
The brettzels are a heavy hitter for t-spine mobility, but throwing in the TSM1 routine hits it nicely too.
Learning to relax in the downward dog, as opposed to stretching. Feels nice.

32k x 10s x 10r
Int: 1:00

5s x 1r
Int: 3:00

Swing Foci:
I may need to throw in some 24k OHS on my light days. I don't do as good a job playing chicken with the KB as I do with the THS. The 24k OHS on the light days might help me hone this skill.

Get-up Foci
Made a nice breakthrough today! I learned that if I focused more on keeping the non-working shoulder packed tight, it made every phase of the movement stronger. Probably because the weighted shoulder is kept packed from the weight. I'm excited about learning this.

Both Lifts:
This will sound strange...but on both movements I learned that if I kept my jaw a little more relaxed it rewarded me with a more neutral head position.

Overall an exceptionally productive session!
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