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Kettlebell Maximorum Master Thread

Week 4 in the books!
Total weekly reps - 238 (+68% from week 1)
During the first two weeks I was considering switching to 3 sessions a week because of overall body fatigue; however decided to gut it out with 4 per week. It seems like I am adapting to 4 training sessions per week quite well now. I am raring to go after the rest days and ready for the two day break on Friday.
I am thoroughly enjoying focusing on these few exercises and can’t imagine wanting to do more. They seem to cover all the bases. I do experience some minor soreness after each session which seems to manifest in different areas each time. One time in my lower traps and rhomboids, another time in the upper traps and hamstrings, another time in the forearms and neck. Very interesting!
W4D5 intimidated me since it bumped up against my 6RM DCP for multiple sets. Very pleased with the way I completed that session just now with complete confidence. All in all really enjoying this program thus far!!
Week 5 of Phase 1 complete!
Total reps for week 5 down a bit from week 4 (232 vs. 238). Day 2 was my first disappointing training session since starting this program. Burning sensation in my traps from the first set. Traps, obliques and forearms had residual soreness from snatches on the previous day. Curtailed that session at about the half way point since I was feeling intense burning with each rep.
It’s becoming more apparent each week that good food and sleep are essential for continued progress.
Experiencing a general sense of well being all over and dropped a notch on my belt as well as feeling strong!
An update from week 9, completed yesterday with a grand total of 286 snatches and 128 C&P + front squats. My left shoulder is still 100% good... There has been plenty of demanding days in the program so far, but W9D4 really kicked my a#@ in a way I haven't felt since doing The Wolf. First time when running this program that I've come close to dropping the bells on the front squats, but I was able to complete it.

An interesting WTH effect is pull-ups. I've never been good with them, and have never trained them much. On a very good day I could eek out 2 reps. Yesterday I tried them for the first time since starting Maximorum, just after completing my snatches. 4(!) good reps, and I could possibly have squeezed out a fifth one with s***ty form but called quits. I was very surprised!

The total number of reps per week has been steadily increasing every week and I'm for sure more muscular than when I started. Weight is holding steady at 75-76 kg. so there's some recomposition going on here. My wife has also started the program and is at week 5 now, also loving it.
Phase 1 complete!

Been loving Maximorum! Weighed in today at 210lbs vs 209 six weeks ago. This fact combined with the fact that I have transitioned from 38 to 36 sized jeans implies to me that the recomp in this program is for real.

Just for fun decided to try out my new 20 kg bells which have never been used for training. My true 6RM for DCP prior to starting phase 1 was with 16’s. That day I was unable to complete one rep with the 20’s. Just now I completed three good quality reps so feeling good about the strength imcrease in only six weeks and confident that I will be able to graduate to the 20’s at the end of the program.

Now comes my first big obstacle. This Monday i begin a two week vacation of hiking in the Rockies. The plan is to stay in a mountain town at 8500’ and do day hikes go as high as 14000’ as often as the weather and my fitness will allow. I have already loaded my 16’s in the truck and intend to do four training sessions each week while hiking. Since the hiking will undoubtedly affect my training and recovery my idea is to backtrack to week four and be kind to myself in terms of auto regulation. I welcome any comments any may have on this plan especially from older men and/or Mr Neupert. Wondering if I am being too aggressive.

I started the program without a definitive goal but finally came up with one which I intend to pursue. Since I turn 70 in March2024 i think a good birthday present to myself would be to complete the program with 16’s retest after a short break then run the program again with 20’s with the hope of progressing to 24’s about the time of my birthday. Now that i’ve typed that out loud; i guess that means I’m committed.
@paulwilson GREAT WORK!

I am excited to hear reports of your hiking and the WTH effects from your KB training. As far as training on your trip goes, listen to your body. The purpose of your trip is hiking and not KBs. Maybe skip the bells? You won't lose your gains in 2 weeks of hiking in the Rockies.
Thanks for the advice. Maybe its because I am new at this and because I am feeling so much better that I feel the urge not interrupt my training. I will certainly be flexible and see how I feel each day. But the bells are staying in the truck tonight.
I finished 1.0 yesterday. My wife asked “what are your training goals?”……, i came up with…”get through all 3-phases of KB Strong.”

Trouble is, at moment, I do not have a 4-5RM. 32 is probably a 10 and 40 is, I suspect, a 2. I only have a single 36.

On to 2.0, which is only Giant I haven’t run yet. I figure the 40s will be up to a 4 after 1-more block. We shall see…
Mission accomplished! I just completed week 12 of this program with 16 kg. kettlebells in all exercises. 160 snatches today, and a pat on the back to myself for a job well done, and to @Geoff Neupert for writing an amazing program. This has been a joy, with great results. I've sent Geoff a loooong e-mail, but for everyone else...

C&P RM week 1: 6-7
C&P RM week 12: 14!

Starting weight: 76,0 kg.
Finishing weight: 74,7 kg.

I was by no means obese when I started this, but didn't look very fit either. I looked like a middle-ageed runner (46) in decent condition. Decently slim, but not muscular at all. Last week my 18 year old son saw me doing a workout without a t-shirt on and actually commented that I was looking muscular and had a sixpack going on! That's big praise from him, and I must say the mirror agrees. There's been some serious muscle building and recomposition going on here. No pictures from me, so you'll have to take my word for it. I regret not taking measurements other than my weight when I started.
Hi @Geoff Neupert

I’ve recently picked up Maximorum and have run Giant a few times in the past with great success. I’m wondering which would be better if was wanting recomp but leaning more towards the fat loss side?


I got very lean and muscular with Maximorum. I've done dfw, STRONG and The Giant as well. Maximorum is my favorite of Geoff's programs.

Only grinding 2 days a week and snatching 2 days a week is the perfect combination for me.

I'm doing AXE for a while now but I'll run Maximorum again in 2024. Hell, I'll probably run it yearly.
Mission accomplished! I just completed week 12 of this program with 16 kg. kettlebells in all exercises. 160 snatches today, and a pat on the back to myself for a job well done, and to @Geoff Neupert for writing an amazing program. This has been a joy, with great results. I've sent Geoff a loooong e-mail, but for everyone else...

C&P RM week 1: 6-7
C&P RM week 12: 14!

Starting weight: 76,0 kg.
Finishing weight: 74,7 kg.

I was by no means obese when I started this, but didn't look very fit either. I looked like a middle-ageed runner (46) in decent condition. Decently slim, but not muscular at all. Last week my 18 year old son saw me doing a workout without a t-shirt on and actually commented that I was looking muscular and had a sixpack going on! That's big praise from him, and I must say the mirror agrees. There's been some serious muscle building and recomposition going on here. No pictures from me, so you'll have to take my word for it. I regret not taking measurements other than my weight when I started.
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