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Kettlebell Maximorum Master Thread

General question: I'm wrapping up week two now and enjoying it so far. As this is my first foray into auto regulation, I'm still uncertain if I'm doing it "right." E.g. I hit 24 reps on the first grind day, 26 on the second, and 27 on the third. I'm assuming this upward trajectory is the point. However, I'm not sure if I set the baseline too low. I know it all depends on work capacity and ability and all that. But what has been some people's experiences with the beginning of auto-regulation programs? Just curious what some people thing.
For me, I think it comes down to trying to increase my RPE every week. I like increasing my total rep number week over week. It usually fits with auto regulation for me. As long as you are increasing, reps or weight or intensity (same work less time for example) you are practicing progressive overload.
General question: I'm wrapping up week two now and enjoying it so far. As this is my first foray into auto regulation, I'm still uncertain if I'm doing it "right." E.g. I hit 24 reps on the first grind day, 26 on the second, and 27 on the third. I'm assuming this upward trajectory is the point. However, I'm not sure if I set the baseline too low. I know it all depends on work capacity and ability and all that. But what has been some people's experiences with the beginning of auto-regulation programs? Just curious what some people thing.
As the rep ranges go up progressively, and the time is fixed, if you match volume as the weeks go on, that in itself is progress. E.g. 8 sets of 3 (24) is harder than 12 sets of 2 (24) with 5RM weight. Matching or exceeding last week’s volume with higher rep ranges this week is progressive overload, which drives and is evidence of strength adaptation.
Still battling a cold and somehow picked up a foot injury over the weekend. I did the snatches this morning with no issue, but squat is a bit stiff. So this week will just be snatch practice, which I need. I’m doing the half snatch. My form is ok, I don’t think I’m going to hurt myself, but I think regular snatching will be good for me technique wise
Phase I Week 3

C&P/FSQ: 2x24kg
Snatch: 28kg

Week 1Week 2Week 3

Not too shabby considering W3D4 ladders top out close to starting RM!

Here’s my courage corner:


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W1D1 done. Finally started. The snatch part for me is mostly just technique and practice. Ive only done low volume snatching and not regularly so I’m just focussing on getting the reps in while dialing in technique.

C&P&S tomorrow, much more comfortable so will be hoping to build volume over the weeks.
Holy smokes. I am loving the heavy snatches in this. I can really feel and see the difference. While trying to get lean on this I’ve added muscle for sure and gained weight by adding 2-3 lbs. I was not in caloric deficit early on because I was so hungry from these workouts. Got it under control now though. Focusing on being in small deficit and am running the program three days a week. I can tell I’ve gained muscle from seeing myself in mirror. My shoulders and arms are more defined. My strength also is up! So far so good! I’m now into week 3 day 1 workouts (but it’s week 4 from a time standpoint because I’m doing 3 not 4 days a week).
Holy smokes. I am loving the heavy snatches in this. I can really feel and see the difference. While trying to get lean on this I’ve added muscle for sure and gained weight by adding 2-3 lbs. I was not in caloric deficit early on because I was so hungry from these workouts. Got it under control now though. Focusing on being in small deficit and am running the program three days a week. I can tell I’ve gained muscle from seeing myself in mirror. My shoulders and arms are more defined. My strength also is up! So far so good! I’m now into week 3 day 1 workouts (but it’s week 4 from a time standpoint because I’m doing 3 not 4 days a week).
I’m glad to see someone else mention appetite. I started Maximorum back in mid-August. About a week in I noticed that I seemed to be hungry most of the day. I did give in to eating junky a little bit but mostly ate good quality food. Funny thing is; I’ve lost 5lbs (from 210 to 205) in 10 weeks.
Man, I’m first week in and I will definitely be upping my calories. I’m using my 20’s, which is kind of on the lighter side as I’m comfortable C&Ping my 24’s but after today ( first session of C&P&FSQ ) I’m thinking 20’s are a good choice. 30 mins is a long time and while I got a good amount of reps in ( 43, I think that’s pretty good anyway haha ), the 24’s would’ve started to feel really heavy by the end.

Funny you guys talk about hunger, I got to work this morning and drove straight out to get breakfast, which I rarely do
Man, I’m first week in and I will definitely be upping my calories. I’m using my 20’s, which is kind of on the lighter side as I’m comfortable C&Ping my 24’s but after today ( first session of C&P&FSQ ) I’m thinking 20’s are a good choice. 30 mins is a long time and while I got a good amount of reps in ( 43, I think that’s pretty good anyway haha ), the 24’s would’ve started to feel really heavy by the end.

Funny you guys talk about hunger, I got to work this morning and drove straight out to get breakfast, which I rarely do
I’m keeping my protein high and eating more vegetables and fruit. Trying to lower my bread and processed carbs intake. I love popcorn and will eat a serving or two if hungry at night.

I am trying to get leaner and it is working. The scale has gone up a 1 lb but I’ve definitely built muscle over the past 3 weeks and notice it in my arms, shoulders and quads in addition to the posterior chain muscles.

Also I play softball and feel more explosive on the base paths. Went first to home last night and felt faster despite being about the same weight.
Hmmm, I’m going to have to drop to the 16kg for snatches I think. Upper back is tight which I can manage but after yesterday my back is a bit stiff, and I wasn’t keen on pushing it with C&P&FSQ today.

I picked the 20 over the 16 for snatches because I find the 16 too light, I can’t really feel the movement ( if that makes sense? ). I can do dbl snatches with 16’s but I find double kb movements easier than single kb movements.

I’ll stretch,roll and walk it out til next week and restart WK1 with the 16. I’m just going to have to focus on technique.

The combo of C&P&FSQ is magic, and could easily be a stand alone, but I definitely want to get the snatch down, so will persist.
Tested my 5RM C+P and 10RM Snatch this week. Will be using 32kg for both. I look forward to starting Maximorum on Monday! I will try my best to refrain from touching the barbell as well during the next 12 weeks, so that I may see if there are any strength gain or loss in the squat (160kg), bench (110kg), and deadlift (180kg). Current BW is 95kg. Excited to do heavy snatches again. I don't think I've snatched 32s for reps since my crossfit days in my early 30s. If everything goes according to plan, I'll be finishing the program the week after my 40th birthday.
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