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My Busy Dad protocol - a GtG success

Q&D 044
2 series, 4/5
24 kg

First time in several weeks.

Bell feels light. But cardio was definitely challenged. Breath was a bit fast at the end of 2 series.

Living a life full of sharp turns, indeed.

Edit: Only doing kettlebells cuz my barbell space in the garage is compromised.
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Light day. About 10 minutes of work broken into chunks

5x5 deadlift 48k
Crisp, and fast. Gonna add the 40k next time

1x5 push press 40k
Third rep on my left stalled and came back down into the rack. Rest pause, for less than 30 seconds in the carry. Got through the set.

1x5 clean & press 32k
Strict presses, easy today.

1x5 clean 32k for form.
I'm not sure I am actually good at cleaning the bell. Gonna look into standards for the clean.

Will try to clear enough space for barbell tomorrow.
Q&D 044
3 series, 4/5
24 kg

Q&D is still above and beyond my daily work. Felt winded again.

Bell feels easier than last cycle. Definitely flies a bit faster as a couple mistimed snatches revealed that the bell was moving faster than I anticipated for timing a soft landing on my forearm.

I'll have to retest power at some point.
Test for strength

Kettlebell Push Press 48kg


Kettlebell jerk 48kg

1x1 48kg

I can can apparently jerk the 48kg once on either side.

Edit: Don't think I've been logging my jerk attempts with 24k, 32k, 40k but they were just single reps to try the movement.
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Q&D 044
2 series , 4/5

Bell is getting too light. It flings up and requires a certain amount of care to time it for a soft landing. Maybe time to start transition to 32kg via A+A. Or modified q&d heavy days. To be continued.

Kettlebell Push Press
10x3 40kg

Got the biggest volume day by changing from fives to triples. And as an exception, the missus is home to watch the kids. This is the first time in months that's happened in the daylight. Maybe this indicates I need to program around weekend availability, to get more work in. These weekdays have been too busy.

Still need to clear out the garage for barbell.
More to come on barbell work.
2 Hand swings
32kg 11x5 EMOM

lots of snappiness.
Flew up to eye level easily.
Very easy to feel that plank at the top.
Overspeed eccentrics on every rep.
Left me sweating it out at this rest interval.
Felt good today. Got interrupted
Maybe will add to this later.
maybe 40k is more appropriate for 5rep EMOM.


Strength aerobics
Clean, jerk, squat EMOM
40K 6 minutes
32k 16 minutes

Tried strength aerobics today. Did clean and jerk, and a squat.

Tried it with 40K and then switch to 32k, because the 40K was falling off my forearm while I was squatting. And I'd reclean it and squat again. Not the end of the world.

Seems I've got some technique to practice there. Come to think of it, I don't squat with the kettlebell in the rack like that. I've always done double kettlebell front squat. I guess I felt like the center of gravity wasn't keeping me upright enough to not lose the rack. More practice needed.

Don't know why there are 11s in my program today but I went for 22 cycles emom.

It's a gratifying practice but, I'm not sure where it fits in with my goals. Maybe I'm fooling myself, but it felt a little too easy. Maybe if I wasn't working with the 32k it would have been a different story. I don't know.

I'll try it again another time. There may be something to the conditioning aspect. My quads are definitely feeling it. But not burnt out.

Also, I was sweating, and my heart rate and breath was elevated. But I felt I could go on forever. So, I'm not sure what that means. Maybe it was doing exactly what it was supposed to do.
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Strength aerobics
20 minutes

push press

EMOM x 20

Simple full body workout I guess.
Not complaining.

It's just late enough at night that I'm worried about falling asleep.
I've tried not to work out too close to bedtime some the early days of s&s with a 16kg bell at midnight.

Again, I think I'm fooling my self but I felt like I could go on forever.

The 40k has a tendency to fall forward out of the rack.
I think I might have had it a couple times where it was stable.
I have more practice to do to keep the 40 in the rack during the squat.
Q&D 044
Heavy weight protocol
2 series 4/3,2

What I did not expect. This was less taxing than 24kg.

Thinking about going all snatch all the time.
Annoyed with other limitations of life; space and time-wise.

we'll see.

Late at night, I notice some muscle soreness setting in at the traps, and upper back .
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2 hand Swing EMOM
20x5 40kg

Had to take a few breaks to keep the kids away from the danger zone. But at least in the garage I can see them coming.

Upper back was sore. So swings for today. Still trying to get back to a daily regimen. Maybe 10 minutes a day is more viable.

Still wanna get back to zercher eventually. Garage clearing is still on the docket.

Edit: push press 3x3 40kg

edit: Set up barbell with 315 for dead lift singles for now.
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cleared out the garage for the 3rd time in 2 weeks. finally back to the barbell.
in the spirit of GtG - I will be trying out - New to me - Daily Dose Deadlift.
Yesterday was my first day. and it looks too good to be true.
3-5x1 | 5/7 days | 75% 1RM (most days)

Yesterday. . .

Daily Dose Deadlifts
Day 1
235 lbs

Seems too easy, but some volume is better than none.
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Daily Dose Deadlifts
Day 5
235 lbs


10 minutes SA
Clean Press Squat

Interrupted by kids.
Was hoping for 20 minutes.

10 minutes
5 minutes
1 minute sprints
30 second sprints

Kids hovering and chattering the whole time ... Still working on corralling them . More important when I'm swinging iron .

Need to include rower more often since it's a part of my test . 5000m in 25min. Is passing. Scored 24 minutes in diagnostic testing.
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Daily Dose Deadlifts
Day 7
250 lbs


Strength aerobics
Clean, push press, squat.

I guess there was a guardian angel watching out for me today.

I was able to secure some time home alone and took advantage of it to give strength aerobics a more thorough try. Here's how it went down.

32kg 30 sec. Intervals.
5-15 min.
32kg 1 min. Intervals.
15-60 min.
40kg 1 min. Intervals.

Lots of sweat. Raised pulse the entire time. I do not have a heart rate monitor, but I felt as though I was working hard, but not too hard. Especially after trying 30 second intervals. I should use a 24K Bell if I'm going to try that again. There were Lots of deep breaths, slow and controlled in between takes. After I found my rhythm I felt like I could continue for a very long time although on my last two reps I had to kip a little extra to get the push press.
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That’s a great session. Only one i ever did that long was with a 20k; clean, press, squat, snatch, pullup for that session though. The snatch seasions add a very different element, but the cleans at your weight are demanding too.
That’s a great session. Only one i ever did that long was with a 20k; clean, press, squat, snatch, pullup for that session though. The snatch seasions add a very different element, but the cleans at your weight are demanding too.
Thanks! Yeah I can definitely notice the cleans in the arms. But I wanted to not overdo it. I'm a huge fan of all things anti glycolytic. And I reckon this work to rest ratio falls in that camp.

I bet clean press squat and snatch with the 24kg would be plenty for me

I do wonder how much of an aerobic effect it may have.
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