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Kettlebell quite surprised, or the gold of the get up

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Last time I was working them, a few years ago, I was aiming for keeping body "planked" i.e. legs and torso in horizontal line. Never got there but have seen videos and it looks cool and of course takes a lot of strength---dead hang->front lever->inverted hand->back lever and reverse...!

I feel pain only by seeing it, above all if I know it is over my head ahah. It is heavier than my Madame !

I am sure that @Harald Motz is a machine (and a strong one !)

Kind regards,

I liked the skin-the-cat so much yesterday, I did some more today. Sorry for the crappy camera position, but I managed back parallel to the ground and straight knees, so I was pleased with that. I will try to pause in the bottom most position next time.

"Earned get-up strength seems to last" as Harald says in the original post... It is true. I haven't been doing them much either, but the 32kg was still there for me today.

I am starting to think of the get-up as wedging under the weight more than lifting the weight. It is a teacher that keeps on teaching.
Nice Harald!

2 questions:

1. Did you weigh your bell and there's such a difference? You talk about 50Kg, but the the imprintment on the KB is clearly 52.

2. Do you need special cleaning for your carpet? I live, sleep and train in the same room and I've been thinking about buying a carpet to cover my cold, hard floor. I'd train on it aswell, but I'm afraid it might be a problem with all the sweat, especially TGUs (lying a lot).
Awesome control. Also I love your transition between the two in the form of a roadkill split. Amazing work sir!
thanks Dave. I also love, that I regained bits of mobility and flexibility

@Harald Motz, I'm sure the picture says 5.2 kg, you certainly make it look like a 5 kg bell!! And @Anna C, yours looks like a 3.2!! Very impressive easy control, grace and elegance on display given the weight of the lumps over your head.
@Kettlebelephant :
it is not always like it is, even when moulded in iron. When putting this bell on a scale it shows 50kg, exactly.

2. Do you need special cleaning for your carpet? I live, sleep and train in the same room and I've been thinking about buying a carpet to cover my cold, hard floor. I'd train on it aswell, but I'm afraid it might be a problem with all the sweat, especially TGUs (lying a lot).
hoovering does the trick. A solid carpet is a great, basic thing to have. Sweat?....make your rest longer.
Training without a shirt, and drying the body with a towel should work.

Me and the get up:
Currently I literally get up with the get up (after getting up out of bed, without a bell...). A rep or two on each side, before work, while making/having tea. knitting body and mind together. When back from work, I get down, to get up again. I am using this 50k bell solely. Accumulating a rep here, and one there. Since rediscovering the get up on 12/26/16 twelve days have gone. I feel moving better. Hanging on my Sprossenwand, it is getting easier, to press myself to the flag, which is much harder, than coming down to it from the upside. Yes, the get up is loaded Yoga, and is to me a real bodyweight/iron hybrid.
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I like your reverse windshield wiper as well...this feels so much better on my knee, but feels so awkward on the way down!

By reading this thread, I wanted to test my GU @32. This weight is the max I have ever tried. I have not trained that move since Simple, a few months ago.

Then, I used saturday routine as a variety day to do my test.

I do not know why, but GU is still here without training it at all ! I was both satisfied and surprised.

Since Simple I have worked above all on heavy swings, weighted chin ups, OAOL PU, pistols and abs (dragon flag) and front lever. I guess "big moves" (including bodyweight ones) have a huge carryover.

I admit that I am not sure my GU has improved, but due to technique and carryover, the level is maintained.

Just my two cents GU story.

Kind regards,

@pet' : well done!

the get up makes me one arm press 50kg! even I could argue, it's a floor press with reduced range of motion. On the other hand without a stretch reflex, bounce or momentum. Good.

@Harald Motz
Thank you ! :)

The frame I used was GU supersetted with OAOL PU. I was amazed by the A+A of this strength move combination. The "advantage" of the OAOL PU over other moves is that here, you do not have to "prepare yourself" (harness for a weight on chin ups for e.g). You can do it immediately after your GU. That way, you keep your HR constant.

Plus, it allows to maintain the skill with two moves. I definitely think it can be a bread and butter for a daily routine : 2 or 3 supersets, some swings and you are good.

Kind regards,

from Kettlebell: Simple and Sinister

The Get-Up - your strongman mentor

Legend has it that old-time strongman taught apprentices the get-up and told them to come back when able to do it with 100 pounds. The skills and strength the apprentice would acquire over the many months of pursuing this noble goal would be far superior to whatever a roomful of personal trainers could have produced during the same time - and no words would have been wasted.
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