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Simple and beyond

Doing sleep restriction to improve my sleep. Very hard. Training therefore has to be easier. Low step, high step, push ups between parallettes, deadlifts with 16 kilo and 24 kilo, band rows with purple band and then with red band. Non-stop training. 25 minutes. Easy
Suitcase walk@36 kilo: 2 minutes and 1 minutes (changing hands as often as I felt like).
Push ups with 10 kilo back-pack between paralettes.
Band rows with a blue band and then with a green band (ironwood bands).
Bulgarian split squats with 10 kilo back pack. Both feets are elevated.
Biceps curl with a 24 kilo kettlebell and rope. (so one 24 kilo kettlebell for two hands.)

I have bursitis in my left forearm. I have had it for tree weeks. If things does not improve I have always the possibility to do snatches with dumbbells.
2h swing@40 kilo. E20SEC. 1 rep and sometimes 2 rep.

2h swing@48 kilo. E20SEC. 1 rep.

20 minutes combined. Unfortunately I did not count.
2h kb swing . 40 kilo. E20SEC. 19 minutes.
Gsq@28: 6 reps for 3 sets.
Band military press: some reps with red band others with blue.
Suitcase walk@12 kilo kb: 8 minutes and 37 seconds. @16kilo: 5 minutes.
Goblet squat@36: 6 reps and 3 sets.
One feet deadlift: 12 kilo: 9 reps lateral, 9 reps contralateral. The same for both feet.
Push ups between kettlebells@10 kilo back-pack: 6*3.
Biceps curl: ropes and 28 kilo kb. 7,6,3.
Bent over band rows: blue band and green band.
Also trained a couple of sets with one leg, one arm.
40 minutes with step up and bicycling on a stationary bike. There is something very meditative about bicycling slowly on a stationary bike. Tried step-ups with 10 and 12 kilo.
2h swing E20SEC. 44 kilo. 11 minutes.
Gsq: 44 kilo. 5/3.
Plank with one foot and one arm.
One goal I have is to be able to carry the 36 kilo kettlebell for 15 minutes in suitcase carry. I can switch hands whenever I want to.
My method would: 20,24 and 28. On a dice: 20 will be one and two, 24, three, four and five, and 28 will be 6. 20 will be fore: 7 minutes. 24 for 4 minutes and 28 for 2 minutes.

Another goal is power-wheel roll out from the feet: For four weeks I will just make sure to train this two times a week with at least ten repetitions pr. session.

The third goal is 2h swing E20sec. 1 rep. My goal is to be able to do thirty minutes with 60 kilo. Currently personal record is 34 minutes with 40 kilo.
I did Great Gamma Protocol. Very enjoyable.
Then I did 7 minutes of suicase walk with 20 kilo kb.
Yesterday: 25 minutes slow speed on a stationary bike.
Today: 2h swing@32 kilo. 10/7. RPE: 6
Push ups between kettlebells, feet on 20 cm step: 10+8 (should have taken a longer rest between sets. Until you feel completely rested + 1 minute). (RPE 8)
Bent over bad rows red band: 12+10 (RPE 5) Increase the volume here next time.

My semi-glucolitic work-out. Did not faint or vomit this time.
Superset 1:
Power wheel roll-out from knees: 5/3 (RPE: 9) Either take longer breaks or fewer reps.
Lunges with KB in goblet squat position@16 kilo: 6/3 pr. side. RPE: 5

Superset 2:
Push-ups between KBs and with feet on 20cm elevation@9 kilo back pack: 5/3 (RPE 7)
Iron Woody blue band bent over rows: 6/3 (RPE 6)

One feet contralateral deadlift @12 kilo: 6/3 pr. foot. (RPE: 6)
Superset 1:
Push-ups between KBs and with feet on 20cm elevation@9 kilo back pack: 5/3 (RPE 8)
Lunges with KB in goblet squat position@16 kilo: 6/3 pr. side. RPE: 5

Superset 2:
Power wheel roll-out from knees: 5/1 (RPE: 8) Lying plank, lying in a banana shape on you back, hands along the side. 20-30 seconds each set).
Iron Woody blue band bent over rows: 7/3 (RPE 7)

One feet lateral deadlift @12 kilo: 7/3 pr. foot. (RPE: 6)
Biceps curl with rope 20 kg kettlebell. 7/3 (RPE 5) A bitt too easy.
40 kilo kb. 2h swing. 1 rep E20SEC. 19 minutes. 7 sets with 2 reps.
Did some lateral walk and goblet squat with a short rubber band to train middle gluteus.
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