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Simple and beyond

Hiked 45 km with 25 kilo back pack in three days. It went well. Tired today.
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Suitcase walk with 20 kilo. 7 minutes. RPE: 4
14 minutes on a stationary bike. Just to improve restitution. Felt good.
Superset 1:
Push-ups between KBs and with feet on 20cm elevation@9 kilo back pack: 5/3 (RPE 8)
Lunges with KB in goblet squat position@20 kilo: 6/3 pr. side. RPE: 8

Superset 2:
3 sets. Lying plank, lying in a banana shape on you back, hands along the side. 20-30 seconds each set).
Iron Woody blue band bent over rows: 7/3 (RPE 7)

One feet lateral deadlift @16kilo: 7/3 pr. foot. (RPE: 7)
Biceps curl with rope 24kg kettlebell. 7/3 (RPE 8) A bitt too easy.
Hypertrophy training. Same exercises but just one set, and with lighter weights. Feeling very tired.
2h swing@32: 10/10.
Some windmills with 16 kilo.

Strapped on time, energy and self-disciplin thus decided to do a short s&s workout.
Some goals of mine:

Doing sleep restrictions now. This takes very much energy out of me. Hopefully it will result in me getting better sleep. This will take about two months.
Becoming 79 kilo. Right now I am 89 kilo. When I become 79 I will have a hint of six-pack. That will suffice for me.
Crawling for ten minutes.
40 kilo military press.
Snatch test.
2h swing. 60 kilo. 1 rep E20sec for 20 minutes.
5 goblet squats with 60 kilo.
25 pull-ups with neutral grip.
15 minutes of suitcase walk with 36 kilo. (I can change hand whenever I feel like it).
Power wheel roll-out from my toes.
Superset 1:
Push-ups between KBs and with feet on 20cm elevation: 5/3 (RPE 6)
Lunges with KB in goblet squat position@20 kilo: 6/2 pr. side. RPE: 7

Superset 2:
3 sets. Lying plank, lying in a banana shape on you back, hands along the side. 20-30 seconds each set).
Iron Woody blue band bent over rows: 7/3 (RPE 7) (next time I can add one more set)

Biceps curl with rope 24kg kettlebell. 7/3 (RPE 7) A bitt too easy. (next time I can add one more set)
Axe. 1h swing@36. Middle range reps. 20 sets.
Windmills@24: 4/3 (8,5) a bit too heavy for my technique.
Some training for my forearms.
Mild hypertrophy training.
Thought about adding crawling.
On a dice: 1 and 2: 10 seconds.
3,4 and 5: 15 seconds.
6: 20 seconds.
Starting with 3 sets.
Not sure how often I will do it. 2-3 times pr. Week.
Vacation and the weight is now 92. The vacation is over and I started with a fast.
Tried 5 minutes of suitcase walk with 36 kilo kb. Achieved the goal. Tried five minutes of crawling. Managed 1 minute and 43 seconds. Man, it was hard.

Goals: 15 minutes of crawling and ten minutes crawl with a 10 kilo back pack.

15 minutes suitcase walk with 36 kilo.
Push-ups between KBs and with feet on 20cm elevation + 10 kilo back pack : 5/4 (RPE 8)
4 sets. 2 sets of power wheel roll out. 2 sets of lying plank, lying in a banana shape on you back, hands along the side. 20-30 seconds each set).

1 foot deadlift with 16 kilo: 6/3.
Iron Woody green band band bent over rows: 5/3 (RPE 7)

Lunges with KB in goblet squat position@20 kilo: 6/3 pr. side. RPE: 8

Biceps curl with rope 24kg kettlebell. 6/4 (RPE 7)

All of this was done on day 2 of my 50 hour fast.
S&S training: 2h swing@36 kilo. 10/4
32 kilo: 10/2
Goblet squat@40: 5/2
@36: 5

Crawling: dice 6. High time under tension: 25 seconds*3.

Whole workout lasted 17 minutes.
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