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Simple and beyond

Pull-ups and rows. Swimming intervals. 20 backward lunges with 8 kilo in chest position. ( felt heavy). 10 reps with 12 kilo. 30 reps with no Weight. Again Heavy. Lunges is very Heavy in my book. Will do more of it.
2h swings. Low weight. Medium volume. 10 reps * 9 sets. 32 kilo.
Backward lunges with weight held in goblet squat position. 28 kilo. 8 reps + 6 reps. Always alternating.
single leg kettlebell deadlift. 8 kilo. 8 reps + 8 reps pr. foot. (kettlebell held in both hands with both legs. )
It would be cool to be able to lift 48 kilo one-arm rows 5 times.
It would also be cool to be able to do power wheel roll outs.
I will do GTG to reach these goals.
Short easy work-out.

Kettlebell pull-overs: 16 kilo. 7 reps* 3 sets.
Kettlebell armbar: 16 kilo: 5 reps * 3 sets
Bird-dog: 20 reps*2 sets.
Side plank: 30 seconds*3 sets.
Half-kneeling kettlebell military press: 12 kilo. 7 sets on each arm, in all positions. (7 reps on the same side as the kneeling foot, and on the opposite side). (12 kilo is a bit easy, will try with 16 kilo next time.)
Power-wheel roll out.
Twisted hip-rises: 16 reps
Sunday I did 30 minutes of slow and steady stationary bike work.

Today I did 19 minutes of C&J. 2,5 reps. 16. kilo.

I warmed up properly and stretched out properly in order to reduce the chance of back pain.
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I know you mentioned this at the outset, and apologies if it’s old news, but what is ‘Timeless’ or ‘Timed’ Solid, is this something in between Simple and Sinister?
Solid is 40 kilogram kettlebell. Solid timeless is 10*10 1h swing in whatever time it tales. Solid timed is the same as the above in five minutes.
Swings. 1h. 20 kg. 10*10. Trying to perfect my technique. By having good or very good technique I can prevent myself from getting back pain after a work-out.