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Bodyweight Some advice please - Modifying YAYOG program - Weightloss Journey

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Level 4 Valued Member
Hi I'm Sam.

Been using Mark Lauren's You Are Your Own Gym on and off for 6 years. Absolutely love the program.

Recently been watching some of Dr Jim Stoppani's work on youtube.

He has convinced me, and I had heard previously, that lowering volume, but working out DAILY in full body format may be better for the body. From what I've learned:

a) For mid age, full body workouts allegedly achieve better results
b) Working out both upper and lower body stimulates more growth hormone
c) Working out full body, up to 7 days a week, can lead to greater strength and mass gains, when modified for lower volume, but medium to high intensity.

I'd really like to test it, using YAYOG program, but modify it to an all body routine. Start out 3 days a week and build up to 7. I'd probably eliminate cardio if doing this. I'm not 100% with all the variables and would really appreciate some help.

I'm just restarting this journey after weightloss surgery (sleeve gastrectomy). Before anyone judges, struggled with my weight since I was 6, and I've literally lost over 300kg in my lifetime...then gained it back. I had to try something different to lose the fat permanently. I'd really love to update some stats here occasionally, keep myself accountable.

5'10", 40 yo,
highest weight 167kg (Dec 2014)
surgery weight 137kg (18th of feb 2020),
current weight 122.4kg (12th of apr 2020)

been working out lightly for 3.5 weeks, working at half capacity (4.5 mins per exercise x 4 exercises, ladders format 4 or 5 times a week) as just getting back in to it, so adding 1 min per week to the first batch of circuit training (ladders format) until I can manage 2 weeks at 7.5 mins x 4 exercises, 4 times a week, if not 5 when I'm feeling strong.

Is there anyone familiar with Mark Lauren's bodyweight book? and his programs? Could I have some advice modifying the program? If necessary I can post the whole program, but it would be great if someone was already familiar with it.

Also happy to chat through PM. Not sure how happy Mark would be if i was posting all of his material on the forum.

Thanks heaps in advance. Very grateful for any help.
maybe it'll be easier if i clarify.

first two weeks of the program is endurance. it's in a ladders format. it's 4 exercises by 7.5 mins. push x 2 exercises, pull x 2 exercises, for 2 days, then legs x 3 exercises abs x 1 exercise on one day, then legs x 3 exercises and lower back/glutes/rear delts x 1 exercise.

ladders works by doing 1 rep, break for length of rep. 2 reps, break for length of 2 reps and so on up the ladder. Do NOT reach failure. Before reaching failure go back down the ladder, taking shorter and shorter breaks till one rep....then back up the ladder, or single reps, until timer goes off. I've added glute bridge on legs days for better glute activation, and face pulls everyday as a corrective exercise.

The problem I see making this a full body workout is working out whether to drop certain exercises, or put them on alternate days, or shortening the 7.5 minutes.

I can't see my way around adding more than 4 exercises per day if i wanted to do this full body.

if i shorten the time...I'm not getting the endurance benefit...but i AM lowering the volume.

If I add more exercises, and shorten the time, I'll still be doing a full workout, so overall the endurance is still there. volume will be picked up on other days.

I'm worried about the exercises...which ones are best to pick? depends on which ones I'm doing I guess.

push pull day is - elevated push ups, seated bodyweight rows, elevated military press, inverted rows knees bent, face pulls
legs is - frog glute bridges, back lunge, one legged romanian deadlift, squat with 3 second pause at bottom under tension, face pulls
push pull day - as above

legs 2 is - frog glute bridge, alternate side lunges, one legged romanian dead lifts, squat plus 3s pause, face pulls.

This is supposed to be a 2 week block before moving on. I'm going slow and started at 1.5mins per exercise. I'm at 4.5 mins. adding a minute a week. Will continue until i hit 7.5 mins per exercise for 2 weeks.

If anyone can help out turning the above workout into a full body workout i'd really appreciate it.
Hello @SSSam

First off, welcome here.
Second off, congratulations for your journey.

I do not know YAYOG program, but it seems it works as a circuit. From what I understand, you are looking for a sweet blend of strength and weight loss, using a daily / almost daily routine.

Assuming this, I would figure out what push, pull and leg move I can perform for 3 to 5 clean repetitions. Basically, it would leave 1 or 2 reps in the tank.

Once you get these move, you could perform 3 to 5 rounds of the following circuit
- push: 3 to 5 repetitions
- pull: 3 to 5 repetitions
- leg: 3 to 5 repetitions

The idea would be to perform with almost no rest between exercise.

On the top of that, I would do some "pure aerobic" work, which is good for weight loss, but low impact on recovery as well. For instance, if you are not on a lockdown, 2 to 3 brisk walks a week, during about 30 minutes. It could also be swimming, easy jog. If you are on a lockdown, then skipping rope.

I am sure you are already monitoring it, but diet may be the most important thing. A slight calorie deficit (roughly 250 kcal) will help to progressively lose weight while avoiding fatigue and keep progressing.

I hope this may help you a little.

Kind regards,

Hello @SSSam

First off, welcome here.
Second off, congratulations for your journey.

I do not know YAYOG program, but it seems it works as a circuit. From what I understand, you are looking for a sweet blend of strength and weight loss, using a daily / almost daily routine.

Assuming this, I would figure out what push, pull and leg move I can perform for 3 to 5 clean repetitions. Basically, it would leave 1 or 2 reps in the tank.

Once you get these move, you could perform 3 to 5 rounds of the following circuit
- push: 3 to 5 repetitions
- pull: 3 to 5 repetitions
- leg: 3 to 5 repetitions

The idea would be to perform with almost no rest between exercise.

On the top of that, I would do some "pure aerobic" work, which is good for weight loss, but low impact on recovery as well. For instance, if you are not on a lockdown, 2 to 3 brisk walks a week, during about 30 minutes. It could also be swimming, easy jog. If you are on a lockdown, then skipping rope.

I am sure you are already monitoring it, but diet may be the most important thing. A slight calorie deficit (roughly 250 kcal) will help to progressively lose weight while avoiding fatigue and keep progressing.

I hope this may help you a little.

Kind regards,


Thanks heaps. I'll take that on board.

I am on lockdown...we are blessed in australia...great parks...the equipment MAY be closed one seems to notice at night :P

thanks heaps.

Ok may i ask some other questions then?

so the routine....the first two weeks ladders similar to a you're saying just pull one exercise out of each category and add it to the routine...

what about the exercises which target different areas? for example push up...on the normal push pull day I do push ups and military press....

with your I alternate? do one push for chest and triceps....and then shoulder and tricep another day? as an alternate push exercise?

is that the same with legs? for example one legged deadlift is a rear chain exercise (glutes and hamstrings)...a squat works the whole leg but dominant quads the way i feel it...would I alternate those too? I mean back lunge for me is a killer exercise, i feel that all over way more than squat or one legged deadlift...back lunge works my glutes too, with good form.

sorry if this seems obvious.

what about the exercises which target different areas? for example push up...on the normal push pull day I do push ups and military press....

with your I alternate? do one push for chest and triceps....and then shoulder and tricep another day? as an alternate push exercise?
Assuming you found the variation with the proper level of difficulty.

If you want to target specific areas, you can shoot for different pair:
- vertical push / vertical pull
- horizontal push / horizontal pull

Then it would be something like
- dip / pull up
- push up / row

So you could do:
- 3/5 dips and directly after 3/5 pull ups. Repeat 3 to 5 times
- 3/5 push ups and directly after 3/5 rows. Repeat 3 to 5 times.

For the legs, this is not that simple (meaning push / pull). However, you can get something like "squat pattern" and "hinge pattern", and following the below format:
- Squat regression: pistol > Bulgarian squat > jump squat > Hindu squat > regular squat > calf raises
- DL regression: good morning > single leg

Basically, from the hardest variation to the easiest. That way you train the strength while you are fresh, and then builds volume to get conditioning and endurance. Both for SQ and DL, I would reduce rest to the minimum with 2 conditions:
- enough rest to secure perfect form and full ROM
- not long enough to get a normal HR back
The idea is to get an aerobic training (such as an easy walk) as you perform the routine.

sorry if this seems obvious.
There's a French saying which says something like "The only stupid question is the one you don't ask". We are all here to learn from each other.

Kind regards,

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