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@Boris Bachmann, are you planning to rerun the challenge in 2024?

I've been reading the posts, and I'm interested in participating next year.
I got rid of my barbells years ago, so I would have to do 135lb Kettlebell Front Racked Squats.
Are kettlebells allowed as the weight even though it's the big plate challege?

I do staggered squats, so I don't expect to be competitive, but it would be a nice yearlong challenge.
It's an informal challenge so if you do 32kg bells and squat w. them, I'd say it counts for 1 big plate/side.
Smooth! The SSB kinda kicks my butt.
Mine too, but somehow or another I have improved in it. I do think I know why I improved. Watch both videos and see the box squat one from 2 years ago, my upper back breaks down on me. The 405 from the other night, not a hint of break down.

I think all the stone and sandbag lifting has made my upper back and thoracic extenders so much stronger that it cured the weakness that has held me back on the SSB.
Yep - upper back is key
I am finding barbell front squats help my upper back a lot. The key for me has been, as I start a cycle, to make sure I don’t feel the weight shifting to my hands at the bottom. That’s the good form that will eventually let me move more challenging weights.

I am finding barbell front squats help my upper back a lot. The key for me has been, as I start a cycle, to make sure I don’t feel the weight shifting to my hands at the bottom. That’s the good form that will eventually let me move more challenging weights.

Yes sir, they will blast your upper back. The SSB is as close as you can get to doing front squats without doing front squats. JP Sanchez said that the front squat was the best assistance exercise for a sumo deadlifter. Seeing that I am more interested in lifting stones and sandbags and they are nothing more than a very deep semi sumo/sldl pull, I figure my time will best spent doing more SSB, Front, and Zercher Squats vs. just barbell back squats.
JP Sanchez said that the front squat was the best assistance exercise for a sumo deadlifter.
In my current off-competition cycle, I’m doing front squats, sumo deadlifts and hack deadlifts. I’ve never maxed the first two and will do that in January.

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