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fat loss

  1. Looking for advice - strength fat-loss program

    Hello everyone! First, I want to express my gratitude for this forum and this community. Reading these sharings about achieved results or tips for programs and exercises is inspiring and motivating. I would appreciate any advice you can give me. As a youngster, I loved lifting heavy (Korte...
  2. JimmyK

    Other/Mixed Bodyweight for Health/Flexibility

    Good morning! I am a 24 y/o male, 5’10, 210 lbs, and am looking for a bodyweight only program to address the following (very) modest needs: -general strength, nothing crazy, I don’t even really care about being able to lift heavy, just my own body weight is enough -flexibility, to aid in...
  3. rvaldrich

    Nutrition Going Forwards in Reverse

    Howdy y’all! So I’ve had a rough few weeks and one of the casualties was the diet. As it always is. I’ve developed an oddity (eating disorder? Oreo addiction?) where when I’m indulging, I get this strange paranoia. I get this impulse to keep eating, almost like the food is going to disappear...
  4. Other/Mixed Body fat calculator not BMI or DEXA

    This body fat calculator combines the usual height and weight but also body measurements into its model. No free method seems very accurate but does this seem good enough for general guidelines and to check for progress for those who are not able or willing to use DEXA or other more...
  5. silveraw

    Nutrition Reduced caloric intake via food textures

    Just saw this interesting research review that looked at hard textured foods vs soft textured foods. They found that the group eating hard textured food ate around 200 less calories in a meal and felt as full as the group that ate soft textured foods with no additional snacking or caloric...
  6. JimmyK

    Bodyweight Fat Loss at home?

    Hey! I’m limited to my bodyweight for several months, which is fine because my OAPU and Pistol could use some attention. I just want to get leaner (lose my love handles), stronger and get some good cardio in. I love Naked Warrior, but I’m going to be doing this for a while so I was thinking that...
  7. Recommendations/Reviews/FS/WTB Aleks Salkin training programs

    How times have changed… Throughout my life seasons have changed. I have gone from going to the gym 6 times a week, living 8 minutes from work, to being married with 3 kids and now travelling 1.5 hours to work and the same if not longer in traffic for a return trip… 12 hour shifts… whinge whinge...
  8. Barbell Can I lose weight and gain strength at the same time using greasing the groove?

    As far as I know, greasing the groove focuses mainly on the neurological side of gaining strength and doesn't really break down the muscles involved in the movement. I'm looking to increase my strength on the bench (135lbs) and squat (200lbs) using greasing the groove, which I can do because I...
  9. Nutrition In desperate need of nutrition advice

    Hi all, I am really hoping someone can help me out in regards to eating for my lifting and physique goals. First and foremost, I desire to lose body fat and gain strength. Once this pandemic is over I really aspire to train for powerlifting comps or strongman, whichever works out best first. I...
  10. coachnathanwhite

    Kettlebell “When the Russian kettlebell meets an American steak, it is a beautiful thing.” - Pavel

  11. Kettlebell ETK Press and snatch test ?

    Hello I have been following.the ROP program in Antony dilugio workbook for 8 weeks now (4 weeks PM and 4 weeks ROP) .. it says here to try the press and snatch test at end of 8 weeks What exactly is the test ? I tried reading it in the ETK but I am too new to training to understand the goals ...
  12. Kettlebell Rite of passage Fat loss and strength plateau

    Hello from india !! First time getting fit .. I have unfortunately reached a fat loss plateau .. have dropped from 36 percent body fat to 24 percent uptill now looking to reach 15 percent bodyfat Successfully finished the PM from ETK with a 16kg bell now doing the Rite of passage ...
  13. nish1013

    Kettlebell Fat loss KB swings

    Hi All , Is it enough to do 100 swings using an appropriate weight per day to loose body fat effectively? How many calories roughly can burn by doing 100 swings ? I’m on calorie deficit under the guidance of a dietician. Thank you
  14. brandonc501

    Kettlebell The Quest for New Year’s Weight Loss with HIRT

    First time poster, long time reader. I am posting this to share what I have learned as well as to create a bit of accountability for my intentions. I started this thread so that I can post in a few weeks what I will learn, not to mention to spark a discussion - they are always awesome on this...
  15. Nutrition Warrior diet for powerlifters?

    Alright, folks... I've scoured the internet and besides Ori Hofmelker's books, the SF forum seems to be the next best resources for WD-related questions. Most importantly, I'm hoping to get some specific advice since most of us are strength athletes. My primary focus is Powerlifting and I have...
  16. Other/Mixed Benefits of a Good Fat-Loss Program (Besides Fat Loss)

    Just wanted to hear some thoughts on this one. I see a lot of people running fat loss programs and it got me to thinking, what are the benefits of running a quality fat loss program (any fat loss program by Geoff Neupert, for example) besides a reduction in body fat? Is it muscle gain? It...
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