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  1. Barbell Making a comeback after injury... with restrictions :-(

    I had a disappointing October this year. Had a surgery for a cyst (in my upper middle back) on the 10th. Was asked not to do any lifting for a couple of weeks. I didn't. But during those two weeks, I sort of aggravated my shoulder pain. My physio labeled it as a Grade 2 Rotator Cuff Tear. Not...
  2. Off-Topic Knee pain

    Not sure if this is the right forum section? Been doing S&S with proper warm-up for around 16-17 weeks now. Slow controled goblets with the 24, I pulled my self in to the bottom position prying. around 7 weeks ago I Went to the gym and did light front squats (my back cant take back squats). Did...
  3. Other/Mixed Left Glute Injury on Kettlebell Swings

    Hey everybody, Could use advice from anyone who has experienced symptoms like this before. Over the last couple of weeks, I've had a twinging pain in my left glute and the part of my back directly above my hip -- though only on my left side -- whenever I swing. I tried to stretch that area --...
  4. Other/Mixed Leg exercises variations and knee safety

    Although I don’t suffer from any serious knee injury, I expercience some mild knee aches occasionally and I want to fix that. I did some research and I would like to find out which of these movements are safe and which are not: 1. Steve Maxwell recommends a wall squat and wall sit variations...
  5. attila vajda

    Kettlebell Kettlebells to ACL recovery post surgery

    Hi, I am two weeks post ACL surgery with hamstring graft. Before my injury I have been training kettlebells the Strongfirst way for two years. When can I get back to kettlebell training and what are some beneficial exercises that aid recovery? Also what to avoid? Are there some good...
  6. Eddie

    Kettlebell Popped a rib out during Kettlebell Swing

    Hi all, I injured myself doing the Simple programme and couldn't find a post about a similar injury anywhere online. A little about me: 27, M, 5'10", 190lbs, ~15% body fat I've been doing martial arts and weight training since I was 16, currently doing MMA 3-5/week, and weight train...
  7. Other/Mixed Training while recovering from inflammation of the knee

    I hope no one minds if I ask. What exercise would you people recommend to a person who's recently had an inflammation of the knee? It was supposed to be inflammed only on the "outside" and it was caused most likely by (according to what I was told by the doctor) constant pressure on the left...
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