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2018 Sinister Training

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I did a couple training sessions last week that I did not log. Pretty easy, overall, I did work up to a 100# military press after my work sets. That felt great!

Started working one-hand swings with the 32 kg. Saturday I just practiced by performing ladders of 5,7,10. Sets of 5 and 7 felt solid, grip was a little dicey on sets of 10 so I'll spend a couple weeks working up to that.

Today's training 4/10/2018
Mobility and S&S warm-up

32 kg 1 HS x 7/14
Plenty of rest between sets

24 kg TGU 1/1 x 3

I am going to dial back on pull-ups. Rather than do the fighter pull-up program I will do some easy ladders or sets of 5 on the days I do not do Simple & Sinister training.

Split training into two sessions:

Lunch-time barbell training
44 pounds x 5/3

Military Press
44 pounds x 5
55 x5

Evening swings/bent press training

Set timer for 20 minutes, performed sets of 10 32 kg one-hand swings alternating R/L. Full recovery between sets, completed 15

16 kg bent press 1/1 x 2
20 kg 1/1 x 3

32 kg swings feel good. Four months ago I could get 2-3 reps. My training has been so easy, max 3 days per week working swings and I’m making great progress. I highly recommend cutting the swings to 3 days per week if you are also barbell training. I would love to do the program as written focusing only on swings and getups but I have the SFL coming up.
Long but easy training session today.

135 pounds x 5
155 x 5
175 x 5
195 x 5/3

Bench Press
65 x 5
85 x 5
95 x 3
100 x 5/3

32 kg one-hand swings
Performed set of 10 every two minutes alternating R/L for 30 minutes

20 kg TGU 1/1 x 4
24 kg TGU 1/1

I don’t really like doing swings and barbell lifts on the same day but have had to do it a few times in the last few weeks. As long as I have plenty of time to recover between sets of swings and the barbell lifts feel fast and light it hasn’t been a problem.
Considering an adjustment to my training. I have made greater progress than I anticipated toward the goal of achieving Sinister. I love swinging the 32kg, especially since I didn't even think it would be possible a year ago. Since I have approx 6 months until I re-certify the SFL, I am going to focus on the Sinister goal and dial back on the barbell training. It has been light but it does take up time and recovery. I would like to test Sinister in six weeks. Will think about this for a couple days and decide by Sunday.

S&S warm-up

10 24 kg 2HOS swings

20 kg bent press 1/1 x 3
24 kg bent press 1/1 x 2

12 kg pull-ups x 3/3


20 kg goblet squat x 5
alt 5 shoulder rok R/L
3 rounds

32 kg one-hand swings x 10/10

16 kg, 20 kg 24 kg 20 kg 16 kg TGU ladder R/L

16 kg Jefferson curl x 10/3

HLR x 3/3

Swings feeling great, I am going to continue to dead-lift once per week but will focus on a Strong Endurance plan for swings starting Monday April 23. I will continue to do get-ups, bent press and windmills. Been slowly increasing the number of reps per week with the 24 kg.

20kg goblet Squat x 5 alt 5/5 shoulder rok x 3 rounds

Worked up to 3 sets 200# deadlift x 3

10 sets 10 32 kg one-hand swings every two minutes

20 kg bent press 1/1 x2
24 kg bent press 1/1 x 3

Will be starting Plan Strong 360 Monday April 24. I’ll keep TGUs to 2-3 days per week along with bent press and/or windmills. Also going to do deadlifts once per week staying at 200 pounds working up to 3 x 5 in 3-4 weeks. Will likely drop the deadlifts last two weeks of one-hand swing program. Not going to rush but goal is to test Sinister standards in 6 weeks.

Mobility and Simple & Sinister warm-up (20 kg goblet squats)

32 kg one-hand swings x 10/8. Performed set every 2 minutes

Rested one minute then 1/1 x 5 24 kg TGU.
Completed getups in 9:30

10# weighted pull-ups x 5/3
Catching up on recording my training:


20 kg goblet squat x 5
Shoulder Rok 10/10
3 rounds

32 kg one-hand swings x 10 every two minutes-11 sets
16 kg windmill 5/5 x 3

S&S Warm-up

32 kg OHS x 10 every two minutes-16 sets

20 kg TGU 1/1 x 5



135 pounds x 5
155 x 5
175 x 5
190 x 3
200 x 4/3

Front Squat
44 pounds x 5
65 x 5
85 x 5/3


20 kg goblet squat x 5
Band scapula retraction 8/8
3 rounds

32 kg OHS x 10 every two minutes-10 sets
24 kg TGU 1/1 x 5. (Finished in 9:30)

Pull-ups x 5/3


32 kg OHS x 10 every two minutes-15 sets

20 kg Bent Press 1/1 x 3
24 kg Bent Pres 1/1 x 2
5/4. Warm-up

32 kg one hand swing every 2 minutes x 10

16 kg TGU 1/1 x 5

Pull-ups x 5/3


135 pounds x 5
155 x 5
175 x 5
190x 3
200 x 5,4,4

32 kg one-hand swings

Simple & Sinister Warm-up
Plan 360 warm-up
32 kg swings

TGU 16 kg 1/1
20 kg 1/1

24 kg 1/2 TGU 10second hold each position 1/1 x 3


16 kg goblet Squat x 5
Shoulder Rok
3 rounds

32 kg one-hand swings

TGU 24 kg 1/1 x 10


Mobility warm-up


135 pounds x 5
155 x5
175 x 5
190 x 3
200 x 5,5,5

Bench Press
44 pounds x5
65 x 5
85 x 5
95 x 3
105 x 1
115 x 1
125 x 1

(Getting a baseline)


16 kg goblet Squat x 5
12 kg halo 5/5
3 rounds

32 kg swings

Bent Press
16 kg 1/1
20 kg 1/1 x2
24 kg 1/1 x 2

16 kg goblet squat x 5
12 kg halos 5/5
3 rounds

16 kg OHS x 10 every 30 seconds/4

32 kg One-hand swings (Strong Endurance Plan 360 Week 3 day 2)

20 kg TGU 1/1 x 5

Pull-ups x 5/3

Got up and did training at 5:00 a.m. This was my normal time for years until this past winter when I started doing my training in the evenings. It has messed up my sleep cycle so I'm going to go back to early a.m. Will be tough for a couple weeks to adjust but I think I'll get a little more quality sleep without the evening activity.
16 kg goblet squat x 5
12 kg halo 5/5
3 rounds

Strong Endurance Plan 360 warm-up

Strong Endurance Plan 360 one-hand swings

16 kg TGU 1/1
20 kg TGU 1/1 x 2
24 kg TGU 1/1 x 3

10 pound weighted pull-ups x 5/3

Goblet Squat/Halo warm-up

SE 360 warm-up
SE plan 360 one-hand swings

16 kg Jefferson curl x 10/3
Windmill/kneeling windmill practice


16 kg windmill 3/3 x 3
40 kg 2HS x 5/5

135 pounds x 5
155 x 5
175 x 5
200 x 3
210 x 3/3

Bench Press
65 pounds x 5
85 x 5
105 x 3/3


Goblet Squat/Halo warm-up
SE plan 360 warm-up
SE plan 360 one-hand swings

First day doing swings every 30 seconds-definitely winded after each series but able to maintain power and grip strength felt solid

One minute rest

20 kg TGU 1/1 x 5

Right on track with progress. I should achieve Sinister standard with swings in a few weeks. Performing TGUs with one minute rest is going to take a bit longer. No hurry. Strength in barbell lifts is coming along. Gradually getting stronger even though volume is low. I’m sure the deadlifts have helped my swings and swings have helped deadlifts.
Haven’t posted in a while and wanted to update. On June 2 I attempted Sinister and completed all the sets and reps in the required time. After review however it was pointed out my left shoulder really never stayed packed. I got the email as I was headed out the door for 10 days in Ireland. Just now getting back into training and will keep moving forward,

I have the SFL coming up in November and will be focusing a little more on barbell training. I’ll still be doing heavy swings but am switching to the Strongfirst Endurance Plan 260 as it is requires a little less volume.

The time away and break was much needed. My body feels well-rested and strong. Looking forward to the next few months of training.

Bench Press
Lat Pull-downs
Incline close-grip bench press
TRX rows


Strong Endurance Plan 260 Swings
TGU 20 kg 1/1 x 5

Finished bending some Iron Mind green nails.

I'm going to be a little more ambiguous logging my barbell training over the next 6 weeks. Working with an online coach and do not want to make her programming public.
Still plugging away. 32 kg strings are feeling and looking much better. It's very tempting to test again, but I'm going to wait. Right now my swings are a nice compliment to the fairly easy barbell training I'm doing to prep for the SFL in November. I'll see how I feel in four weeks, may give it another shot, Truthfully I like that the swings are getting easier and I may just wait until the end of the year.

I had been having a little bit of discomfort in my right knee during left Turkish getups. After the two-week break it felt much better and I've added rear-leg elevated split squats to my warm-up. This really seems to help turn on the glutes and working leg. I've noticed a little more meat on my scrawny legs so that's a win as well.
During the last four weeks I've been bending steel 2-3 times per week. I'm working with a coach with the ultimate goal of bending the 1/4" 6-inch bar (Ironmind Blue). Last night I was able to bend the 1/4" 7-inch (yellow equivalent) for the first time. It took almost 5 minutes with plenty of rest breaks, but I got it.

I've noticed a huge carryover in my grip doing 32 kg swings since I've started bending again. The volume is pretty low and it's a lot of fun, something for those pursing "Sinister" to consider.
Not a lot of posting lately but I'm still training for "Sinsiter". I've been following Plan 260 from Strong Endurance. This is a lower volume program and has worked out very well with the additional barbell work I've been doing. I'm taking things slow, feel like I'm at a point where I'll test when I'm feeling rested and strong on a particular day. Get-ups are feeling great, the break in June for a couple weeks was exactly what my cranky right knee required.
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