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  1. Kettlebell form check

    I know basic guidelines to perform the swing but I was wondering if I was doing something wrong unconsciously and was not performing correctly. Here is the video so please review and give me advice whether it is correct or not, any help is appreciated. 16kg Doing S&S , novice. 2nd week of step...
  2. Kettlebell From 24 kg to 36 kg S&S

    Hi everyone, I´m new to the forum. Read ETK and S&S 1.0, started kb trainning, read S&S 2.0 few weeks ago. 40 yo, 75 kg, a bit over worked and a 5 mo baby at home. Doing S&& with 24kg first 5-6 mornings a week, and running the remaining. No more like 4 days of S&S and 3 of LISS (run). (maybe...
  3. Kettlebell TGUs for long-armed people (elbow problems)

    Hey folks! Been working on my TGUs a lot lately, and there's something giving me a bit of difficulty. My arms are fairly long and in the tall sit position, to keep them packed, my arm has to be about 45 degrees from vertical. My elbow feels a bit vulnerable being so far out - sometimes I feel it...
  4. Kettlebell Golfer's Elbow with TGU

    I feel as I go heavier and heavier with the TGU (only at 24kg right now), my left elbow seems to complain more and more. My right elbow is mostly fine. I try to focus on keeping my shoulder packed/lats engaged (until they need to disengage ever so slightly to raise the bell overhead), and I...
  5. Boles

    Kettlebell Double-Jointed TGU and Press

    Both of my elbows and knees are double-jointed. I read one thread here about double-jointed work, but I'm specifically curious if an arm lockout for a Press and the TGU should include the full extension of my elbow into its, for me, natural double-jointed state, or if I should more rely on...
  6. Kettlebell Swings & TGU Form Feedback

    Hello, I just joined the forum and was hoping to get some feedback on my swings and turkish get-ups. I started Simple & Sinister a little over 2 months ago after ordering and reading the book. Background: Prior to starting S&S I had belonged to a crossfit gym for about 3 months, going 3x a...
  7. Kettlebell Substituting bent press to TGU

    Hello everyone, When following S&S is it possible and allowed to substitute the bent oress to the TGU if a mat is not available. I have times where I have to workout in a parking lot so lying downnon the grou d is bot an option. So is it okay if I substitute the bentpress for parking lot sessions?
  8. nish1013

    Kettlebell TGU overhead weight

    Power to you all ! I do TGU using a 8kg . I noticed I struggle with overhead position of the weight, don’t feel strong . Is there any drill to improve? thank you
  9. Bodyweight A TGU Bodyweight Equivalent? Why/Why Not?

    I read an article that said 'a PT from trainstrong PT could barely flip a 350kg tyre. after doing 3 months of serious TGU work with a 48kg kettlebell, he was able to flip it over easily' I cant get a kettlebell, Would a One Arm Handstand provide the same stabiliser strength as the TGU??? If...
  10. DrFierce

    Kettlebell Would Farmer Carries be a good temporary TGU substitute

    I injured my left shoulder about a month ago but increasing pull up volume too quickly. Originally I thought I had aggravated a previously C6/7 radiculopathy but I saw my doctor today and she thought it was just a strain, likely of the insertion of my lat into my shoulder. The result has been...
  11. Bauer

    Kettlebell What's your most difficult phase in the TGU?

    A recent thread got me thinking. At the beginning for me it was every phase - I hated it. These days I love it, except for a) lunge position to standing and b) lowering from low sweep to tall sit on the way down. Both issues have to do with foot placement and knee stability in my case. I am...
  12. Kettlebell Get ups for legs

    How much would you say get ups work the legs? If someone trained only get ups would you expect their max squat to go up? Also a technique question; how much weight should go through the back leg during in the transition between having your hand on the floor and just before the lunge up?
  13. Bauer

    Kettlebell Pat Flynn TGU material

    Hi folks, I thought some of you might find this interesting. Pat Flynn is about to start a TGU challenge (10 minutes a day) and has produced some free material for it. 17 minutes video with Aleks Salkin: 5 Fun, Effective Turkish Get Up Variations for Strength, Endurance, and Mobility -...
  14. Hogar#

    Kettlebell TGU modification?

    I need some advice about TGU. I have giantcell tumor in my right wrist and I can not hold my weight on that hand. I can not do pushups and other things that put axial pressure to my distal radius. I am waiting for surgery Btw, I found that I can do TGU if I skip the part from elbow to hand. From...
  15. RLow04

    Kettlebell Struggling to stabilize the 16kg for TGU

    Struggling to stabilize the 16kg for TGU And i don’t have a ton of shoulder strength/stability. Should I just keep doing the first few steps from floor to elbow to straight arm or supplement in some other way? I have some lighter KBs for my wife, but I want to stay with the heavier weight to...
  16. Kettlebell Great active rest combo with TGUs. What do you do for rest periods?

    Yesterday while doing my TGUs, I decided to try pairing some active rest, taking advantage of already being on the floor. It felt wonderful on the shoulders. Fast and loose is good if you are already standing but not convenient for getups. Do a getup. Slide the bell around your head to your...
  17. Bauer

    Kettlebell TGUs and your midsection

    Hi folks, my apologies if this has been posted before. Inside the Muscles: Best Ab Exercises | T Nation Bret Contreras tested a variety of exercises (incl. Chin Ups, Deadlifts etc.) and measured peak and mean activation of four muscle groups: lower rectus abdominis, external obliques...
  18. coosbaylarson

    2018 Sinister Training

    48 Years old. Busy full-time business owner, wife and mom. Part-time strength coach. My goals for 2018 are Sinister and re-certifying the SFL. I've signed up to take the SFL in November and am excited to attend as a student again after assisting in 2016. My focus for the last couple years...
  19. J.C.S.

    Kettlebell S&S Swing Critique and TGU sub

    History of GS kettlebell lifting, and would like you good folks to critique my HS swing. My right arm is my strong (compared to STRONGER left arm) arm. Did 10x10 today, I believe this was set 9. Also, I am unable to complete TGU due to Osgood-Schlatter on my left knee. I have tried sleeves...
  20. Zack

    Kettlebell Optimize Your Turkish Get-Up with These Pro Tips

    I polled the StrongFirst Instructor Facebook group for the best TGU training tips. With over 20 replies, I compiled the responses into a 2-part series that you can check out here: Turkish Get-Up Strength Secrets Revealed - Zack Henderson Training Turkish Get-Up Tips From the Pros (Pt. 2) -...
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