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Bodyweight A TGU Bodyweight Equivalent? Why/Why Not?

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I read an article that said 'a PT from trainstrong PT could barely flip a 350kg tyre. after doing 3 months of serious TGU work with a 48kg kettlebell, he was able to flip it over easily'

I cant get a kettlebell, Would a One Arm Handstand provide the same stabiliser strength as the TGU???

If you'd be given $1 Million to design a bodyweight exercise that had just about the same benefit as the TGU, what would it be?
Crawling in all its' variations is pretty similar. Lots of contralateral and stabilizing work.

Here is Tim Anderson doing 56kg barbell TGUs without training for it

He trains mostly with crawls, carries and battle rope stuff. And about 50 hindu pushups and hindu squats (each) per day.

Backwards Leopard Crawling has reportedly helped quite a few people with feats like one-arm pushups.

Here is SFG I & II Aleks Salkin demonstrating a couple of variations:

One-arm pushups (read Naked Warrior) are another strong contender as they will teach you tension and coordinated whole body effort.

You didn't say who's body weight

Kidding aside, you might be able to do some body weight exercises that address some pieces of the get up, but if you want to do get ups, don't make the lack of kettlebells an excuse. You can be doing them with a shoe, sandbag, or virtually anything you can hold and/or balance on one hand.

I don't expect a million dollars for that answer, but $100K would be nice.

Weighted crawling as already mentioned is a good option, plus all variations of push ups to be sure to cover all the angles. Indeed, you'll also need some vertical stability, so HSPU work may be a nice add on.

In addition to that, plenty of things are necessary, such as the core (HS plank, LSit, [hanging]leg raises, etc...

Regarding the leg training, pistols are a must as far as pure bodyweight goes. It would even be better if you can safely load them.

Sure @Pavel Macek has some field-tested tips which work everytime !

Kind regards,

A heavy get-up is all about leverage and getting stacked and solid under the weight through the positions. A challenging activity that moves bodyweight through challenging positions using leverage is a pretty good equivalent... like rock climbing. (@WxHerk will know where I got this thought from ;) )
a get up is a get up. a flip tire is a flip tire. we must remember that
and also the crawl is the crawl...
My idea is:
- The PT knew how to flip the tire before
- The PT can flip the still heavy but not 350kg tire
-The PT had enough strength already but had some leakage while doing the flip, and the heavy get up helped that aspect.
-Tim Anderson knew the get up already
-Tim Anderson could do heavy get up already
-Crawling taught him to some lessons so he could apply to get up, so he could do that feat.

Now every exercise will teach you something, and "something" could be helpful for you or not. Make sure that you know what are you looking for. For me, the get up has unique benefit that no exercise could replace: you transfer yourself to different plane strongly. If you haven't practice it yet, and do bodyweight - shoe - glass of water instead. And then probably do a human get up like Mr Georgio recommends.
About the crawls
a get up is a get up. a flip tire is a flip tire. we must remember that
and also the crawl is the crawl...
My idea is:
- The PT knew how to flip the tire before
- The PT can flip the still heavy but not 350kg tire
-The PT had enough strength already but had some leakage while doing the flip, and the heavy get up helped that aspect.
-Tim Anderson knew the get up already
-Tim Anderson could do heavy get up already
-Crawling taught him to some lessons so he could apply to get up, so he could do that feat.

Now every exercise will teach you something, and "something" could be helpful for you or not. Make sure that you know what are you looking for. For me, the get up has unique benefit that no exercise could replace: you transfer yourself to different plane strongly. If you haven't practice it yet, and do bodyweight - shoe - glass of water instead. And then probably do a human get up like Mr Georgio recommends.
About the crawls


Crawling ia great. Working the abs, shoulders and unilateral moves has some carryover to TGU and almost anything. But to say it will substitute a heavy TGU is like saying that running will build you a heavy squat.
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@Pavel Macek
When traveling, what is your crawling protocol ?

Basically, do you think the exercises you mentioned (plus may be pistols for example) can provide as much 'raw strength' as an heavy get up ?

Would it have a WTH effect of the following kind 'oh I can do an heavy get up without really training for it' ?

Kind regards,


@Pavel Macek
When traveling, what is your crawling protocol ?

Basically, do you think the exercises you mentioned (plus may be pistols for example) can provide as much 'raw strength' as an heavy get up ?

Would it have a WTH effect of the following kind 'oh I can do an heavy get up without really training for it' ?

Kind regards,


a) 10 mins, all different kinds
b) Get-up = get-up. So no. SAID.
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