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Kettlebell AXE Training Thread

There is a rumour on the board that All of the soup has been eaten. That is not true. I got some good home made chicken soup ready to be served. If you let us now the average time of an AXE session.
10-30 minutes, or up to 40 minutes if you want. On average probably 24 minutes, without movement prep. The book is very helpful in terms of stop signs, deloads, step loading, progression, etc.
Yesterday 1H swing test: 48kg, 4/18(shoulder stopped me)
Today was 1H Jerk test: 48kg, 4/1416(talk test stopped me)

Aiming to switch to high frequency single KB work. AXE 1H swings(A), Jerks(B) and high volume speed metal/fast and loose light(16kg, 5E30) snatches(C) with stop signs for all.


100# to lose, here we go.
I have overestimated my ability to recover with adding up to three 10-20min C sessions on a caloric deficit. Will revisit adding C sessions in after some AXE progress is made..
Just finished my last session of Axe for a while. I did an 8 week block then had a 3 week holiday where I did very little, then on return did a 2 week chunk to try and get back on form.

3 sessions a week, today was 6 x swings (1H alternate sides) OTM for 60 minutes @ 32kg. Have been adding 4 minutes after each session if feels OK (I started at 6 x swings OTM for 40 minutes).

Great session, felt solid.

Now to a 6 week BB/hypertrophy block, although will aim for a fortnightly Axe session to maintain a bit of what I've gained the last few months.
Hi guys, what do you think weekly schedule like this?;
Mon & Thu - AXE swings and get ups
Thue & Fri - double clean & press and front squat (ladders as described in ROTK)
Wen, Sat, Sun - Off/LISS
Hi guys, what do you think weekly schedule like this?;
Mon & Thu - AXE swings and get ups
Thue & Fri - double clean & press and front squat (ladders as described in ROTK)
Wen, Sat, Sun - Off/LISS
I’d add goblet squats (rule of 10 - like 2x5) as a mobility work before the swings on AXE days.
I’d add goblet squats (rule of 10 - like 2x5) as a mobility work before the swings on AXE days.

Yeah, I'm doing a warm-up of 2 rounds (with KB 12kg first round then 16kg second round) of:

400m very easy run (to the gym).
20 x swings (2H then 1H).
10 x goblet squats with a halo (clockwise / anti-clockwise) at the top of each.
5 x pull-ups (mix of grips).
5 x press-ups (mix of narrow/wide/normal).
2 x TGUs (alt sides) with 5x presses / snatches at top of each.

Once done that I do 10 of 'best stretch in the world'.

Sometimes feels like if I did that every day it would be a perfect (very) easy strength/mobility 'workout' and ticks most of the boxes.
I did AXE Snatches from October through last week. Started with sets of 4 reps with a 28kg bell and progressed to sets of 5 with the 32kg bell. I'm extremely pleased with my progress. I'll be back for another block after running Q&D for 12 weeks.
Do you mean pleased with progress within the AXE workout, in other areas, or both?
Do you mean pleased with progress within the AXE workout, in other areas, or both?
Both. In late summer I could only do a couple of sloppy Snatches with the 32kg. Right now 30 repeats of 4 with the 32 are easy.

Outside of AXE I'm pleased with my general body composition and endurance. I work rotating 12 hour shifts. I've been on nights for the last 16 weeks. Typically I can only maintain (or regress) during night shift rotation because my sleep is completely wrecked. I often gain a few pounds and lose some hypertrophy. Opposite this time. I've lost a few pounds and I'm noticeably more muscular.

For reference I did AXE Snatches the whole time. First 4 weeks I did AXE jerks as well. Second 4 weeks I did Barbell and Mace work in place of jerks. Recently I started Iron Cardio in place of the Barbell work. Sprinkled in zone 2 cardio but it was minimal because I haven't been sleeping well.
AXE so far:
A sessions are Kettlebell AXE 1h swings with 48kg
B sessions are Kettlebell AXE Jerks with single 48kg

DayMon ATues BThur AFri B
Week 14/184/164/184/16
Week 24/184/164/204/20
Week 34/244/244/204/24
Week 44/244/244/244/24

Speed Metal snatches aren't going to work with this program, or at least not for a while. I tried adding them in to weeks 1 and 2, but I couldn't recover very well. Starting tomorrow I'm going to be adding 20-30min brisk walks on mornings.

I'm loving the Jerks and it feels good to practice 1h swings... The first 2 weeks of swings were not good technique, and I just learned pulling my elbow in on the drop and for the launch is making Jerks feel super powerful.

Jerks are stopping on talk test and 1h swings are stopping at grip stop sign(no chalk). I think halting AXE set number progress may be needed to adjust to walks again.

Question: for warm-ups I've been doing TGUs. A light 2R/2L and a medium 1L/1R with 5-10min break prior to A or B work sets, is this too much acid for a warmup, especially on Jerk days?
Partially as a matter of curiosity, I'm returning to AXE Training after a Hiatus.

It would seem that after being sick and sitting things out for a while, and trying to ease back into my Daily Moderate Training Regime, I didn't lose too much performance-wise.

I'll look forward to watching how this six-rep/set difficulty descends over time.
I estimate it'll take up a little more space on the calendar than previous steps, but we'll see.

I observe that the reps don't seem to have a huge effect on the muscles.
currently, the bottleneck seems to be a cardio-like difficulty.
The bulk of the RPE measurement belongs to a sense of systemic fatigue.
My musculature in my thighs and Glutes, etc. mostly feel unscathed after the session is over.
But, my breathing is elevated and my heart rate is raised; I still pass the talk test relatively easily.
I observe that the reps don't seem to have a huge effect on the muscles.
currently, the bottleneck seems to be a cardio-like difficulty.
The bulk of the RPE measurement belongs to a sense of systemic fatigue.
My musculature in my thighs and Glutes, etc. mostly feel unscathed after the session is over.
But, my breathing is elevated and my heart rate is raised; I still pass the talk test relatively easily.
I’ve noticed the same thing on both AXE (per the book) and the KBSF LCCJ program. I usually stop for cardio-related reasons, not muscle-related ones. That’s why I added LISS back into my Novocaine template—to build my gas tank. It seems to be working.
Hi guys, what do you think weekly schedule like this?;
Mon & Thu - AXE swings and get ups
Thue & Fri - double clean & press and front squat (ladders as described in ROTK)
Wen, Sat, Sun - Off/LISS
I’m running Giant C&P day 1 then Axe Day 2 in that schedule. Giant is usually 20 mins. Walk 10-20ish miles a week, but weighted only a couple times a month. I’m 53 so take with a grain of salt. The 4 KB workouts a week are very manageable. Feel amazing and seeing both strength and endurance gains. However been surprised how impactful workouts are on legs. Was worried about shoulders. So for me adding FSQ would be too much.
Not sure if this means anything, but my legs are outpacing my ability to breath while going for walks. Perhaps a combo of not doing any walking for 2 months and AXE adaptation? I'm leaning into the former as to why, but geez my legs are thoughtlessly aggressive with their force production.
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