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Other/Mixed Is it necessary to practice horizontal pulling?

Other strength modalities (e.g., Clubs), mixed strength modalities (e.g., combined kettlebell and barbell), other goals (flexibility)
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John Kowalski

Level 2 Valued Member
Is it really necessary to train rowing movements? I’ve been watching kusthi wrestlers’ workouts and they do lots of hindu push ups, clubs, rope climbing and pull ups, but there are virtually no rowing exercises included and nobody there looks like they have a hunched posture problem. Does one really need to perform rows if they practice pull ups or other vertical pulls?
I would say it depends on how much horizontal pressing you do.
Structural balance
You asked the same question in February...
This is not a question science can answer. All you will get is opinions and those will differ from person. You have world class trainers who say it's necessary and other world class trainers saying all that horizontal, vertical etc. stuff is complete BS.
All of them will most likely be able to quote one or two studies "proving" their point.
I gave you my opinion in the old thread.
You have to decide for yourself...

lots of hindu push ups, clubs, rope climbing and pull ups
This supports my opinion that it's about scapular function and the muscles associated with it and not about pushing to pulling ratios, vertical/horizontal and all that stuff.
Overdeveloped lats (through too many pullups and/or rows) can lead to a hunched posture (see climbers). Too much pushing, too (bench press, military press, pushups etc.).
They push a lot (hindu pushups) and have a lot of lat work (pullups, rope climbing), yet they don't have disbalances. Maybe that's because they use tools like clubs which teach proper scapular function and stretch the muscles that lead to the hunched over posture (lats, pecs, shoulders).
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