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Kettlebell Kettlebell ICT

Week 1, Day 1 down. Option #2, advanced exercises. Not easy. Experimented a bit with the weights today, went as heavy as possible to maximize results.

Got 5 sets for each segment. Will increase sets over time but I’ve got SFG II coming up in April and want to keep everything in line with the appropriate weights for that.

A1. 1H swing @ 28kg
A2. DMP 2x28kg

B1. 1H snatch @24kg
B2. DFSq @ 2x24kg

The most surprising thing for me was having to drop the weight down on the DFSq, but i could tell after my first set at 2X28kg with all the swings and snatches my legs were definitely feeling it and there was no way i could stay heavy there. One more time I’ve been reminded don’t squat often enough. We’ll see if I get inspired to go back up later in the program. I have a ton of head room on squats relative to the rest of my lifts.

I also started the swings at 32kg, did the first 3 sets that way but backed down to 28kg to leave enough energy for the snatches to come later. Snatches weren’t bad, though i definitely stretched the rest periods on the last couple sets to finish strong.
Week 1, Day 1 down. Option #2, advanced exercises. Not easy. Experimented a bit with the weights today, went as heavy as possible to maximize results.

Got 5 sets for each segment. Will increase sets over time but I’ve got SFG II coming up in April and want to keep everything in line with the appropriate weights for that.

A1. 1H swing @ 28kg
A2. DMP 2x28kg

B1. 1H snatch @24kg
B2. DFSq @ 2x24kg

The most surprising thing for me was having to drop the weight down on the DFSq, but i could tell after my first set at 2X28kg with all the swings and snatches my legs were definitely feeling it and there was no way i could stay heavy there. One more time I’ve been reminded don’t squat often enough. We’ll see if I get inspired to go back up later in the program. I have a ton of head room on squats relative to the rest of my lifts.

I also started the swings at 32kg, did the first 3 sets that way but backed down to 28kg to leave enough energy for the snatches to come later. Snatches weren’t bad, though i definitely stretched the rest periods on the last couple sets to finish strong.
Nice work, i tried going as heavy as possible too and decided to drop down on a lot of things. Opted for 24k on swings and 20k on snatches too. The press (using 24’s) is the only one that I’m really considering moving up on. Was more looking to surviving/thriving in the future weeks of the programs. What weights are you using for the pp/jerk?
Current plan based on testing is 2X24kg for both. We’ll see how that goes Wednesday.
I attempted that as well, but after finishing the round of pp i dropped down (16/20k) for the jerks and stuck with it since.
Got 5 sets for each segment. Will increase sets over time..
The program seems geared for 5 sets/segment, there are up to 2 min rests and it's 15 min/segment.

When I do 2H swings for conditioning, I get 5. With the PP - 7 sets
I'm doing option 2 advanced exercises. It seems like I have to go very light on my conditioning movement-DPP so I'm not getting muscle burn.I'm using 16kg .I thought I would be using 28-28kg.If I go heavier it seems like I will run out of gas after 3 or 4 sets.Remember that after 4 weeks it goes up to 45 seconds then eventually to 60 seconds,Do you think you will be able to do the heavier weights for sets that long(for conditing)? I just do higher reps for the time.When doing presses for strength,then I use 28kg.May even go to 32kg after awhile.I actually feel like my regular presses are getting stronger with the light presses .24s for the DF squats and 40kg for dbl bent over rows .I'm a strong rower.And the light push presses give me a terrific pump
The program seems geared for 5 sets/segment, there are up to 2 min rests and it's 15 min/segment.

When I do 2H swings for conditioning, I get 5. With the PP - 7 sets
I'm still trying to nail down which Conditioning weight I should use: If I go lighter I can recover via Talk Test in about a minute and do more repeats, if I go heavier it takes the nearly the full 2 minutes to recover but feels like the appropriate challenge level. However, I'm worried about the added time every 4 weeks with the heavier weights
I'm still trying to nail down which Conditioning weight I should use: If I go lighter I can recover via Talk Test in about a minute and do more repeats, if I go heavier it takes the nearly the full 2 minutes to recover but feels like the appropriate challenge level. However, I'm worried about the added time every 4 weeks with the heavier weights
How many sessions have you done?
Give it at least a week or so either way and decide. I see from my notes I went a bit heavier wk 2,.session 3
Current plan based on testing is 2X24kg for both. We’ll see how that goes Wednesday.
Sounds like a rip cord for your heart rate and breathing! The PP impart a time under tension element that spills over into the following segment so good choice on the 2x24kg there in A2. How much do you weigh out of curiosity?
I'm still trying to nail down which Conditioning weight I should use: If I go lighter I can recover via Talk Test in about a minute and do more repeats, if I go heavier it takes the nearly the full 2 minutes to recover but feels like the appropriate challenge level. However, I'm worried about the added time every 4 weeks with the heavier weights
I am in agreement with you.I could go heavier and I do seem recovered way before the 2 minutes are up,so I just do more sets.It will get much more challenging when the set times increase.
I attempted that as well, but after finishing the round of pp i dropped down (16/20k) for the jerks and stuck with it since.
Good to know. I’ve done some LC C& P at 2x28 and 2x 32 in the past, but never for this sort of volume (feels sport style, should be interesting)
The program seems geared for 5 sets/segment, there are up to 2 min rests and it's 15 min/segment.
Yeah, that felt like a good start, would love to get an extra set in if I get comfortable with the volume and can compress the rest sets. Though Phase 2 & 3 will be interesting when I get there regardless.
How much do you weigh out of curiosity?
Currently at 195 lb.
How many sessions have you done?
Give it at least a week or so either way and decide. I see from my notes I went a bit heavier wk 2,.session 3
I did some testing over the weekend and did a shortened A day today to get a feel. Will do a mini B day tomorrow too. I have an inconsistent schedule the next two weeks so won't truly start this until 1/16
Good to know. I’ve done some LC C& P at 2x28 and 2x 32 in the past, but never for this sort of volume (feels sport style, should be interesting)

Currently at 195 lb.
Got me by about 15lbs... Curious to see how it feels for you at that weight. The PP are definitely that - sporty
I just started my week 4. I think I might be in the minority here, but I'm not pushing intensity. I average 7 sets per period. I can go 8 sets if I want to really push it. I can pass my talk test well ahead of the 2 minute mark. If you can't pass your talk tests well under the 2 minute mark in the first 4 weeks, then weeks 5-12 might be pretty brutal without stepping down in weight. Good Luck to All!
I ran first workout yesterday - looks very promising to me. Got faster breath and HR up, got some strength work. I felt like after BJJ workouts back in the days - I think that if you have martial arts background and are used to such type of effort you may really enjoy this program.

Right now I'm very curious how I will feel later in the program, especially with the longer rounds duration.
Jolines the forum to be able to participate in the discussion. Just started this program as well yesterday , going with option 2 and intermediate excercises.

So did the first workout and I’m thinking I might be going a bit too light on the swings in the conditioning part, went with 16 kg 1H swings and did aprox 17-19 swings per 30 sec. Before this program I did a couple of weeks S&S where I’m owning the 24 kg in 1H swings and was planning to progress to 32 kg according to the book. Should I go with 24 kg in the conditioning part or maybe get a 20 kg bell?

One final question . In the intermediate option with front squats you are only using 1 bell right ? And I should only do 4 reps per set and not 4 per side as with the presses?

As a background I started with KB training last summer but got more serious since October so quite new to the KB journey but really enjoying this program and will be a nice break from s&s that I will continue with after this program
1 mile run and park romp with the youngins
A day, option 1

A1 advanced 24k’s
A2 intermediate/advanced 24k

B1 advanced 24k’s
B2 advanced 20k

Getting 6 rounds for both segments, swings I'm getting 19-20, snatches 12-13.
Was feeling a bit winded today but not terrible.
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