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Kettlebell Kettlebell STRONG! Plus other exercises?

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I'd use a heavier bell then follow the plan as written..

Last year using a bell which was my 8-10 technical rep max for rows, when I returned to test my pullups I managed to knock off 12 pullups if memory serves me correctly when I didn't do a single rep for almost 3-4 months due to lockdown
I might give that program a crack when I finish this one. Seems it would work well with a pair of heavier bells.
After 2 weeks of trying to put in 5 days a week in with the 4 week Prep STRONG I gotta say, I get it now.

As I’m getting into the higher rep range for the sets, I can really feel how much (or how little) I’m allowing myself to recover.

Currently moving towards doing the following; 3 Prep Strong workouts a week with double 24kg bells. On Mondays and Fridays I’m adding deficit pushups on the KBs at the end of each set for the same number of reps as I was doing in the set (I started the program on a Wednesday so Mondays and Fridays have higher volume sets). And to finish the day on all three days I’m doing curls. On Thursday, I’ll have just TGU and Swings (volume depending on how I’m feeling) with a single 18kg bell. And I’m thinking that’s it.

Bumping calories to 3000kcal per day with 150gr minimum of protein and good quantities of carbs and fats (lots of ribeyes in my diet) plus supplementing with creatine monohydrate. And striving to get a minimum of 8 hours sleep a night.

I’ll update as I get further in, may cut push-ups from the sets if I have trouble recovering still, but I’m going to try to stay on the 4 week plan.
Much like in BJJ,

a lot of your questions get answered once you put in more time in practice :)
Yep! Everything is try out in the lab and see what results you get.

Today I was particularly beaten down, so instead of doing the workout in one go I spaced it out over the morning and was actually able to add a few extra sets with perfect form. Going to see how that affects recovery for Friday’s workout and might make Wednesday a grease the groove day going forward.
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